Leinart Overanalyzed? ABSOLUTELY

Discussion in 'New York Jets' started by Vilma#51, May 2, 2006.

  1. Vilma#51

    Vilma#51 New Member

    Apr 26, 2006
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    Leinart Resume:
    - 2 national titles
    - 1 heisman, and two-time heisman finalist
    - ~160 QB rating for 3-years
    - Threw for over 10,000 yards over 3-years
    - ~65% completion percentage with over 1,200 pass attempts
    - 99TDs to only 23 INTS

    How can you dispute that resume. These scouts overanalyze and end up missing the forest for the trees.

    PS. The arm-strength argument is overblown. Pennington/Simms/Brady/etc have all had success in the Meadowlands without a rifle. Pennington has the highest career QB rating (92.1) of any JETS QB in history. Meaning when he was healthy his arm strength was sufficient to be successfull in the Meadowlands. Also if arm strength was such an issue to JETS FO, why then try to trade-up with the Lions to grab Leinart?

    #1 Vilma#51, May 2, 2006
    Last edited: May 2, 2006
  2. KY_Jetsfan

    KY_Jetsfan New Member

    Apr 27, 2005
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    I think we got the QB we wanted and 2 kick ass lineman to boot.
  3. Vilma#51

    Vilma#51 New Member

    Apr 26, 2006
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    Although I dont agree with your picks, not disputing them here. Making general observation that we overanalyze everyone in this draft - and Leinart/Bush were in front of that line.
  4. AlioTheFool

    AlioTheFool Spiveymaniac

    Sep 27, 2005
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    If the Jets wanted Leinart, they would have drafted him. They obviously didn't. Hell, they didn't even push for Cutler, who was ranked higher than Leinart and Young by our staff. They wanted Clemmens. They made sure they went and spent time with the kid on that country-wide tour a few weeks back.

    We got the line we were targeting, and the QB who we wanted. Leinart is going to have problems beating out Kurt Warner in Arizona. Forget him, he's gone, and good riddance.
  5. Vilma#51

    Vilma#51 New Member

    Apr 26, 2006
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    I guess you missed the article yesterday that disclosed the JETS FO tried to trade-up with Detroit to pick up Leinart in Rd 1.
  6. VickBlows

    VickBlows Active Member

    Oct 17, 2004
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    I agree with everything you said with the exception of Pennington having ?Success??c?mon man be objective. Would you consider him a ?Success? if he were a Dolphin?

    I?m still happy with the quarterback we took however.
  7. AlioTheFool

    AlioTheFool Spiveymaniac

    Sep 27, 2005
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    They also made the call to trade up for Bush. What's the point? They were curious to see what it would cost. Perhaps they wanted to see if they could steal the pick, and come out looking like heroes to the NY media, and in turn, the fans who listen to them.

    Multiple times over the weekend, teams tried to rip off the young bucks, but they stood pat, and stuck to the plan.
  8. ThunderbirdJet

    ThunderbirdJet New Member

    Jun 14, 2005
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    Weak arm, surfer dude. I also question that story..... most reports had the Jets with Cutler above Leinart on their draft board.
  9. Bomber

    Bomber New Member

    Aug 30, 2005
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    I have strong doubts about the intentions of that article: half of the job of a FO is PR, and that article smacks of PR to me.

    I think Tanny and co were trying to short circuit any criticism they may have got in the media for not drafting Leinart: hence the cock and bull story about them attempting to draft up to get him. Who can blame them? The media and public have such a knee jerk reaction at times that they can't see the wood for the trees. The wood in this case being we badly needed a revamp on our O line, and we didn't need a weak-armed pretty boy type so badly that we were going to throw picks away on him.

    In other words they were always going to get D'Brick, and keep the no. 29 for Mangold, and were never serious about throwing away later picks to get to Leinart. The move to get Clemmons should tell you that: they had that planned a long way in advance, and it may turn out that we got the steal of the draft by getting him where we did.
  10. Vilma#51

    Vilma#51 New Member

    Apr 26, 2006
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    Pennington has the highest career QB rating (92.1) of any JETS QB in history. Meaning when he was healthy his arm strength was sufficient to be successfull in the Meadowlands.
  11. ChuckkieB

    ChuckkieB Member

    Apr 29, 2006
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    The Jets weren't the only team that passed on Leinart. His old coach even passed on him. What does this mean? Who knows?
  12. BadgerOnLSD

    BadgerOnLSD Banned

    Sep 6, 2004
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    It means Norm Chow isn't in charge of making draft picks.
  13. ChuckkieB

    ChuckkieB Member

    Apr 29, 2006
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    That's true, but you would think that the guy would have serious input when it came to Leinart. If Chow was really high on him, you could make the leap that he would've been the pick.
  14. I'm not sure what the point of this thread is. We passed on one good player to pick another. No one is arguing that leinart wasnt a great prospect. Our FO just felt that LT was a bigger need and that Ferguson was better value.

    We filled a need and got a great player to build our entire offense around.That's all there is to it.

    Any complaint is just bias toward a certain player. I myself wanted Cutler above all else, and wouldve loved to have seen us trade down a few slots to select him. But that doesnt mean i cant see through my preference to notice the value of the selection we made. It just isn't a good idea to get your heart set on your team taking one player over another in the draft. 9 times out of 10 you will end up very dissapointed and afterward, will appear bitter and off base w/ your opinions.
    #14 KurtTheJetsFan, May 2, 2006
    Last edited by a moderator: May 2, 2006
  15. Vilma#51

    Vilma#51 New Member

    Apr 26, 2006
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    WHats the point of any thread dude? To have some discussion. The pt is that we overanalyzed this guy to hell, when he did everything one could ask for - in terms of collegiate performance, combine, etc, That goes for not just the JETS FO, but for everyone else that passed - especially the Raiders and the JETS.
  16. ChuckkieB

    ChuckkieB Member

    Apr 29, 2006
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    I think the underlying theme is that the Jets, while making 2 quality picks in the first round, made two SAFE picks. The Jets as an organization never seem to role the dice. I personally think they made the right move, but clearly there are some here who think otherwise.
  17. That maybe the case. However, it doesnt take alot of analysis to notice 2 things about Leinart...

    1. He had more help around him talent wise than virtually any QB in college football history. In terms of pass protection, running game, recievers and coaching, it doesnt get much better than it did for Leinart. That isn't his fault, but also needs to be kept in mind when reviewing all those wonderful accomplishments.

    2. He is far from the most naturally talented QB to ever come out of the draft. In fact, it doesnt take much to notice that he has average arm strength and poor mobility. Yes he has a great football IQ, knows how to win, and has great leadership qualities..but when you potentially take a guy top 5...wouldnt you ideally like to have a guy w/ at least above average natural ability?

    You combine those 2 factors, and what you saw was alot of teams steer away. Afterall, a top 10 selection is a big time commitment to a team in terms of direction and finances. Additionally, these teams in the top 10 aren't exactly proportional w/ USC's talent compared to the rest of the NCAA. these are generally teams in rebuilding mode w/ subpar talent. So that raises questions of what leinart is capable of.Can he have the same success w/ alot less talent around him?

    So in a sense, perhaps there was some overanalysis, but some of the concerns that were raised, weren't exactly deep-seeded notions. What you saw, were teams filling other needs. Time will tell if that was a mistake or not.
  18. Vilma#51

    Vilma#51 New Member

    Apr 26, 2006
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    I agree with everything you point out - but I think it went overboard. I have a sweet arm (also 5'11", 170lbs of pure muscle), but am pretty sure I would not have been able to put up those numbers. People never gave Leinart the benefit of the doubt - Palmer didnt have bad teammates either - and maybe just maybe Leinart also played a part in making his teammates look like studs as well.
  19. Amaru

    Amaru Well-Known Member

    Oct 24, 2005
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    thatz lyke so hawt! i want u to have my babies!

    sorry, just had to get that out of the way...
    I think you're getting too hung up over the draft man. I understand that you're trying to start threads to incite discussion or whatever but you've made like 4 threads that are all pretty much the same. We know that Leinart was a great college QB and might be a good pro, and passing on him may have been a mistake. Only time will tell. In the meantime, let's talk about the Jets, this is the Jets forum, yes?
  20. thejetsaddict

    thejetsaddict New Member

    Nov 4, 2004
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    Time to get over it.........We got who we wanted and thats that. Leinart is not on our team, time to stop talking about him.

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