LC comments to SF press

Discussion in 'New York Jets' started by babyknight, Dec 7, 2008.

  1. babyknight

    babyknight Well-Known Member

    Aug 7, 2008
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  2. DCanadian

    DCanadian Active Member

    Sep 10, 2007
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    Ya just read it on CNNSI. Seems like odd timing
  3. Yisman

    Yisman Newbie

    May 3, 2004
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    Coles takes shots at Favre, offense

    "We're in a quarterback-driven offense where he pretty much has control of everything, where before the offense was pretty much driven through me. ... I just kind of become a role player instead of a guy that teams had to prepare for."

    "This is his offense. When we do throw the ball, there's really no level of importance, where at one point it used to be where I was the guy ... in position to get the ball most of the time."

    "I catch balls from the JUGS machine. The ball probably comes out harder from there than it does from anywhere else."

    "Of course he's the big name, he's the Hall of Famer, he's going to get the majority of the credit but most of the guys who deserve the credit don't really get it."


    Surprised there wasn't a thread on this. He's definitely right about the last part. The guys who actually deserve the credit are overshadowed by Favre. Of course, Coles sounds selfish here and he does have solid numbers.
  4. WhiteShoeWillis

    WhiteShoeWillis Well-Known Member

    Mar 20, 2006
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    Yet another article with quotes taken out of context without the questions asked where the author is attempting to make something out of nothing. People will bite - it's a guarantee.
  5. rickjet

    rickjet Well-Known Member

    Dec 31, 2003
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  6. Namath2Kolber

    Namath2Kolber New Member

    Nov 28, 2006
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    I could care less about Coles's drama queen behavior as long as he keeps catching everything that comes to him.
  7. Pam

    Pam Friendliest Poster Fourpeat!!

    May 6, 2005
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    PST -- Not everyone on the Jets is enamored of having future Hall of Famer Brett Favre as his quarterback, it seems.

    Laveranues Coles, in fact, sounded almost bitter at the impact Favre's arrival in New York has had on him. Listen to snippets of his conference call with Bay Area reporters:

    "We're in a quarterback-driven offense where he pretty much has control of everything, where before the offense was pretty much driven through me. ... I just kind of become a role player instead of a guy that teams had to prepare for."

    There's more:

    "This is his offense. When we do throw the ball, there's really no level of importance, where at one point it used to be where I was the guy ... in position to get the ball most of the time."

    It gets better:

    "I catch balls from the Jugs machine. The ball probably comes out harder from there than it does from anywhere else."

    And, in signing off:

    "Of course he's the big name, he's the Hall of Famer, he's going to get the majority of the credit but most of the guys who deserve the credit don't really get it."

    Poor, forgotten man Coles has 55 receptions for 615 yards and six touchdowns this season. The TD total is the second-highest of his nine-year career.

    - John Crumpacker

    Oh shut up LC and catch the damn ball. I really hate players that yap about team mates.

    Crumpacker? LOL LOL LOL LOL :rofl:
  8. puddnhead

    puddnhead New Member

    Aug 24, 2008
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    Oh man. What is this guy's problem?

    What's particularly annoying is that, if you watched the 4th quarter of the Broncos game, it was pretty clear that Coles was not really trying on a couple balls thrown to him. Reminded me of the way Randy Moss acts in games that the team was behind late (mostly with Oakland & Minn obviously).

    Critics can say what they want about Favre, but IMO one thing that should be indisputable is that he keeps giving 100% until he final whistle blows, no matter how bleak the situation. Wish Coles could muster even a tenth of that commitment.
  9. Kaiser

    Kaiser Member

    Oct 18, 2008
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    ... and this is why Coles is such a douche. I haven't liked him since he bitched out and went on Oprah to cry about his childhood. Now that his boyfriend is in Miami he wants to complain about being able to play with Brett Favre. Screw him, he's getting old. I say we trade him to Miami for a good pick or a decent young player.

    As a matter of fact, now that I think about it, I'd take Will Allen for him.
  10. FriendlyGiantsFan

    FriendlyGiantsFan New Member

    May 1, 2008
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    He could be motivated by selfishness, or he could just be frustrated because he's a great athlete that is on the downside of his career. This happens to every professional athlete and Coles is no exception, I think he's probably just more frustrated about his dimishing (but certainly not inadequate) skillset. That's what I see, anyway. I don't think he's taking shots at the offense. I mean "our QB leads this team" is about as much of a shot of Biden saying "Obama leads this cabinet."
  11. DCanadian

    DCanadian Active Member

    Sep 10, 2007
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    Coles is a douchebag. He drops balls every game and gets little to no seperation. He can go fuck himself for all I care. These are some of the most selfish comments I've ever heard, sounds like something TO would say.

    And if he really wants people (and the team) to choose between him and Favre, then by all means, pack your bags Laverneus. You'll be forgotten pretty quick.

    Maybe I'm overreacting to this. But there's no need for him to come out and say these things when the only thing they should be worried about is the 49ers.
  12. Johnny4

    Johnny4 New Member

    Dec 28, 2003
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    When did the offense run through him? Is that why it sucked? Sounds like he is pissed he caught one ball last week and we lost. BTW, his last TD catch, he wasn't even open and Favre got him the ball.
  13. puddnhead

    puddnhead New Member

    Aug 24, 2008
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  14. JETSFAN1290

    JETSFAN1290 Banned

    Mar 4, 2008
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    LC needs to keep his dam mouth shut and just catch the dam ball. Keller is the playmaker on this offense and LC doesnt like it.
  15. babyknight

    babyknight Well-Known Member

    Aug 7, 2008
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    the more i think about the comments the more mad i get... i really hope they were taken out of context but it all just seems too bizarre. LC has been part of huge plays this year, what is the problem exactly? he'd rather line up in the slot with pennington out at WR in a wildcat at Miami?

    i understand the point about as long as he catches balls who cares, but my concern is that this sort of thing eats into team chemistry, which is something that i thought was becoming a strength of this team
  16. FriendlyGiantsFan

    FriendlyGiantsFan New Member

    May 1, 2008
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    He could be motivated by selfishness, or he could just be frustrated because he's a great athlete that is on the downside of his career. This happens to every professional athlete and Coles is no exception, I think he's probably just more frustrated about his dimishing (but certainly not inadequate) skillset. That's what I see, anyway. I don't think he's taking shots at the offense. I mean "our QB leads this team" is about as much of a shot of Biden saying "Obama leads this cabinet."
  17. JETSFAN1290

    JETSFAN1290 Banned

    Mar 4, 2008
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    LC needs to focus on the game and nothing more. Im sure hes pissed Keller is Favres go to guy.
  18. Kaiser

    Kaiser Member

    Oct 18, 2008
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    As I said in the other thread. I say we trade Coles to Miami to be with his boyfriend. I'll take Will Allen. Or a good draft pick.
  19. puddnhead

    puddnhead New Member

    Aug 24, 2008
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    There's been little doubt in my mind that Favre has developed more chemistry with Cotchery than Coles. And also Keller in a different capacity, as JETSFAN1290 siad. Maybe that's where this is coming from, back int he day HE was the buddy of the preve QB Pennington and he's jealous he no longer is & resentful he's been supplanted in that role?

    Either way, what a totally-non-bright way of dealing with it, airing his hurt feelings in public. My god are WR ever divas these days! Makes you appreciate a talented guy who seems also to have a level head even more, like a Cotchery, Keller, Washington, Driver, or Jennings.
    #19 puddnhead, Dec 7, 2008
    Last edited: Dec 7, 2008
  20. WhiteShoeWillis

    WhiteShoeWillis Well-Known Member

    Mar 20, 2006
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    Of course the questions asked don't appear. Let me try and guess what may have been asked.

    You used to be a focal point in the Jets offense, but with Favre the offense seems to spread the ball around more. Do you think your role has become less important with Favre at the helm?
    The Broncos decided to double cover you for most of the game last week and Favre didn't hook up with you much. How important is it for the success of this offense for you to get catches?
    Favre has a cannon for an arm. Does that make it difficult to catch his passes at times?
    This team has already won 2x as many games as last year and is sitting in first place in the AFC East. Favre gets a lot of credit for that, is that fair?
    Obviously that's not exactly what was asked, but I'd really like to hear what was actually asked.

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