Just saw the alert, I guess its hard to paint Gase as a genius when he can't even involve a former top RB. Hey at least he has old man river Gore.
As I said in the other thread, smart move by Douglas. Bell has never been the same and was not a signing he made. Time to now use Perrine more, although Gase is a fuckin idiot and likely won't
Bell is in a better place. This team just gets more pathetic on a daily basis. JD isn’t looking to good on this one. It’s a gimme that Gase, and the Johnsons suck, but JD has a bit of a stench here.
JD didn't sign Bell AND JD didn't misuse Bell. I'm not sure how you can assign blame to him. Also, Bell comes with a huge amount of baggage: a big salary. If I was a GM, I wouldn't give up anything for Bell.
Bell was a pro the whole time here. He could have went scorched earth a few times and didn’t. I wish him luck. can’t wait for gase to be gone. 4 more weeks, tops.
I seriously believe we are going to look back on the Christropher Johnson era as the darkest chapter in the history of this franchise.
It’ll be interesting where Bell signs.... Maybe return to Pittsburgh?..I would bet wherever he goes he’s going to be Productive I’m sure A competent coach will be able to use his skill set