I don't care if the fuckin leader of ISIS calls the game with Obama doing the color......just get me a win
Dan Fouts was a great Qb. If anything underrated. But as an announcer? Below average. He has a relatively limited insight into what goes on during the game. He's very disappointing, and I do not like watching games he works on.
All the current announcers suck. Their A-Team of Nantz and Simms is horrible, though Simms is usually complimentary of the Jets because we kept his shitty son employed for a while.
I have no problem with Simms/Nantz since I like Simms. haha--this is reminding me of this funny thing that happened yesterday. One of the games I was watching had a recently retired OL doing color (maybe he was an ex giant?)--at one point during a replay on a illegal forward pass (QB was said to be beyond LOS), this guy states unequivocally that as long as the ball is ahead of the LOS, it's an illegal forward pass so he expected the call to stand. I knew he was wrong about this and when the call was reversed, they had Mike Pereira come on and say the correct ruling, that as long as any part of the QB's body, even the foot, is still behind the LOS, its a legal pass. So this commentator is silent for a minute or two afterwards and I'm wondering if he's going to address his wrong statement. Never did. I thought overall he was pretty bad besides this.
I'm getting to the point were I just tune these guys out...we love to kill coaches for their end of game decisions but it's pure comedy listening to the announcers.
Ian Eagle is consummate professional. One of the best play by play guys in the business. Smart, witty, insightful. I hear Dan Fouts is a really nice guy.
Dan Fouts is a fairy. Probably will be watching this game on CC. There have been several different occasions when I've muted the tv cause the announcers were so terrible. I'm looking at your Gruden.
I'd rather have Fouts than that piece of garbage Nantz. At least Fouts will just sound like an idiot while he's hating the Jets.
i think we already had a thread on these annoucers .....I liked Marty Glickman personally Fouts is terrible Ion E tollerable/not bad CBS is owned in part by Tisch who owns the Giants so sloppy second raters for our broadcasts Its Monday and I am already edgy for Pats....probably have rum n eggnog and some tips on anger management for our usual first half shenanigins.. Then God willing we win this thing in second half ....