First off, good luck today Jets fans. As a Charger fan, I know the pain of being a perennial underdog. It is clear that the Jets have made great strides this year and will be a contender for some time to come. I'm happy for you fans. Of course, I want to see you go down in flames today and think my team is on a trip with destiny. (please God?) As you all know, the media is completely full of shit most of the time. In regards to Philip Rivers, they've dissed him and misrepresented him for most of his career. He's had to play for any respect he's ever received outside of San Diego. I'd like you to know the man you are facing today. This article is all about Rivers and the type of guy he is. Again, congratulations on a successful season. Good luck.
He yells at fans, he yells at refs, and he carries himself like a douchebag. That's all I need to know, thanks. Congrats on a successful season, but no good luck from me. This is the playoffs.
After tonight's game, good luck to you guys as well, most likely next season now :wink: I feel as confident today as I did with the Kitty-Kats game, green goggles? Maybe. Rex not only has the team believing, but the fans as well. I think the media will only be talking about the QB wearing green and white at the end of this game, for all the right reasons.
Hey...good luck to you too. Thats a very nice article but most of his teammates, if on a team playing against him, would be aiming for his testicles. He is truly a guy that teammates respect...and a guy that has douche bag written all over him. Some successful players have had that makeup. That article falls on deaf ears here. Raise your glasses and aim for his..ummm....lap.
Is that article going to teach me about Rivers being likable? Then I'm not reading it. Today I prefer to be ignorant and hateful, thanks.
If the Jets lose today, I'll be rooting for the Chargers in the next round. But I hope it doesn't come to that.
Rivers is a piece of shit. I want the Jets to destroy your hopes just like we did in 2005. By the way, we beat you twice that year, too.
I think we've all heard of Rivers before but thanks anyway. One thing you should know about Phil is that his Dad's name is Hudson and he's a dirty old man.
I wish the bolts all the luck in the world. We're bringing everything we have, and even with 'all the luck in the world', it will be more than you can handle....
Rivers has proven that he plays better when other teams talk trash. If only the people across the nation knew about him.
is this charger duesch really trying to come on here and get us to like Rivers....... he is gonna get a taste of real trash talking today ...... go get em Bart