Hypothetical for Jets fans: Tebow to Pats

Discussion in 'Tebowmania' started by abyzmul, Mar 28, 2012.

  1. abyzmul

    abyzmul R.J. MacReady, 21018 Funniest Member Award Winner

    Jan 6, 2003
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    How would any of you have felt if New England had traded for Tebow instead of the Jets?

    Personally, that was the only destination for Tebow that gave me pause, because they would use him correctly. Likely at a different position with high effectiveness. They would have 2 freakish football animals on the field (Tebow, Gronkowski) at the same time, likely, and thankfully they're deep enough on offense that they didn't go after him.

    I don't think Tebow is a real QB, but his talents/skills at the overall game of football can't be ignored. I didn't like this trade at first, but I can't be that bothered imagining a player like that go to a division rival and then hate that my own team got him.

    Is it all just fear that the Jets will go all knee-jerk and start him over Sanchez? Sanchez is a better QB than this guy, even with an un-diagnosed pinched nerve and throwing passes to defensive linemen. But Tebow brings a dynamic that will totally shit upon the game-plans of teams coming up on the schedule.

    Don't hate the move for something the hasn't happened and doesn't have a high probability of happening. He's going to be a great utility player and may even end up in the HOF at a position other than quarterback. I'm not enjoying the media circus, but I'll enjoy the results on the field.
  2. displacedfan

    displacedfan Well-Known Member

    Nov 20, 2011
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    Good post, the problem is the media circus is here for 5 more months before we see any on the field results.

    I also am afraid of the knee jerk reaction the media is going to create the second Sanchez throws a bad pass. The media says there will be a QB controversy, they know this because they are going to be the ones creating it.

    As a football player I think he will improve the team, but every Jets fan knows the second Sanchez has a bad game, expect to see so many articles and posters on here calling for Tebow.

    Like I said before, it is 5 months of media circus until we can see on the field results.
  3. Don

    Don 2008 TGG Rich Kotite "Least Knowledgeable" Award W

    Mar 7, 2007
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    I think you are absolutely right and there are way too many paranoid fans on this board that only see Tebow as a threat to Sanchez even though everybody from Tannenbaum to Ryan has said multiple times how they plan on using him. And for a million and a half I would love to see who these people think we could have brought in that would have added more.
  4. CowboysFan

    CowboysFan Banned

    Nov 17, 2011
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    Good post and good point.
  5. Chrebet86

    Chrebet86 Active Member

    Dec 6, 2003
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    Hahah, I did get that gut punch feeling "Oh no, god what would the Pats do with him, Jesus I dont wanna go against that 3 times a year...ughghhh" when I heard the Pats were interested.

    That being said and to restate what you said, that is because love em or hate em, and obviously its hate em, BB runs whatever is gonna work with no bias or outside complications.

    Meaning they would utilize Tebow exactly the way he needs to be used, a utility guy...who can throw, not as a QB.

    If we can block out the madness for 5 months untill the team takes the field, we will see that that is exactly how Rex and Sparano are going to use him as well.

    Unfortunately there is grey area here where the media and the Tebowites can play, where as in NE there is not.
  6. Jersey Joe 67

    Jersey Joe 67 Well-Known Member

    Apr 17, 2006
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    If NE signed Tebow the media would be blowing Kraft/Beli for what a great move it was.

    I understand the difference in that they have a HOF QB but you know NE could take a shit and the media would be saying it's the best shit they've ever smelled.
  7. CowboysFan

    CowboysFan Banned

    Nov 17, 2011
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    The media with Tebow can not be contained (totally agree but its a ramification of so many analyst and people saying "he can't" and Tebow still having some success etc as it causes massive debate) but as far as tebowites having an impact. ....
    The Tebow chants only really started in Denver after Orton went on a 6-22 losing bender .

    Now if you have ticket paying jets fans in the stadium who are yelling "tebow , tebow , tebow" after Sanchez throws his first bad pass then that is a problem with Jets fans against Sanchez, not pro Tebow and does not have anything to do with the way he will be used by Rex-Rano.
    #7 CowboysFan, Mar 28, 2012
    Last edited: Mar 28, 2012
  8. Bannon

    Bannon New Member

    Mar 22, 2012
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    The Pats would have used him but also as a backup quarterback. That's part of the beauty -- the backup quarterback is a dead roster spot for almost every team, and only comes into play if there's an injury.

    The Pats are screwed if Brady goes down, so it would have made sense to bring a guy who could be used to help the team win, who could also serve as a backup quarterback if Brady does down, and who also could be a developmental quarterback, getting better every year.

    Tebow analysis tends to go along these lines: if you start with the absolute dogma that he can never deserve to start in the NFL as a quarterback, you get to one conclusion. If you start with the assumption that he's a good quarterback, a starting caliber quarterback (at least ultimately, when developed) you get to a different conclusion.

    I think what makes him different is that potential -- he's not Ronnie Brown. He's Ronnie Brown with the ability to play quarterback in the NFL.
  9. reverseapachemaster

    Mar 18, 2012
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    I don't see the Pats wanting Tebow around. They have an offense designed around passing and Tebow wouldn't fit into that scheme.

    It would be hilarious if Tebow just sucked ass in training and the Jets released him before the beginning of the season, only to have the Pats pick him up and realize he's a bust.
  10. Chrebet86

    Chrebet86 Active Member

    Dec 6, 2003
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    Agreed, I would rather have Tebow in at backup Qb than Ronnie Brown, but that doesnt change that, untill that time comes he is a Ronnie Brown.

    Thats the problem. Thats the grey area. Thats where the media and daydreamers are living.

    They have no acknowledgmant that that is how Tebow will be used and was brought in here to be used, because Yes there is that possibilty.

    Sanchez getting hurt, totally all out sucking ass(not my belief),etc.
    #10 Chrebet86, Mar 28, 2012
    Last edited: Mar 28, 2012
  11. Don

    Don 2008 TGG Rich Kotite "Least Knowledgeable" Award W

    Mar 7, 2007
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    Imagine if Sanchez got hurt when Brunell was the backup. That was an issue.
  12. abyzmul

    abyzmul R.J. MacReady, 21018 Funniest Member Award Winner

    Jan 6, 2003
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    That's also the beauty of having Timbow at backup QB. He can immediately rally the troops and get into the endzone with a quick shift in offensive philosophy if Sanchez does get hurt. I think he's an ideal backup QB. If you watched the sets where old man Brunell would come in for the Jets in a real game situation, it's like the rest of the offense would go into preseason mode. Slumped shoulders and all.
  13. Chrebet86

    Chrebet86 Active Member

    Dec 6, 2003
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    Not sure what your trying to say Don but,

    I dont care if hes listed as #2 QB on the roster, its all just a formality untill Sanchez actually does go down or loses his job.

    I, like the Jets, are banking on this not happening.

    Untill that day actually comes, regardless of him being listed as #2 QB, his role is something else, more of a Ronnie Brown type role, not a Mark Brunell role. In that way I agree with the move.

    In that way, I believe it can mesh together.

    And of course the other upside to it is while adding what I said above to our offense, we also upgraded the backup QB with a guy who does have an upside, however that is just secondary.
  14. JETlife14

    JETlife14 New Member

    Feb 7, 2012
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    I guess there is one positive of the JETS getting Tebow, that the Pats didn't get him..
  15. SanityRemoved

    SanityRemoved New Member

    May 25, 2009
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    This is where I have a problem. Since the PSLs the mix of true Jets fans in the stands in my mind has diminished. I'm not sure of the loyalty of some of those filling the seats. They may be wearing Jets attire but for many it appears to be something to do on a Sunday afternoon. Except for the J E T S chant and a big play the noise levels appear to be less than before and not operating as the 12th man.

    My expectations of Tebow, Tebow, Tebow are that they will start with a small group and the seat occupiers (for lack of a better term) will join in because it's something they can do without a lot of thought.
  16. Don

    Don 2008 TGG Rich Kotite "Least Knowledgeable" Award W

    Mar 7, 2007
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    I think I misread the last line of your previous post. I thought it said how it would suck if Sanchez got hurt and Tebow had to come in. I see now what it said.
  17. Tebowchise

    Tebowchise New Member

    Mar 22, 2012
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    I think he offers a hell of a lot of upside while only taking up the back-up QB slot on the roster.

    abyzmul, how do I give you rep or the equivalent? That was too sensible for what I've been reading lately.

    I think you'll see him play the "slot", go in motion, and threaten a direct snap.

    Conspiracy theory:

    Would the Jets, using Tebow in the redzone, be able to save money by making Mark miss incentives in his contract while being conscious enough that Tebow wouldn't break incentive marks as well?

    I have no idea. I'm just very curious of that implication.
  18. abyzmul

    abyzmul R.J. MacReady, 21018 Funniest Member Award Winner

    Jan 6, 2003
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    Thanks, and no rep necessary although there's really no system for that here anyway.

    I can see them using him in many ways, in the slot is no different, although maybe split out from TE or motioned from the fullback position. Tebow has potential coming out of his ears, if they get him to embrace a multiple role, he can be unstoppable.

    As far as your incentives theory, I can see it happening easily with a numbers-obsessed GM like Tannenbaum, and that could prove problematic down the road with the Sanchez/Tebow dynamic.
  19. NotSatoshiNakamoto

    Oct 6, 2011
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    I'm definitely glad he didn't go to the Pats. There obviously would have been no QB controversy there and like you said, BB would use him correctly.

    Non Sequitur - I'm thinking Tebow and Holmes will be hooking up on some big plays out of the jesuscat this year. I remember a lot of big Holmes plays in Pittsburgh were broken plays that happened when Ben bought time by fighting off some would be tacklers and Holmes was able to escape into open field.
  20. Tebowchise

    Tebowchise New Member

    Mar 22, 2012
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    I agree with you.

    I think too many people believe there will be a great friction between Tebow and Holmes.

    If you watch the man, he's almost always good for breaking the first tackle. He's able to extend plays while a receiver like Holmes will be able to get downfield and separation.

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