Clemens is not the Answer

Discussion in 'New York Jets' started by Joe Willie White Shoes, Dec 31, 2007.

  1. Joe Willie White Shoes

    Joe Willie White Shoes Well-Known Member

    Apr 11, 2003
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    I know he only played half a season and I know the OL stinks, but Clemens has shown absolutely nothing in his "audition." His arm may be strong, but he is incredibly inaccurate and he is so jumpy in the pocket he makes Eli Manning look like the cover boy for calmness under pressure. He throws when he should run and runs when he should hang in and throw. He rarely throws a pass away. To barely complete 50% of passes in today's NFL is unacceptable, even for an inexperienced QB. He might be the worst starting QB in the NFL right now. He threw for 115 measly yards passing against that horrible defense and about 30 of those yards came on shovel passes. He was given great field position and many opportunities all game long and couldn't do anything. Jones is responsible for the yards in OT.

    Today's game was a joke. I've seen enough and Clemens is not the answer at QB. The knock on Pennington was that he couldn't move the team against good defenses. Clemens can't even move the team against bad defenses.
  2. PennyandtheJets

    PennyandtheJets Well-Known Member

    Feb 13, 2004
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    I beginning to have doubts with Clemens as well. He really just seems to have no idea what is going on.

    His arm is quite inaccurate, that is for sure.

    We will need to pick up a vet this offseason to compete with clemens.
  3. AMJets

    AMJets Well-Known Member

    Dec 3, 2003
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    He really has NO instincts in the pocket what so ever. He has a strong arm, that's the only positive thing I've seen so far.

    NYJNYRNYM New Member

    Mar 4, 2004
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    i agree that after his performance today he may not be "the answer" for the jets qb situation of the future, but at the same time I don't think it would be impossible to win with clemens at the helm. I always think back to what baltimore did with dilfer back in 2000. What we should focus on is shoring up the o-line, getting some guys that can maul defenders in the running game, and letting TJ and Leon do their thing.

    Then keep workin on making our D into an elite unit. Some of the starting blocks are there...Rhodes, Revis, Harris. Add in a Suggs or a Ghoulston or a stud NT in the next year or two, and make it so that our O only has to put up 20 points a game to win. Make it so that our D lets our O work with a short field a few times a game instead of a few times a season.

    Then hire a good qb coach that can teach clemens to just calm down and not turn the ball over. Clemens doesnt need to form a Brady-to-Moss type connection....just make it so that he can have time to throw, a reliable TE with good hands, a solid running game, and then he can go deep every now and then or pull one of the trick plays every so often.

    So while i agree that Clemens at this point in time (which is still pretty early...give him at least one full training camp as the starter) isn't looking like the coveted "answer"....i say focus on building up the D, solidifying the O around clemens, and bring in a coach that can just teach him to not throw more INTs than TDs, and we have a decent shot in the future.
  5. NYJets38

    NYJets38 New Member

    Mar 1, 2003
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    Dilfer at least completed about 60% of his passes that year.

    Clemens has been awful this year. He's young and talented, so I'm not ready to say he isn't the answer, but he hasn't shown any reason to really think he is.
  6. JetsLookingforDWare

    Jan 22, 2007
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    He's young, he's talented, he's tough, and he's got a strong arm.

    He played behind a crappy O-line, his best WR was injured most of the time, and the running game was on and off.

    What is with this need for instant gratification thing? His production sucked, but there was a ton of dropped passes...even by Cotchery which never happens...he still improvised well...the offense played better...and honestly half a season behind a mediocre at best offense as a second year QB is not how you judge a young QB.
  7. NYJet87

    NYJet87 Active Member

    Nov 23, 2004
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    matt. ryan.
  8. Jetfanmack

    Jetfanmack haz chilens?

    Aug 27, 2002
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    Yeah, I have to say I'm worried. I'd want to bring in a mid-round pick to compete with Kellen for the job, if not a solid backup. Kellen deserves next season, but if he doesn't at least improve from this, we might have to look in another direction, maybe even late next season if he's still throwing a 1:2 TD-INT rate and a low 50's completion percentage.
  9. Gubernaculum

    Gubernaculum New Member

    Nov 24, 2004
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    I agree. He's got a good arm but NFL history is littered with mediocre NFL players with big arms. Also, we were so used to Chad's lack of arm strength that Clemens's arm strength may be a bit inflated. My biggest worry with him is his happy feet- very few QBs "learn" how to handle the pocket. He danced back and forth on one play- hell, even Solomon Wilcots and Ian Eagle were criticizing his inability to step forward when he got pressured from the backside. Knowing how to move in the pocket is more of an instinct than anything else. The spread offense he used in Oregon is not the ideal means to learn how to handle breakdowns in the pocket. I'm not too optimistic about his development- his accuracy is really mediocre. Sure, he'll make one great throw but he follows it up with some absolutely terrible ones.

    Chad is obviously going to be a starter somewhere else (probably with Herm) so it would be foolhardy to have him slated as a backup for next season. Thus, our #2 QB options seem like this:

    A) Upgrade Tui to #2- I think he's terrible so this would be a disaster.
    B) Draft somebody to be the #2 QB: I'm a fan of Matt Ryan but I'm starting to think that might be because of the lack of top-end QB talent in this draft. I wouldn't spend a first-day pick on a QB.
    C) Free Agency- this is by far the likeliest course of action to acquire a backup. There are some guys that would be fine backups i.e. Cleo Lemon or Josh McCown. The guy I want though is Culpepper- he wasn't horrible this season and I'd definitely want to do a thorough physical to see how his knee has progressed. He's not as good as he was with Moss in Minnesota and he's definitely not as bad as he looked on some awful offenses in Oakland and Miami the last couple of years.
    #9 Gubernaculum, Dec 31, 2007
    Last edited: Dec 31, 2007
  10. savinoRB2

    savinoRB2 New Member

    Apr 30, 2007
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    you guys constantly hate on that kid so much...hes made mistakes...hes started only half a season in his 2ND year. He has a lot of talent but none around him

    as far as getting jumpy feet and having no instincts, gettin fuckin sacked every play will do that to you

    that kid has been sacked more this year than maybe todd collins in his whole career....our oline is the worst it can possibly get....they run block like pillows and pass block with shitty kickslides and technique...i know hes indecisive but he is pretty much a rookie...shit give him a decent oline, some recievers who are consistant....he needs a OLINE!!! before they destroy any instincts he has left....pennington had a decent oline when he started out, KC has shit!!!

    He has shown some flashes when he has timed, he is pretty mobile but micheal vick couldnt escape the pocket when pressures coming from all sides

    our oline is like that seattle, arizona commercial when seattles oline is a bunch of kids and hasselback gets dominated!!!

    dont give up on KC!!! he has the talent, he can succeed, give him a whole year starting under his belt, studying film, workin on passes, lifting, training camp, preseason, regualr season, maybe playoffs, get him some many quarterbacks can do it on their own....kellen clemens is havin a similar season to peyton manning in his second year!!

    yea the season sucked but KC is getting experience, hes not joe montana but the kid can up on him after 8 games wont help him, hes prolly already getting raped by the times....give him TIME and an OLINE!!!
  11. ShutEmDownRevis

    ShutEmDownRevis New Member

    Nov 19, 2007
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    You can take EVERYTHING from this season and throw it in the trash because they guy had no o line to work with. Anyone would look bad on this offense. Even Coles got injured. To make it worse he got happy feet by his third or fourth game because he was tired of hearing the sound of his own body getting slammed on the turf. Give it another year.
  12. ScotlandJet

    ScotlandJet New Member

    Nov 10, 2004
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    Ye another year of pain and then find out we have to look for a genuine NFL QB. Lets keep Chad and pick up a new protege in the draft. God, this is depressing. The season is over and already we know we are in the tank for 2008.
  13. gustoonarmy

    gustoonarmy 2006-2007 Best International Poster of the

    Jan 30, 2004
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    I have said it before , if Clemens starts to play well , I will gladly eat humble pie.
    For all those who are defending him , what exactley is it he does well , forget the O line and WRs , what does HE do well?
    This kid just looks like a perrenial back up to me.
    Keep Clemens, Chad and Tui , and then look whos available in '09.
  14. Jetcane

    Jetcane New Member

    Aug 4, 2006
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    It's a problem if you have a young QB who gets shell-shocked early in his career. Maybe the brain-trust should have known that before heading into the season with a crappy OL. They could have done a lot better job than they did.
  15. winstonbiggs

    winstonbiggs 2008/2009 TGG Bill Parcells "Most Respected" Award

    Jan 20, 2005
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    The plan this year was to stay with Pennington the entire year and not subject Clemens to trial by fire. Pennington was awful and the move had to be made. Clemens needs a lot of work but he does have some tools. Time to bring in a solid QB coach and get rid of Shot. We need a simplified O where Clemens can just drop back, throw and get in rythme. He has to much to do in Shot's O and he never gets in rythme. To have a complicated system that isn't working to the strength of this kid is just not acceptable.
  16. gustoonarmy

    gustoonarmy 2006-2007 Best International Poster of the

    Jan 30, 2004
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    Wow , can't remember the last time I saw one of your posts and disagreed. This one I do.
    Last nights game just showed me exactly how much work will have to be done with Clemens , not only class and field work but also building on his confidence. So many of his throws , long and short were either inaccuarte or thrown too hard on the shorter routes.
    Whilst we saw a smiling Clemens on the bench , it was apparent to me that he has no confidence in his own judgement , is the NFL just too much for him.
    Shottenheimer , did everything he could IMO to try and get Clemens into the game last night.
    Excatly how complicated our O is to run , I don't know. We have been spoilt with Chads excellent play calling which KC has a long way to go to get close to.
    Alot can happen between now and the opening game next season
  17. German Jets Fan

    German Jets Fan 2007 Rookie of the Year Award Winner

    Mar 8, 2007
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    i don?t see any tools on him that make a QB a good QB.

    Pocket Presence-no
    Decition making-no
    Play Calling-no

    those things are very hard to teach. We can?t go into camp with him as #1 QB. We need at least a QB to compede with him. I don?t care if we bring in a Vet or draft one.

    The best scenario would be to get our hands on one of the Browns QBs, imo. Maybe McNabb?
    #17 German Jets Fan, Dec 31, 2007
    Last edited: Dec 31, 2007
  18. gustoonarmy

    gustoonarmy 2006-2007 Best International Poster of the

    Jan 30, 2004
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    McNabb has openly said he wants to stay with Eagles. The Bears will probably part ways with Grossman.
    FA QBs in '08

    1. Rex Grossman Chicago
    2. Daunte Culpepper Oakland
    3. Josh McCown Oakland
    4. Quinn Gray Jacksonville
    5. Cleo Lemon Miami
    6. Shaun Hill San Francisco
    7. Billy Volek San Diego
    8. J.T. O'Sullivan Detroit
    9. Marques Tuiasosopo New York Jets
    10. Chris Redman Atlanta
  19. ANJI

    ANJI New Member

    Apr 14, 2006
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    That's what I thought. It appears Kellen started to have a hard time deciding what to do. He swallowed the ball and baled on plays the more the season went on. A training camp and off season will do him good.

    But talking about Offensive Coordinators........ isn't Mike Martz avaible??? LOL, I always liked him..... I know he is a mad scientist, but he is more like a Emmett Brown.
  20. WhiteShoeWillis

    WhiteShoeWillis Well-Known Member

    Mar 20, 2006
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    I am very worried about Clemens at this point, but I'm willing to give him a full training camp and at least half of next season as the #1 guy before I give up. It's obvious the game hasn't "slowed down" for him yet. Hopefully once that happens he looks like an NFL QB because as of now he certainly does not. We have to give him more of a chance though.

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