That clip should be titled "How to talk for 2 mins without saying anything" because thats basicly what they did. Funny to hear Bob Ryan saying we are winning the division next year. I would love to belive it, but there is a lot of time and player movement to happen before next season.
Damn, Ryan is usually a complete Pats homer. That was a surprise. I think their analysis was weak as hell, but that is to be expected.
That was one of the better pieces of comedy gold I've seen in quite a while. Bob Ryan just seemed like he was pissed off... Notable lines: "Ooh I love facts!" "Jets are the Patriuts of the futcha!" "The apple has blown fa from the tree in that regaad" God that was too funny.
Didn't expect that from those two. Eh, the Jets have convinced the non-believers. They have to talk about something since the Pats are hiding in their igloos 200 miles north.
I hope whatever idiots decided to allow Dan Shaughnessy's was forced to watch Whoopie Goldberg and Nick Nolte fuck until their faces fell off. I don't think I have ever seen that much ugly on one face before in my life. I'm half expecting to see Doug Jones in the credits. San Diego delenda est.
Shit the world really is going to end in 2012. Its going to be December the Jets undefeated on the way to the playoffs and the world will end.
Ironically. The JETS are NOTHING like the pats! Complete opposite in philosophy, coaching, style of play.... What the fuk! Talk about an epic collapse in!
you're giving them too much credit... they weren't commenting on play styles or game philosophies.. they were just saying that the Jets are going to be the new dominant force in the AFC east like the pats were a few seasons ago..