Not much information here but kinda interesting. Calvin Pace Turns to MMA by John B on Sep 4, 2009 10:01 AM EDT 0 comments by Kevin Rivoli - AP View full size photo uploaded September 4, 2009 Calvin Pace will turn to an interesting training method during his suspension. During his upcoming four-week suspension for taking a banned substance, Jets linebacker Calvin Pace will turn to Mixed Martial Arts training to keep him NFL-ready. It's an approach to working out that more and more athletes from other sports are taking up because of the physical nature of the Mixed Martial Arts (MMA) training and the cardiovascular benefits. Cardinals quarterback Matt Leinart engaged in the man-on-man training regimen this past offseason to get physically and mentally stronger and NBA great Shaquille O'Neal has been involved in it for the past few years. ''Anybody can go out and run a mile, but I need something specific to actual game work or practice work,'' Pace told The Star-Ledger. ''That way you can stay in game shape. It's good to see him come up with an idea like this that at least keeps him doing physical work with contact, but nothing aside from games really keeps you in game shape.
Forget Brown, when Chad reads that, he's going to shit his pants, and his shoulder is going to unravel on its own.
this definitely makes more sense for a linebacker to go through this kind of training than a quarterback. If you think about it, alot of MMA grappling and wrestling does kind of imitate him going up one on one against lineman and bulldozing them over to get to the quarterback. Obviously the tackling factor as well can equate to taking down your opponent in MMA. I like it, it will definitely keep him in shape.
It's definitely a pretty nifty way to stay sharp. I like Pace and that only makes me like him that much more.
That is great news, I remember a couple of years ago during the offseason Ray Lewis did kickboxing every day for a couple of hours, and he had a great year and it revived him. Even though its only four weeks, it should still help him with explosiveness
Maybe this is something the Jets should have Gholston participate in. Couldn't hurt, and might be the thing that teaches him to get nasty.
or maybe he'll cry like a bitch. Either way...MMA training will reveal what we have in Gholston, personality-wise :smile:
Gholston should read the "Alio's Kick Ass program" thread before venturing off into the MMA training steps for this kid.