I'm providing the link, it's reported that Te'o's story about his grandma and Gf were a complete hoax. If true, it's a huge problem. I'm not claiming it's true or false, just giving you guys the info: http://deadspin.com/5976517/manti-t...source=deadspin_twitter&utm_medium=socialflow
If it's true, it will effect his draft stock. The reasion I say it will, Te'o's integrity and leadership, a supposedly strong point, come into question. It could be a false story, so let's wait for more info.
Looks to be true... Not in stanfords database... Not in social security... Using some random person's face... All made up for the heisman campaign...
His stock is about to drop hard. Snub the senior bowl. Fake national story that looks like he participated in for over a year. Speaks volumes about his character.
Notre Dame team was likely in on this to, the whole programs in trouble if they all supported this huge lie.
Will be interesting to see what comes of us. Usually Deadspin is sure before they post any of these big investigative pieces. Definitely need to wait to see everyone's responses on this, but it looks like the writers did their research.
The really damning thing in it to me is them tracking down the girl whose picture he used and her comments about picture requests from old friends. Then there was this: As for what Kekua was tweeting, we have only bits and pieces. Her Twitter was private during most of this time, though various Google caches reveal her ever-changing series of avatars and a handful of Twitpics. All of those photographs—with one important exception—came from the private Facebook and Instagram accounts of Reba, whom we found after an exhaustive related-images search of each of Lennay's images (most of which had been modified in some way to prevent reverse image searching).
Just heard Franchesa talking about this, Apparently he made up a story about a girl dying to seem heroic and made up some pretty crazy stuff
Oh without a doubt he will be a Jet in 2013, No Question he is already probably at Florham Park picking out a locker
Deadspin & SmokingGun are websites with pretty good reputations. They don't normally print articles like this unless they've got some solid evidence. Of course we will all reserve judgement but eyebrows should be raised. This aint the National Enquirer coming out with these rumors.
ND made a statement. Supposedly Manti was lead to believe this girl was real and he was deceived. So he was "catfished"? I thought they had met though?
Yeah watch Francesa hes breaking it down, the girl did exist now but she lied to him, its really confusing.
Deadspin is hit or miss with rumors, but usually the ones they miss on aren't this elaborate or well-researched... This would affect Te'o's stock for the same reason WW said: part of his appeal is his leadership and character. Either way, there's no way in hell I want this guy at #9. I didn't really want him that much anyway; the only reason I wanted him is because I felt he could be our defensive leader for 10 years. But this definitely hurts his stock. The only way it doesn't is if they prove that she did actually exist, and if she did, that's a horrible thing to put Te'o and her family through.