Bengals may release CB Nate Clements I expect Revis to use again transform into MEvi$, if this does happen I truely hope the FO tells him to enjoy his vacation and come back when he wants to play. Maybe even find a team willing to give up two 1st round picks and they might think about it. The price on CBs has dropped a lot from when Revis was given the extension and the Jets cannot to keep paying him like he thinks he should be. In 2011 Revis was the 14th highest paid athelete in the United States, not football player but athelete in any sport. The listed included golf, baseball, basketball etc, and he was 14th overall. Worse case is he holds out and the Jets sit on his contract for five years. Yet, it this happens we could go with Wilson and Cromarti, but with the teams we play you need three CBs to be a good defense. Nate would be the best option to step right into Revis's spot. NO he isn't Revis and he is a lot older, but he is smart, experienced and can still start. Burn away, but when he holds out some may see the light in this.
Oh god, not Mevi$ again..... If he does hold out this year, he will lose a lot in the court of public opinion. As he should. But he hasn't done that yet. Next year, I expect the Jets to address the contract, but not this year.
I thought the contract was written that if he holds out of TC it extends to a 7 year deal. Kinda preventive maintenance. But no Franchise tag and new contract must be in place before old expires.
At the same time, if he does want more money, he realizes he's probably a good enough player where he can hold out and still get his. The contract extending to 7 years only matters if the Jets are willing to stick to their guns and make him honor it. And given how good Revis is, who knows if they would do that. And would Revis actually be willing to sit out games for a contract?
Revis will not rule out a hold out this season and feels he should be making more than $6.5M this year. Which is only because he frontloaded the contract and over the 4 year deal and he is the highest paid CB. Just as with RBs, the CB has become cheaper to sign and the Jets have a contract written to prevent a holdout, if they are willing to play hardball, which they should. Easily explained at NYJETSCAP.COM "the Jets have built holdout protection into his contract. Revis’ contract is actually a 7 year contract that voids into a 4 year deal if Revis does not hold out and miss any offseason team activities during the next 2 years. More so, when Revis holds out he loses the ability to void the contract after 2013. That leaves the Jets with the ability to control his rights for $3 million a season from 2014-2017. Quite frankly Revis has no leverage in this situation."
Ding ding ding. We're fine at CB, obviously it would suck to lose a guy like Revis but we'd survive. An improved passrush could help the secondary all-around.
If he holds out again he's dead to me, that's when it's time to cut bait and look for another team willing to deal with his bullshit.
That clause is stupid. If he holds out, one of three things will happen, the third being extremely unlikely. 1) The Jets cave in to his demands and give him a new contract. The new contract will not have the $3 million from 2014 - 2017 in it or his agents would never agree to it. 2) The Jets trade him and his new team gives him the contract he's demanding. The new contract will not have the $3 million from 2014 - 2017 in it or his agents would never agree to it. 3) The Jets let him rot on the bench and essentially force his retirement. That would be foolish of the Jets as they could have received compensation for him. It would be like burning money. 3 is the only case where Revis would get screwed, and the special "no holdout" clause has nothing to do with it.
this is ridiculous .... really AGAIN ... I hope the Jets stick to their guns. Players shouldn't be able to have that much power
People said the same thing about Ty Law once, yet he did lead the league with 10 Ints as a Jets the next season..
You expect Revis to use what again.... That is just rediculous If he holds out the Jets need to figure out what to do with him. The careeer of a professional athelete is short, why shouldn't he try to make all of the money he can make now. He is going to be a HOF corner if he continues to play at the level we as Jet fans have become accustomed to. While the Jets need to be reasonable, they need to pay the man. He is the best Defensive player on the team amaybe the teams best player period. Jets should avoid Revis Agents - I said this back during the 1st fiasco but, these guys are pricks and I fully expect a hold out and eventually the Jets to move on from Mevis.
Ah, the 'english language' police strikes again... reading that original comment, you can see that it is obvious he meant 'once' when he typed 'use'. As for Revis, the future HOF corner and best defensive player on the team... I am not sure just how many SB's he will take us to. I am one of those who would not be adverse to trading him while he is on top. Get top value in picks and move on. A couple of #1's would be the perfect way to improve the Jets. Not saying he will hold out again, but if he does, think seriously about a trade instead of giving in again.