Every year most people laugh at the Jets picks and how they build a team. This year everyone is praising them and saying they look like a team that understands how to build a team. Yet the fans for the majority appear to still be unhappy, why is it that no matter what move the Jets make people seem to be whinning. Before the draft started some people said things like there is no way the Jets could mess this up. Now there are threads saying things like "Worst Draft ever". I for one do not understand how people can be this upset or even upset for that matter. The Jets addressed needs with every pick so far. They didn't go for the big name guy every time instead they filled needs and looked at the big picture. Sure Leinart would have been nice but QB can be addressed in later rounds as it was. The Jets had possibly one of the worst Olines in years last year. Now the Jets go out and solifify their Oline big time by adding a great LT and a great C, and some people are still complaining. In my opinion a winning team is built upfront first. If you don't agree then name me a great team with a bad Oline. Look at the Pats teams that have won superbowls. Tom Brady never got touched he got to sit back all day and make his throws. Last year the Pats line was a little unstable and look at the difference in how far they got. Next, the Jets selected Clemens. Clemens can make throws down field and does not have to come in right away. QB's need time to learn the system before they can come in and be successful. A lot of analysts who get paid money to watch film think Clemens could have been a first round pick had he not been injuried. Additionally, a bust QB in the second round doesn't set you back 5 years it is something you can recover from. If your second round QB comes through though your team can be way ahead of schedule. Finally dont forget that the Jets have added a second round pick next year. To me the Jets have had a very good day so far and still have 2 more third round picks. To me this FO understands how to build a team. This is how to make your team better for years. This is not a quick fix that most of us have probably all become acustom to. Is anyonn else with this train of thought of? Let me know what you think and please make a case for your point. If you disagree make a case for it. Please don't just say this sucks or something like that Thanks Jetman.
Great post. I agree completely. I just think some people need the thrill of an exciting pick on Draft Day and a new jersey to buy rather than picking a solid OL. Me, I'll settle for conservative but smart on Draft Day and some excitement in December and January instead.
The significant thing is when Mayock said Clemmons remnds him of Drew Brees, this is siginficant because of who our OC is..... I'm with you. I'm still waiting for somebody to wake me up.....
I totally agree....Leinart was probably the popular pick at #4 but the FO showed balls by filling a need. Plus Leinart would of had a hard time completeing passes from his backside.....Oline is a foundation. With D'brick we have a LT that can cover our QB blindside and w/ Marone we have our next franchise C......all we need is a RB & TE in the later rounds and we are set for the next few years.
Excelellent post, very well thought out. I agree with you completely, I will not even add anything as you have taken the thoughts right from my brain. All I can do right now is drink.....
there is one guy who ruined the yahoo Jetsfan boards and I have a strange feeling he is one of the jerks here that put out a terrible attitude and is stinking up the boards here now. Anyway, i agree 100% with the poster in this thread. I love the moves we made so far. Great draft for the first year coach and gm. Finally not going to hear how we screwed up the draft this year on the news lol. You build a team from the trenches. Cant do much with your QB laying on the ground all game. With that, its time to drink another Jets celebration beer
I agree 100% but unfortunately evey fan base has a segment that will always find something to criticize even if it is not merited. What I can't get over is how can you criticize something that you don't even know the answer to yet. If Frguson, mangold, and Klemmens all go to Canton (not saying they will) is it still the "worst Jets draft ever"!! Absolutley unbelievable!!
I thought this draft was exciting. Sure we did not get the big named players in the 1st, but we made a HUGE step forward. We almost completely rebuilt our core of our team in a day. Got a HUGE pick in the 2nd with, Clem. This is a very good way to start out for the Mangini crew. Everyone needs to remember we are in the rebuilding phase for this team. That is exactly what we are doing. So relax, we are having one of the best drafts out of the 32 teams drafting. Good job, Jets.
This is what happens when you pick top 5. You have visions of Bush, Leinart, Young etc. dancing in your head. When you weigh that against a lineman, which is a boring pick regardless of where it's done, it's bound to receive some criticism. They made smart picks. BTW, that was a great post, agreed 100%.
the folks who are dissappointed with the non glamorous picks, are the same people who would turn around and bad mouth the FO when the glamour boy is lying in the hospital because he just got rocked!!! by a linebacker..
Great post, I completely agree with you. I think come this season we'll be able to look back on the draft and see that it was in the best interest of the team to make those picks. We might not make the playoffs or anything, but just about anything will be better than what we had to go through last year.
Unfortunately there are people who think in order to have a good draft you have to select playmakers. These people should have known upfront that this is going to be a cookie cutter draft to what the Patriots have done to build their championships. We simply must start laying a foundation on the OL and DL lines. Patience is needed as the offensive line was in dire need (Ranked 30th in sacks in 2005). RB is an easier position to fill. This team has more pressing needs and that is to be more solid on OL with discipline.
plus.. if the line blocks like studs.. even CMart can move the chains, or break one for 12 yds or sumthin
Give the guy a break he is only two years removed from a rushing title and Walter Payton couldn't have run behind our oline last year.
DUDE!!! I'm just having fun. I love the draft so far and I am in a great mood, thought I would just throw a dart at CMart.