Maybe 25 hours away but either way I can't stop thinking about tomorrow and how great it can be if we win. Here's a vid to pump you up.
haha, i watch that one and the loud j e t s chant from that game to get me pumped up before each game
Pats fan here.............I come in peace......... Do this for Richard Todd, do this for Richard Caster, Joe Willie and Mickey Shuler. Do this for 73-Joe, Mark-99, Greg Buttle, Freeman McNeil and Roger Vick. Do this for Al Toon and Wesley Walker, Damn it......Do it for Kenny O'Brien ! Do this for those warriors who spilled their hearts all over the Mud Bowl. To this day, one of the greatest games I have ever seen. AJ Duhe, where are you now ? You broke the hearts of many people that bleed green ! "The New York Jets draft...........KYLE BRADY !!!!!!!!!" Do this for Kyle. Damn it.........Let's get this done for Marty Lyons. Marty you trench dog, you great warrior, thank you for your efforts in the middle of nastiness. The mud you ate, the grit. Let's get this done for Marty.......... I am a beloved Pats fan and I want a Jets/Patriots AFCCG at the Razor. Let's make this happen. I am wearing my Blair Thomas jersey tomorrow night. Let's get the green into the show..............GO JETS !!!!!!!!!
I'm nervous. I figured we could get to 9-7. 10-6 would maybe get us to the PO's. Here we are on the brink of a pretty good season or a disappointing one. It is a real fine line.
Why don't you post that on Kerry Rhodes' twitter or something? Nobody at TGG is going to do anything tomorrow but drink beer and watch the game.
I'm petrified. It's going to be friggin freezing tomorrow. How do people play football when it's 9 degrees out?
And I have a 4 game lead in my internet pool with 16 games to go and a 2k prize. Sunday is gonna be a memorable day, thats for sure. I hope I win before the jet game, I took the Bengals +10.5. The Jets suck as home favorites. I don't to worry about the pick, just the game.
Dude, we would crush cincy no matter what. Look at what they did against the fucking Chiefs with the division on the line.