2012 TGGFFKL offseason thread

Discussion in 'Fantasy Football' started by wildthing202, Jan 3, 2012.

  1. wildthing202

    wildthing202 Active Member

    Jun 2, 2003
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    Congrats to our champ The Cromartie Bunch.

    Does anyone have any rule suggestions? If not I'm not going to make any myself since everything seems to be good.

    League site for 2012 won't be up until June/July so if you make a trade now, you'll have to sit on it until the site opens with the draft picks.

    Draft order for the 2012 draft:

    #1 Average Joe's Gym
    #2 Avalanche United
    #3 nyj unc
    #4 dDay Blitzers
    #5 Pocono Mountain MSUJet
    #6 Las Vegas Hellcats
    #7 Johnny ThaJet
    #8 Billionaire Boys Club
    #9 New Jersey Swamps
    #10 The Boss
    #11 Vinny Greenballs
    #12 Oregon Wicked Wombats
    #13 Damage Inc.
    #14 Easton Red Rovers
    #15 Douglas Mean Machine
    #16 The Cromartie Bunch
  2. JohnnyThaJet

    JohnnyThaJet Active Member

    Apr 13, 2009
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    To be honest I think it wouldn't be a bad idea to lower the keepers. I think it would really entice people to be involved in the draft and have keeping players that much harder to decide. It also helps out who 2 or 3 win teams so they can stay active as well as look forward to their teaming improving. Just my 2 cents on that.

    Also, I don't think the divisions should be random, yes I know the results are random every year but having a divison this season that basically to away the wild card kinda sucked for everyone else to stay active.
  3. fenwyr

    fenwyr Active Member

    Jan 3, 2003
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    I was thinking about the keepers as well. I am OK with 4-6 total, but maybe we limit it 1 at any given position?

    I'm fine with it either way, even though my team is not upper tier.
  4. wildthing202

    wildthing202 Active Member

    Jun 2, 2003
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    Divisions are never random it's been the same teams in the same divisions since 2005, it's just people like to change their names or new people come in.

    I'm not sure what to say about the wild card race other than this year was a bit of a fluke as you don't really see 3-4 teams in a division fighting to get to 10 wins at least not year in and year out. I'll try to come up with something for the ballot.

    Any other suggestions? I'll be taking them thru the next couple of weeks then I should have a ballot set to vote on around the Super Bowl.
  5. JohnnyThaJet

    JohnnyThaJet Active Member

    Apr 13, 2009
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    The keeper thing is definitely something I'd want to review with our fellow members . But other suggestions? Hmm, maybe add a TE spot to the flex? I've heard it works pretty well in other leagues. Maybe a dumb suggestion idk hahaha.

    I got to think of some more since I am thinking of what comes to mind at this very second. I'll get back to you for sure man.
  6. wildthing202

    wildthing202 Active Member

    Jun 2, 2003
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    There's no pressure if you can't think of any more.
  7. JohnnyThaJet

    JohnnyThaJet Active Member

    Apr 13, 2009
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    Frankly the league is near perfect, a small amount of suggestions is more of a compliment towards you than it is a lack of activity.

    Besides maybe changing up the keepers and adding a TE to the flex I couldnt think of anything really the matter.
  8. NYJFan10

    NYJFan10 Well-Known Member

    Dec 23, 2007
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    A TE as Flex is viable but probably won't be used much given the size of the league, even with PPR. You'd have to be either pretty desperate or have good drafting to have a TE viable enough to play Flex, even in bye weeks since in theory most backup TE's are the 17th to 32nd ranked players.

    I want to partake in the offseason stuff but don't really visit the board as much in the offseason, and even when I do I don't neccesarily see a PM if someone's trying to PM me (on other message boards, you can get a popup message if you get a PM but I don't see an option like that here). If I go 'missing', someone can e-mail me maybe cause I do want to play next year. Hopefully I'll remember to look right after the Super Bowl if that is when the survey's going on.

    Not sure I'd change too much...I might vote for fewer keepers, but then again it would benefit me to do so since I don't have six offensive guys worthy of keeping. Well maybe six if I kept Greene and Crabtree but both might be a stretch, and my QB's gonna be a default keeper in all likelihood.
    #8 NYJFan10, Jan 5, 2012
    Last edited: Jan 5, 2012
  9. wildthing202

    wildthing202 Active Member

    Jun 2, 2003
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    You're not missing much in the offseason. It's just the vote in February then aside from the schedule release in April nothing until June/July when the new version of the site opens for use in trading.

    Unless someone has a problem the draft will be the Wednesday before the 1st game of the year at 8 just like last season and the keeper deadline at 7 so I have time to check and adjust since some people screwed up last year.
  10. Jetfanmack

    Jetfanmack haz chilens?

    Aug 27, 2002
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    I'd like to start a 2nd runningback, and adding TE to the flex would be nice, too. Honestly, I have no idea how my team never makes the playoffs.

    -The Boss
  11. wildthing202

    wildthing202 Active Member

    Jun 2, 2003
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    It already does a 2nd RB unless you mean the ability to start a 3rd RB which is kind of silly considering there's 16 teams and not enough room to really allow it while keeping some balance.
  12. wildthing202

    wildthing202 Active Member

    Jun 2, 2003
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    Almost forgot about this I'll have a ballot done in a few days. It'll be short but long since I would have to describe all of the possible divisional formats and scheduling changes which might also affect how the playoffs work.
  13. wildthing202

    wildthing202 Active Member

    Jun 2, 2003
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    Ballot is up there are 8 items on it this year and just to remind everyone majority rules so 8 votes are needed for stuff to pass(I abstain since I'm commish). In the event of something not getting the required 8 votes we will re-vote with a modified ballot(take out the non-supported options) until something gets the majority.

    I'm sending this via mass email also so make sure you can get ESPN stuff through your spam filter. You can send it back to me in 1 of 3 ways either just post your choices here, send me your vote via PM or via email at wildthing2022000@yahoo.com. Don't reply to the email directly you have to make a new one to send to me.

    Enough talk here is the 2012 TGG FFKL owner's vote ballot:

    1) Lower the number of keepers to a maximum of:
    a) 4
    b) 5
    c) keep it at 6
    note - plus 1 rule for keeping 2 defensive players would stay in effect and 4 is the minimum no matter what happens.

    2) Limit the number of keepers at a certain position to a max of 1? So a max of only 1 QB, 1 RB, 1 WR, etc.(RB/WR or flex is not a seperate position)
    a) yes
    b) no

    3) Change RB/WR to Flex(RB/WR/TE)
    a) yes
    b) no

    4) Add punter(max 2 per team)
    a) yes
    b) no

    5) Increase bench to:
    a) 9
    b) 10
    c) 11
    d) 12
    e) keep it at 8

    6) Increase IR spots to:
    a) 5
    b) 6
    c) 7
    d) 8 (max allowed)
    e) keep it at 4

    7) League alignment for 2012 and beyond:

    Alignment plan 1
    "Big Round Robin"
    1 division 16 teams
    15 games
    optional championship game in week 16

    Alignment Plan 2
    "Double Vision"
    2 divisions of 8
    7 divisional games + 6-8 outside games = 13-15 games
    1-3 rounds of playoffs - 2-8 playoff teams
    how playoffs work might require 2nd vote

    Alignment plan 3
    Division A - 1st overall, 2nd ,3rd 4th
    Division B - 5th, 6th, 7th, 8th
    Division C - 9th, 10th, 11th, 12th
    Division D - 13th, 14th, 15th, 16th
    Either before or after playoffs
    same system of scheduling(13 games)

    Alignment plan 4
    Division A - 1st, 16th, 8th, 9th
    Division B - 4th, 13th, 5th, 12th
    Division C - 2nd, 15th, 7th, 10th
    Division D - 3rd, 14th, 6th, 11th
    Either before or after playoffs
    same system of scheduling(13 games)

    Alignment plan 5
    "Same place, same division"
    Division A - A champ, B champ, C champ, D champ
    Division B - 2nd A, 2nd B, 2nd C, 2nd D
    Division C - 3rd A, 3rd B, 3rd C, 3rd D
    Division D - 4th A, 4th B, 4th C, 4th D
    same system of sceduling(13 games)

    f) keep it the same

    8) pending alignment plan, number of playoff teams:
    a) 2
    b) 4
    c) 7
    d) 8
    e) keep it at 6
  14. NYJFan10

    NYJFan10 Well-Known Member

    Dec 23, 2007
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    1 - b) 5, just so teams can't keep their entire offensive starting lineup
    2 - b) no, as I'm reading it. A limit of one QB or RB wouldn't be terrible (generally you're only going to keep one QB anyway), but since WR's are so important and the keeper minimum is 4 you should at least get two there.
    3 - a) yes
    4 - b) no
    5 - e) keep it at 8
    6 - e) keep it at 4
    7 - f) keep it the same
    8 - e) keep it at 6
    #14 NYJFan10, Feb 14, 2012
    Last edited: Feb 14, 2012
  15. fenwyr

    fenwyr Active Member

    Jan 3, 2003
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    Submitted my ballot to you via email.
  16. fenwyr

    fenwyr Active Member

    Jan 3, 2003
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    People on bad teams can really get back in this thing if people are keeping 1 QB, RB, WR, TE on offense, and having the option of keeping up to 2 guys on defense.

    This is a unique keeper league as it is since you can keep guys forever. I like that but forcing people to keep only 1 at each skill position will make it more competitive, as well as making the draft more compelling.

    Having the ability to set it and forget it when you end up with 2 of the top 5 players at a given position can lead to stagnant playoffs for 2-3 years at a time.
  17. devilonthetownhallroof

    devilonthetownhallroof 2007 TGG Fantasy Baseball League Champion

    May 26, 2004
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    1) Lower the number of keepers to a maximum of:
    a) 4

    2) Limit the number of keepers at a certain position to a max of 1? So a max of only 1 QB, 1 RB, 1 WR, etc.(RB/WR or flex is not a seperate position)
    a) yes

    3) Change RB/WR to Flex(RB/WR/TE)
    a) yes

    4) Add punter(max 2 per team)
    a) yes

    5) Increase bench to:
    b) 10

    6) Increase IR spots to:
    d) 8 (max allowed)

    7) League alignment for 2012 and beyond:
    f) keep it the same

    8) pending alignment plan, number of playoff teams:
    e) keep it at 6
  18. NYJFan10

    NYJFan10 Well-Known Member

    Dec 23, 2007
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    Well I've never been part of a draft yet so I wouldn't know how that goes lol.

    I don't disagree with your point, I'm just more of the school of incremental changes...maybe one less keeper will be enough to make it more balanced. Or maybe more drastic measures are needed, I haven't been around long enough to really gage for sure (clearly a lot of you have, and the vote may well reflect that sentiment), especially since I've only done one keeper league before and that was just rolling over the whole roster in a 12-team league.
    #18 NYJFan10, Feb 14, 2012
    Last edited: Feb 14, 2012
  19. wildthing202

    wildthing202 Active Member

    Jun 2, 2003
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    1/3 of the league has voted so far(5 votes). Some things look like a slam dunk, others not so much.
  20. JohnnyThaJet

    JohnnyThaJet Active Member

    Apr 13, 2009
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    1) Lower the number of keepers to a maximum of:
    b) 5

    2) Limit the number of keepers at a certain position to a max of 1? So a max of only 1 QB, 1 RB, 1 WR, etc.(RB/WR or flex is not a seperate position)
    b) no

    3) Change RB/WR to Flex(RB/WR/TE)
    a) yes

    4) Add punter(max 2 per team)
    b) no

    5) Increase bench to:
    a) 9

    6) Increase IR spots to:
    e) keep it at 4

    7) League alignment for 2012 and beyond:
    f) keep it the same

    8) pending alignment plan, number of playoff teams:
    e) keep it at 6

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