Separate names with a comma.
Wow! My story mirrors yours. I haven't posted to this thread in years ! I had the option of buying tickets on the 40 yard line lower level...
I have Monday at noon
I have an idea, If we have any thought of playing Revis on Sunday (which we may well not) Sunday morning tell revis to try and cover holmes on a...
Am I the only one troubled by the fact that Ducasse's play has been so poor that he didn't even dress ? That would seem to indicate that not only...
I'm amazed by the people who don't want to believe the obvious, choosing to shoot the messenger. It is now clear that Revis reached his midnight...
I read that Woody is purchasing the necessary tickets to avoid a blackout. Forgot where I saw it, but definitely saw it.
I have to say, having been to the building, and having seen the view from row 18 first hand, the picture from 309 row 18 posted earlier is dead on...
I too was at the 5/27 bon jovi concert. Section 336 (about 25 yrd line) 17 rows back. For many years my family had seats in the upper deck of...
I don't see how they avoid putting the empty's up for individual game sale, or season sale without a right to renew. They aren't going to have a...
My sales agent just told me that the PSL still applies. Its come in out of the cold for cheaper face ticket prices, but the same psl as before.
I got the same invitation to "come in out of the cold", I am calling the Jets today, but I'd bet my left nut they are going to say the price is...
$70.00 and a 15K psl !
I called the jets weeks ago, they told me because they couldn't host a playoff game they didn't print tickets. It is now mathematically possible...
Section 227, who would have thought this would have become the thread to post financial and legal advice ? Now let's get back to the serious...
No, what I think he's saying is the PSL is owned by "ABC Corp.", a company in which he owns 100% of the stock. He will sell you his shares in ABC...
And so it begins, someone is trying to resell his PSL for 2 seats he bought from the JETS at auction. Check out...
This response was received from a JETS Rep: We have 2,000 seats in the upper level remaining but they are NFL Holds, visiting team, press,...
So if I read the AP correctly, 70% of non-club seats have been sold. Which likely means they haven't sold many club seats at all.
AP reports it as follows: Jets offer season tix to general publicComment Email Print Share Associated Press FLORHAM PARK, N.J. -- The New...