It never fails with this team. I hate being right all the time, but I knew the outcome of this game. We are back to being the laughing stock of the NFL. Dolphins look better then us. AND NEXT WEEK IS A MUST MUST WIN FOR THESE GUYS. THEY BETTER GET SOME NUTS AND BEAT ARIZONA AT HOME.
Poor coaching...took all our momentum's like trying to say we can't KO because our D can't stop them...
Too aggressive....not aggressive enough. No matter what the CS does someone is always complaining. Maybe I'm a realist but 1-2 is what I expected coming out of week 3. I hope Brett gets on the same page as the WR's but other then that ours schedule does lighten up a bit allowing us to build some momentum now.
You are saying the same thing....we couldn't complete a trick play with 22 plkayers on the field......very stuiped play
I have watched this team for a long time and they have been using the same plays every long does it take for a guy that has been in the league for that many years to learn 15 plays????? it's not Bretts fault that this team falls apart when a play doesn't work......
Geez. Just last week people were begging for that kind of calling. And now because it didn't work there are people screaming against it. Personally I was happy they tried something to get the momentum back and it almost worked! If it had people would be calling it genius.
We didn't need momentum...we just scored!!! are playing on there field...just keep it close...don't do plays that might work.....
Great call with horrible execution on that one. If Wallace Wright doesn't do a Justin McCareins impersonation we've got the ball right back- with huge momentum swing. I liked that call. Our defense allowed 9 of 12 3rd down conversions-- even without the short fields allowed by the onsides attempt and the TOs, they failed to make a meaningful play after Barrett's INT. I've been the biggest defender of the defense and they just plain did not show last night. Don't get me started on our 1st half offense.
That's a reason I have a major problem w. it. It was like Mangini was reading the MBs and listening to the radio. It was an awful decision espcially since SD had just scored 2 TDs off Jet TOs. Pin them as far back as possible and give your D a chance.
Poor coaching the way Wright should have had it...they should bring Henry back and cut Wright...
I beg to differ that it was a bad play. Reasons.... 1) Mangini said they practiced the damn play all week. 2) they had a specific look set up for and they got it. 3) They wanted to do it after a momentum change (after the Coles TD) 4) Everything except Wallace Wright holding the ball was executed properly. 5) It was early in the game. So it didn't work, big deal. The turning point of the game was the first third down SD converted. That set the tone for 9-13 on 3rd Down Conversions (70%), that is unheard of.
if you watched the onside kick the ball was in his hands! exectued perfectly so in my mind thats a good call by the cs and a way to take the crowd completly out of the game if we recover that ball. wright should be ashamed of himself.
I don't know, doesn't Atas talk about this same situation??? The gray room and the black room. Doing the things that keep you from out of the black room and doing anything isn't one in the same. If you ask me that on sides kick was a bad attempt to show that the team was being aggressive. It was more of a cop out if you ask me. Being aggressive to me would have been going 4 and 5 wideout with a 7-0 or 7-3 lead, instead of calling that same stupid 2TE set that wasn't working at all. AQttacking the chargers with Favres abilities and plays that work for him like we did at the end of the game would have been aggressive. Not running the old Chad offense with 3 guys running the same route or stupid pump fake screens wasn't being aggressive. This FO is clueless about the difference between being aggressive and being wreckless.