Jets-Giants end talks with Allianz

Discussion in 'New York Jets' started by Popeye's Army, Sep 12, 2008.

  1. typeOnegative13NY

    typeOnegative13NY Well-Known Member

    Sep 1, 2003
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    What's the meaning of that? This is EXACTLY what i mean. I DID say what i mean. Nothing more nothing less. Are you going to try and take what i said and mold it into i that hate all Jewish people and help prove my point? Because that wouldn't be close. But i find it ridiculous that people who have nothing to do with a certain thing have to continuously pay for it daily. BTW..i could care less what they name the stadium.
    #61 typeOnegative13NY, Sep 13, 2008
    Last edited: Sep 13, 2008
  2. Phyr

    Phyr Member

    Mar 3, 2005
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    Ford helped the Nazis too. No one is calling for Ford Field to be changed or to stop airing commercials on Sundays.
  3. Boomer da G.O.A.T

    Boomer da G.O.A.T Active Member

    Dec 4, 2003
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    didn't mean to insinuate anything or try to mold anything to an agenda. i got no agenda i just feel people should feel cool to engage in an open dialogue without the fear of hurting any one else's feelings, just thought some of your language was a little vague, but honestly man end of the day this is a jets board, we all love the jets, the rest is nonsense, ima keep it all positive!
  4. typeOnegative13NY

    typeOnegative13NY Well-Known Member

    Sep 1, 2003
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  5. mesheler

    mesheler Member

    Jul 28, 2003
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    It is absolutely your right to say what you want, or move to a location filled with like-minded individuals. I am thankful that the powers that be saw to it to listen to the protests.

    As for the notion that we should "boycott all German companies if we boycott one." Well, that is a bit silly. I am peeved by this particular company because of the unique impact they had on the lives of millions of Jews in the post-WWII world. I understand that war sucks, and that many folks did what they had to do in the name of self-preservation. But Kurt Schmitt and the board of Allianz aligned with the Nazis LONG before they came into power. They shared a common idealism. That being said, Allianz had the chance to make it right after the war, and they did not (despite what what was stated in a different post re: reparations -- they were NEVER paid out properly. Peter Lefkin, SVP Allianze-America, would disagree with me; he described in a recent interview that Allianz had participated in numerous, 'voluntary' reparations programs. The truth is that the ICHEIC was FAR from voluntary, AND it took place >50 years after the war! While this initiative may have saved the company's European reputation, it failed to satisfy a vast majority of outstanding Life Insurance Claims held by Jews prior to the war. Too little, too late!)

    All that being said, Hilgard and Schmitt are both long gone. So has the company "moved on"? Paid its dues? Maybe. I don't view the current board as "Evil" today. But I don't know for sure what their politics are. I don't really care. However, as I said in a different thread, the issue here surrounds not what they are today, but the persistent reminder of Holocost atrocities to fans who attend games, particularly in a part of the world where so many Jews reside. Such indignity should be avoided, when possible. It is not a PC thing. It is a human thing. A respectful thing.

    Furthermore, I am a capitalist as well. I am not opposed to making lots of money. So will the Jets suffer from NOT making this deal? No. Its not like someone else will not pay as much / more than the purported Allianz deal. So, this is a compromise of least resistance. And I do not see a downside? Except that we have to have these ugly, polarizing conversations . . .
    #65 mesheler, Sep 13, 2008
    Last edited: Sep 13, 2008
  6. typeOnegative13NY

    typeOnegative13NY Well-Known Member

    Sep 1, 2003
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    I can understand that. It is a good post. I really know very little about Allianz and only know of their ties to the Nazi from this board. It's not that i feel anyone affected should forget..i just think that those that run and profit that company are a new generation and new gererations should not suffer for the action of the last.
    Down here it's not so much the like's the lack of arguments over these things. I just find people do not at all talk abotu these things down here. Nobody bugs the guy down the street for having Hannukah decorations in December and no one tells Lowes they can't call them Christmas trees. Maybe it's just my area but it all seems to be a non issue down here and i love it. I have a bunch of friends in my neighborhood and i am glad to say i have no idea what their nationality is.
  7. jets&rushfan

    jets&rushfan New Member

    Jul 21, 2005
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    Good, let the non anti semites have their fun, cause your wave is not one that the true American Indian believe.
  8. jets&rushfan

    jets&rushfan New Member

    Jul 21, 2005
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    Did I confuse you enough?
  9. jets&rushfan

    jets&rushfan New Member

    Jul 21, 2005
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    Ask Gene and Paul, as long as the Jews make money it is all ok
  10. jets&rushfan

    jets&rushfan New Member

    Jul 21, 2005
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    Now I have gone and said what the fuck I wanted, do I feel bad about it?

    Stop trying to get sympathy, we know the plight, so get the fuck on with life
  11. mesheler

    mesheler Member

    Jul 28, 2003
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    I find that SO annoying, too!! Why is it a "Holiday Party?" It is a Christmas Party!! C'mon!! I think this is my point here -- there is nothing about Christmas that Jews can find offensive, save for maybe the fact that Hanukkah does not measure up in terms of presents. So why pretend it does not exist? In a perfect world, we could clearly define what is offensive / inflammatory without a radical over-correction that is know as "Political Correctness." How about "Historically Accurate, Non-offensiveness?"

    BTW, I added some additional links re: Allianz above (in case you care to know more.) I do not mean to bash their business so much...I am just trying to inform many who may not know some of the awful decisions made and actions performed up to, and including 4 years ago!
  12. jetglass

    jetglass New Member

    May 9, 2005
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    Are you serious, how can you even make these statements and try to represent the fact that you actually know remotely anything about this issue? Please, pick something else to post about if you dont know s*** about the issue at hand. Its not even a matter of difference in opinion with you,its just complete disregard for the facts by you. Even after their decisions, AFTER the war was over they refused to pay out insurance to any of the Jews even though it was rightfully their money. But I guess you like it better to just post about issues when you are devoid of any related knowldge to the situation. Stick to football man, this clearly isn't your field.
  13. jetglass

    jetglass New Member

    May 9, 2005
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    You should feel bad. I would sure like to see your family brutally murdered and then have the killers apologize to you and then you refuse to accept it, but then others tell you "stop trying to get sympathy, we know the plight, so get the fuck on with life." Douchebag.
  14. IATA

    IATA Trolls

    Aug 8, 2008
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    As you know, the people who did these things are still in charge of the company.

    Wait. They're not? No way.
  15. mesheler

    mesheler Member

    Jul 28, 2003
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    I know this will fall on deaf ears, but we already discussed this:

    "All that being said, Hilgard and Schmitt are both long gone. So has the company "moved on"? Paid its dues? Maybe. I don't view the current board as "Evil" today. But I don't know for sure what their politics are. I don't really care. However, as I said in a different thread, the issue here surrounds not what they are today, but the persistent reminder of Holocost atrocities to fans who attend games, particularly in a part of the world where so many Jews reside. Such indignity should be avoided, when possible. It is not a PC thing. It is a human thing. A respectful thing. "
  16. mesheler

    mesheler Member

    Jul 28, 2003
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    Something we can all agree on??

    Before we put this thing to bed, I want to share one additional tidbit which may convince you that this company did not deserve to sponsor the new stadium (see bolded text in article.) Maybe even the naysayers here will agree that this company sucks, independent of religion. This should make anyone who lives or loves NYC upset!

    Giants, Jets end stadium naming negotiations with Allianz over past Nazi ties


    Updated Saturday, September 13th 2008, 1:25 AM

    Allianz has been sacked.

    The developer of the new Jets and Giants stadium broke off naming rights talks with the Nazi-linked insurance company after a groundswell of outrage.

    "The best direction was not to continue with the negotiations," Mark Lamping, president of New Meadowlands Stadium LLC, told the Daily News.

    Lamping said the "depth of feeling" from the public led him to scuttle the potential sponsorship deal, and he broke the news to Allianz on Friday morning.

    Football fans and Jewish groups had responded with fury when they learned Allianz was on the short list of companies offering to pay up to $30 million to have their name on the new field.

    The German company insured Adolf Hitler's engineers at the Auschwitz death camp, had a chief executive in his cabinet and allegedly refused to pay off life insurance policies to Jews during the Holocaust.

    Allianz spokesman Peter Lefkin confirmed that talks were off.

    "After Allianz SE in its board meeting on Sept. 9 did not come to a conclusive commitment for an immediate agreement, The New Meadowlands Stadium decided not to further pursue talks," he said.

    "The decision shows sensitivity to the fact that the greater New York area is home to a large number of Holocaust survivors and their families and World War II veterans, who live with the painful memories of that time," said Abe Foxman of the Anti-Defamation League.

    Before the company was cut, Allianz officials argued the company had made amends by acknowledging a shameful past and paying millions in restitution - but opponents scoffed.

    "Of all German companies, they paid a pittance," said Elan Steinberg, former director of the World Jewish Congress.

    "They were going to pay $25 million a year for naming rights? They should set aside those funds for poverty-stricken survivors."

    Manhattan Borough President Scott Stringer said that even if Allianz had corrected old mistakes, its misdeeds didn't end with World War II.

    "The company's role in prolonging the [World Trade Center] rebuilding process by refusing to pay their full share of insurance claims has only exacerbated these wounds," he said.

    On The News' Web site, reaction to the development was split, with some readers saying Allianz deserved to get the boot and others saying it was unfairly singled out.

    "I'm Jewish but believe that one cannot hold the grandchildren of those trapped in a government of tyranny and terror, over 60 years ago, responsible for those sins," one poster wrote.
  17. Long Time Jet Fan

    Long Time Jet Fan New Member

    Sep 18, 2003
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    Sounds like one hell of a company to me. WWII and then the World Trade Center. Nice.
  18. soh_vet

    soh_vet Well-Known Member

    Apr 20, 2005
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    let them stay in germany, thank god they're not here...wait a second, the germans are here!!!:eek:hmy:

    guess we're not mad enuf at them to keep them out of the country. just off our stadiums.

    Allianz Global Investors Distributors LLC
    1345 Avenue of the Americas, New York, NY, 10105-4800, USA
  19. Boomer da G.O.A.T

    Boomer da G.O.A.T Active Member

    Dec 4, 2003
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    i'm pretty sure the jets don't control who can and who cannot buy real estate in manhattan. plenty of foreign investment firms have offices in new york just like you will find a goldman sachs or morgan stanley overseas as well
  20. mesheler

    mesheler Member

    Jul 28, 2003
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    After today's game...I really, really do not appreciate your douchebag comments! Please, please, please go away!!

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