Why the praise for Culpepper?

Discussion in 'National Football League' started by discostu570, Apr 5, 2006.

  1. jetophile

    jetophile Bruce Coslet's Daughter

    Oct 29, 2004
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    I never liked the fact that Culpepper had small hands. Just a randow thought, but that always glared at me, like he had some fat ass mole on his nose.
  2. 3rdAnd15Draw

    3rdAnd15Draw Well-Known Member

    Dec 15, 2004
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    I guess you're not a Brees fan then :rofl:
  3. baamf

    baamf Active Member

    Apr 5, 2004
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  4. jetophile

    jetophile Bruce Coslet's Daughter

    Oct 29, 2004
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    Haw! The bigger question is, what the hell is a randow thought?! I suspect you muddled through and guessed I meant RANDOM. Off-season worms are eating my brain.
  5. WarriorRB28

    WarriorRB28 Well-Known Member

    Mar 11, 2003
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    #45 WarriorRB28, Apr 6, 2006
    Last edited: Apr 6, 2006
  6. Outtawack311

    Outtawack311 New Member

    May 8, 2004
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    Or wait, here's a thought, read the post and don't be a jackass.

    BLITZKRIEG New Member

    Aug 28, 2002
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  8. Pam

    Pam TGG.com Friendliest Poster Fourpeat!!

    May 6, 2005
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    Thanks baamf, very interesting read. :beer: This really grabbed my attention:

    #48 Pam, Apr 6, 2006
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 8, 2005

    BLITZKRIEG New Member

    Aug 28, 2002
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    So, Old Man Al Davis' brainworks are interesting to you???...

    I suppose Davis knows more about Culpepper's injury than everyone else does? I wasn't aware that Al Davis was a certified knee specialist, or that he could predict Culpepper's future in the process. All one has to do is look at the state of affairs in Oakland, and see how clueless Al Davis has become over the years...

    Like I said before, there are so many parts of this SI article that are based on nothing but personal opinion, it should have never even been printed. It's full of garbage, most of which is made up...

    He also goes on to say something about Culpepper not showing up for his press conference??? If only someone would have told this tool that none of Saban's players get press conferences...EVER.

    Then he says how he's not a team player, and was all about money. Not once did he mention Culpepper re-structuring his contract within a week after arriving in Miami. Helping us save over 5 million against the cap....

    Yeah, this SI guy really knows what he's talking about....:rolleyes:
  10. dclark26

    dclark26 New Member

    Nov 26, 2004
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    As much as it pains me to type this I disagree that Culpepper is "overrated". Look at his 2004 numbers. He passed for a whopping 4717 yards, 39 Td's and only threw 11 picks. His QB rating was 110.9. If not for Peytom Manning's record breaking season, Culpepper would have won the MVP by a landslide. With a fresh start, it would not suprise me to see him succed. I hope I'm wrong.
  11. GreenMachine


    Sep 9, 2003
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    Before his injury....with Randy Moss...

    BLITZKRIEG New Member

    Aug 28, 2002
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    And now it's after his injury........with Chis Chambers.
  13. hazmat

    hazmat New Member

    Aug 27, 2004
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    I think it would be very difficult for anyone to question the talent of Culpepper.

    A team couldn't ask for much more physically from a qb then bigger hands. He's huge, fast, has as good of an arm as any qb in the NFL. With that being said Kyle Boller has a great arm and we've seen how far that gets him.

    Personally I've always had concerns about him becoming a great pocket qb regardless of the numbers he's put up.

    If I was a Dolphins fan I would be very concerned about a number of things. And as a Jets fan I would not have been happy if we had traded for him.

    1) Immaturity: You would think someone who has been in the league for a number of years would have grown up by now. Between the love boat incident, having no agent, demanding a new contract after his worst pro year and a serious injury. E-mailing the Vikings front office demanding a higher salary or a trade. Doing his knee rehab in Florida far away from the Vikings who had a lot of money invested in him. Not understanding how his salary was negotiated (large signing bonus followed by a much lower salary). To even think about being an NFL player without an agent is insane with the depth of the CBA.

    2) Injury: I don't think it needs to be rehashed, but Culpepper had one of the worst knee injuries possible. And last time I checked being healthy and being durable are pretty important to being a qb.

    3) Small hands: enough said.

    4) Reading a defense: I've seen in multiple articles that many front offices we're very concerned that Culpepper has never learned how to make progressions and check down. Even Al Davis didn't want him which is shocking considering that Culpepper is the vertical type of qb that Davis craves.

    Clearly Culpepper is one of the most naturally talented Qb's the NFL has seen but that doesn't have anything to do with winning games. Clearly Culpepper is immature and has not taken the time to study the game they way other great qb's have. He should make the Dolphins better, but anyone would be an upgrade over what they had last year.

    BLITZKRIEG New Member

    Aug 28, 2002
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    Did you just compare Boller to Culpepper??...

    He goes out on a boat, with a bunch of his buddies to have a good time, and that's immature. Good call.:rolleyes:

    What does negociating his contract, as a proffessional football player, have to do with being immature??...Or not having an agent for that matter???..Personally, I can't see any connection between the two...

    He was demanding a new contract because he knew that would set them off, and then he'd be traded. All these poeple who bring up the money thing with Culpepper, need to know this. The first week with the Phinz he restructured his contract, saving Miami over 5 million in cap space. Now tell me again how he was all about the money. It's good for a nice laugh....

    He was e-mailing the Vikes because he wanted out, it's as simple as that. The way B. Childress went about this whole thing was far more immature than the way Culpepper handled it. Culpepper didn't go public, bashing the Vikes organization or coach Childress in this process, he handled it through e-mails, and kept it out of the media eye for the most part. What's worse, speaking out in public{Childress}, or doing it privately through an e-mail{Culpepper}? You tell me....

    It's funny, although the trade is long been finished, Childress is crying like a little bitch....

    I'd rather have a QB with a bum knee, than one with a bum throwing shoulder. Culpepper will have plenty of weapons on offense to keep from having to leave the pocket. I'm not worried about it, he's already doing light running, and throwing. I'm sure once he's healthy, he'll be fine...

    Those small hands sure throw alot of TD's. Alot more than fumbles....

    Besides, this small hands issue is lame. Culpepper is a big human being. He's 6'-6" and weighs 270 lbs. How small could his hands actually be??...

    I'm sure for a man of size, they're considered small, but for the average size QB, his hands are probably bigger tham most. With that said, I can't image him having smaller hands than most QB's in the NFL...

    The guy can throw for 250 yards in his sleep. Look at his comp%, and his QB ratings. This guys is a machine when he's healthy and well protected...

    Sure it does. Why wouldn't it???...

    What makes you so certain about Culpepper's lack of study habits?? You telling me that Saban is going to give him a free pass when it comes to studying, and preparing for an opponent??.. Sorry, can't buy that...

    "Anyone", would not be Culpepper. Culpepper is better than most....

    #54 BLITZKRIEG, Apr 7, 2006
    Last edited: Apr 7, 2006
  15. baamf

    baamf Active Member

    Apr 5, 2004
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    Someone is a bit sensitive. I guess since you had to remove that silly Brees sig you lost your sense of reason. I posted an article relating to the subject at hand. If you don't agree with points of it, so be it, don't resort to the immature name calling thing. You've lost the respect I once had for you. Oh well...
  16. hazmat

    hazmat New Member

    Aug 27, 2004
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    I am shocked that a Dolphins fan is completely biased towards Culpepper. The guy has never taken a snap for the Dolphins and you can't stop praising him. Aren't you just a little curious why other teams didn't seem interested?

    To answer you, yes I am comparing him to Kyle Boller. My point is that physical skills don't always translate into being a great NFL QB. It's so much more about reading defenses, being patient, going through progressions and making good decisions.

    Yes he was being immature. How long has the guy been in the league now? 7 years? His team has a bad start and he's part of a group of guys that rents a boat and brings in strippers/hookers from out of state. Do you think Tom Brady, Peyton Manning, Matt Hasselbeck are doing those things a) during the season b) when their team is not playing well c) period? I think not, and that’s the difference in maturity. I'm pretty sure he doesn't have problems getting laid.

    His contract and agent are both maturity issues. This isn't the NBA where you get a max contract or you don't. NFL contracts are huge documents that are all unique and the combination of a signing bonus, roster bonus, annual salary, timing of these clauses and the effect it has on his future with an organization and how his money affects the cap of his team are things that he should have an agent for. How many other players in the NFL don't have agents? Even a good lawyer wouldn't necessarily understand the implications of an NFL contract compared to other players contracts and what to ask for.

    Wow, he restructured with the Dolphins? Why do I get the impression he took his salary and converted it to signing bonus therefore getting more money up front and lowering the Dolphins salary cap? Yeah he's a real team guy, one day I hope my company gives me my salary up front.

    Yes Childress was not very mature in how he handled it. But this isn't about Childress, it's about Culpepper. Maybe he should have hired an agent and had the agent contact the Vikings and ask them to restructure his contract, trade him or cut him. Can you imagine being a coach or gm and getting an email from your qb asking for a trade? That's very mature. Especially considering that he's coming off his worst pro season and a season ending injury.

    Again Childress did not act in a mature manner, but this isn't about Childress. And I'm sure Culpepper didn't want to talk to the media considering what he was dealing with the love boat incident. And let's keep in mind that the DA can bring those chargers up again, he's not out of the water.

    Again, I didn't bring up anything to do with Pennington. As far as I'm concerned he's only here for one more year for salary cap purposes. Even if you keep Culpepper in the pocket wouldn't a severe knee injury have some effect on his mobility for a 5 and 7 step drops and moving around the pocket? What about planting to throw? Does anyone really know at this point when he's going to be healthy? No.

    Do you think someone made it up that Culpepper has small hands? Patrick Ewing had small hands and he was 7 feet tall. Obviously it's an issue and the cause of him fumbling more frequently then other NFL signal callers.

    Just because he puts up good numbers doesn't mean he has any idea how to read a defense. Putting up great numbers doesn't necessarily mean he's a great qb.

    Talent at qb does not equal wins. It’s talent plus hard work, good coaching, watching tape, learning how to read a defense etc... Why do you think so many guys who come out of college labeled as the next best thing because of their physical skills wind up being busts?

    I expect Saban to be all over him. And if Saban can teach him how to play qb in a system and work hard off the field then I believe Culpepper could become a great winning qb. Again he has all the potential to do that. He has the potential to be as good a qb as the league has ever seen. The questions about his maturity, durability and work ethic are the concerns I have. This has nothing to do with him being on the Dolphins or Vikings. I’ve always felt this way about him.


    BLITZKRIEG New Member

    Aug 28, 2002
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    No, I'm not interested in what other teams thought of him. I trust Saban more than I trust those other teams. And what is there to be curious about, the guys can flat out play QB, and now he's ours, case closed....

    I'm not being biased, and I'm not going to bash the Culpepper based on nothing but circumstancial evidence, or someone elses opinions of him. I've done my own research of Culpepper, and his ongoings this off-season. Just because Al Davis doesn't offer a 2nd round pick for Culpepper, doesn't mean Culpepper has problems playing the QB position...

    If you'll excuse me for saying so, that's one of the dumbest, most idiotic comparsions I've ever seen. What did you base this on???...I'll be honest too, I have a hard time taking antything you state seriously after that....

    Not always, but in Culpepper's case, I'd say you're way off using that theory. He's proven that when healthy, he's one of the best QB in the NFL. You guys can deny that all you like, but the numbers don't lie. His stats are plain for all to see anytime you're ready to face reality....

    Do you have any proof that Culpepper was indeed "part of a group of guys that rented a boat and hired strippers???...If not, you've got no case against him. Culpepper was merely invited to this boat party, and all he's been guilty of is playing some dice. Everything else is mere speculation....

    Why compare Culpepper to these guys at all???...He's his own person, with his own interests, and so on. What one man does has nothing to do with another. Compare them on the field, because that' where it counts...

    Blah blah blah.....Yeah, his immaturity / not having an agent certainly held us back didn't?? LOL!!!!!....

    First of all, before he was granted permission to seek a trade, the Vikes were not allowing anyone to even talk to Culpepper. Within days of him being freed up by Childress, he was doing his own promotions, and acting as his own agent. BIG DEAL. In case you didn't notice, the trade got done regardless, so I can't see how any of this has to do with him being immature. It's such a lame arguement it's not even worth debating in my opinion....

    That's a far cry from the Vikes saying he wanted a "10 million dollar raise"....

    It'f funny how when he was in Minnesota, all he wanted was money. And now, within days of his arrival in Miami, he re-structured in order to help us. Ironic huh?? Ever stop to consider he may have been demanding the money in order to get the trade he so desperately wanted??...

    When you bring up these contract / immaturity issues, it has very much to do with Childress in my opinion. He's the one voicing these charges against him, not only as a player but as a person as well....

    What difference does it make today???...He's in Miami, and it's a done deal. Were there any hold-ups regarding this trade other than him passing a physical???....He simply didn't need an agent....

    The NFL is a business, it's not personal. Culpepper made the decision he wanted out of Minny, and in order to get his trade, he had to do what was necessary. If that means e-mailing the new HC and asking him, so be it. It's a common occurance these days....

    Those small hands certainly effected Ewing's career didn't they???...LOL!!!!

    So Cpep has had fumbling troubles??...Big deal. Like I said before, his TD's far outnumber the amount of fumbles he's lost...

    Then I guess the reasoning behind all of his Pro Bowl numbers, are due to his lack of being able to grasp a defense. How do you put up 39 TD's a season when you can't read a defense???...

    Well then what does throwing 39 TD's in one season equate to????...

    I can't answer why it happens, it just does. Culpepper didn't struggle very much coming out of college did he???.So why is he now being labled as one of those busts you speak of??...I don't get it.

    Gee, just a couple of paragraphs ago, you were comparing D. Culpepper to K. Boller?!?!...What happened???....

    This is the first major injury he's sustained since entering the NFL. It is a serious injury, but in this day and age, we're lucky to have such skilled surgical experts who are capable of fixing these types of injuries...

    The maturity / work ethic are both bogus debates. Unless you know Culpepper personally, and actually know what his off-season work out programs consist of, those two issues are dead...
    #57 BLITZKRIEG, Apr 7, 2006
    Last edited: Apr 7, 2006
  18. hazmat

    hazmat New Member

    Aug 27, 2004
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    Will agree to disagree. I can say that I've always disliked him as a qb even when he was throwing td's to Moss all day. Will see how he does with Saban. A year from now will see what he's done. Like I said if Saban coaches him up and he works hard and the knee is healthy then I think he can be a great qb.

    My comparision between him and Boller was based on how Boller has a great arm, is very accurate, but can't read a defense for sh$t and has never gotten any better. Obviously Culpepper has put up great numbers in the nfl but he's never done it consistently without Moss where he has to go through progressions and check down. I was very surpised that Saban traded for him. Will see what happens.

    Oh and about Patrick Ewing, yes he's a hall of fame player, but it did hurt his game that his hands were so small. Culpepper has the arm to make any throw so I think it's a moot point in that regards. But the fumbling is discouraging.
  19. Outtawack311

    Outtawack311 New Member

    May 8, 2004
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    Culpepper had a career rating of 91.5 and a career completion % of 64.4. Both of those rank among the best of each category of ALL TIME. His first year as a starter he threw for 62.7% comp, 33 tds and 16 INT for 3937 yards and a 98 qb rating, so the Kyle Boller or college bust ideas are completely off base.
    In the 3 games moss was missing in 2004 Culpep threw for 765 yards 7 td 1 int and an average comp % of 71.5 and an average qb rating of 112.2. And he didnt get much help considering in those 3 games alone he was sacked 9 times.

    All of the following numbers are from the games with Culpepper playing except for the last WR. The only one of these players that had and 1st wr starts was Burleson during 3 games when Moss was injured in 2004.

    WR Nate Burleson - 2004 - 1006 yards 9 tds.. 2003 his first year 455 2 tds...2005 without Pep 328 yards 1 td.

    WR Kelly Campbell 37 games 1062 yards 9 tds

    TE Wiggins - 18 games 840 yards 4 tds

    WR Marcus Robinson - 20 games 816 yards 8tds

    TE Kleinsasser - 52 games 1100 yards 5 td

    WR Moss w/o Pep - 16 games 1005 yards 8 tds

    To me, those numbers tell me Pepp made moss. Since when Moss left he was turned into the equvalent of Burleson, Pepps 2nd reciever when he had 1006 yards and 9 tds.
  20. PhinPhan1227

    PhinPhan1227 New Member

    Sep 3, 2002
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    Check your facts. Moss only played 13 games in 2004 and had about half his normal season production. Culpeppers best games came when Moss either didn't play or was injured.

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