Usually we get at least 1 primetime game a year even when we suck, because we are the Jets, but this year we really suck. Any chance we see a monday or sunday night game this year? What do you think?
i say no way in hell we get a prime time game unless the Jets have a surprising year for the better and are a team that can have their game moved to prime time later in the season.
We'll get none scheduled. If we're any good, they'll move one or two to Sunday night on NBC the last 7 weeks of the season.
Under previous NFL TV contract, all teams were guaranteed one prime time appearance. The lower level teams appeared on Sunday Night on ESPN. If the same is in place with the new TV contract, then expect the lower level games to be switched the Monday Night.
I don't think that first statement is true. I don't recall that rule, and the Titans and the Bucs didn't have any prime time games last year.
No, every team does get a prime time game each year. I'd have to look back to see if the Bucs and Titans got one, but that was always a rule.
You may be right. I am pretty sure it was a rule at one time, possibly not last year. I guess we will see at 2pm tommorrw
Either them or New England. Even though our past season doesn't rate prime time, if they schedule us to play someone who had a good year, that might get us on? <shrugs>
I believe every team is guarenteed one primetime game a season no matter your record from the previous season.