Pennington article in the Boston Globe

Discussion in 'New York Jets' started by Murrell2878, Jul 20, 2008.


    FOURTHANDLONG Active Member

    Apr 20, 2006
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    Are you kidding or what? Please tell me your at home drinking and fantasizing please? Your saying Chad is high on the list of Qb's the pats Fear. Chad is not even a top 20 Qb in the Nfl! The Pats look forward to seeing him behind center.
  2. WhiteShoeWillis

    WhiteShoeWillis Well-Known Member

    Mar 20, 2006
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    1 of 2 QB's to accomplish something - that something is a meaningless stat that you came up with. It has zero historical or current significance.

    He gets bashed because of his current abilities, not his past abilities. Not many sports fans are as loyal as you. And honestly, he hasn't done all that much for this team. You keep saying "everything he's done." Zero AFC championship appearances, zero superbowls, 3 playoff appearances and 1 division title before the shoulder. He's done better than most Jets QB's, but that's not saying much. You are infatuated with mediocrity because of the shitty past jets QB history.

    He had one great season that people feel the need to hang onto for ever.

    edit: bargh - what have i got myself into debating CP again. i quit.
    #102 WhiteShoeWillis, Jul 22, 2008
    Last edited: Jul 22, 2008
  3. nyjunc

    nyjunc 2008 TGG Bryan Cox "Most Argumentative" Award Winn

    Aug 28, 2002
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    Chad has 3 regular season starts in NE.

    I don't know, we played them tighht in good weather at home. if not for a Ben Graham shank at the end of the first half that led to a NE TD who knows?

    The OL was decent in 2006, it was the worst I have ever seen in 2007. Everett McIver could have started for us last year and been an upgrade. He didn't have his same supporting cast, he had a new RB, he had a new LG, Coles missed games. It was not the same team.

    I must have missed it when they gave up 38 points to NE at home. hey we did too, maybe we did have a SB caliber team?:rofl: The Giants D gave up 27 PPG the last 3 games. The Giants were 17th in points allowed, to say you thought they could win 3-4 playoff games is absurd. If you did feel that way I assume you posted about it? Please find me the post and I'll concede the point.

    :rofl: A Super Bowl ready team? The team was 1-4 before he made his first start, the biggest reason we were playing in Oakland was Chad. Chad struggled that day in his first road playoff start but nobody played well on O. Coles dropped a TD and had a huge penalty on a long gainer by Moss on a reverse, Cherbet dropped a potential TD, Coles stood by and watched Tory James picked off the game changinf INT when he easily could have knnocked it down. Chad didn't play well but he didn't have help and still it was a 10-10 game late in the 3rd qtr. let's not forget Chad outperformed 3 future HOF Qbs to get the Jets to oakland. Beating Brady and NE in NE on a Sunday Night, then thrashing Favre and GB as they played for homefield then humiliating Manning and Indy in the WC rd.

  4. nyjunc

    nyjunc 2008 TGG Bryan Cox "Most Argumentative" Award Winn

    Aug 28, 2002
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    AGAIN, I don't think NE fears any QB but when only two opposing QBs have won more than 1 game in your building it does make you take notice a bit.

    NE has been the best team in the NFL this decade, only 2 QBs since '02 have won 2 games at Foxboro- that's an accomplishment.

    He's the ONLY QB to start in 3 different postseasons, he's one of 2 QBs to lead us to an AFC East Title. We have 3 road playoff wins in our history, he led us to one of them. We only have 8 playoff wins all time and he has 2 of them. Individually he became only the 2nd Jet QB to lead the NFL in passing, he led us out of a 1-4/2-5 hole in '02 to guide us to a division title. He led us to the ONLY non-Pats div title since 2001. It's not his fault he has played in a division w/ a dynasty team. He's done a hell of alot for us.
  5. The Uniform Bomber

    The Uniform Bomber Spivey's Agent

    Jan 22, 2005
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    yep, and let's not forget those guys you mention all have SB rings because they lead their teams to the actual SB - not close to it, but the actua game - and won.
  6. nyjunc

    nyjunc 2008 TGG Bryan Cox "Most Argumentative" Award Winn

    Aug 28, 2002
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    It's not an insult to say Chad isn't as good as those 3 but those 3 certainly had more help than Chad ever had.

    FOURTHANDLONG Active Member

    Apr 20, 2006
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    Please clarify something for me? Do you really believe the Pats or any other good team fear Chad? Do you really think Curtis Martin was not the reason Chad was not exposed years ago? Do you really believe a cup cake schedule had nothing to do with 2006? Do you think Chad is in the top 10% of Qb's in the Nfl? How many games is he over 500 two or three after six years?
  8. nyjunc

    nyjunc 2008 TGG Bryan Cox "Most Argumentative" Award Winn

    Aug 28, 2002
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    AGAIN, I do not believe the Pats fear any QB. I do think NE would rather see Kellen Clemens than Chad though.

    Chad was supposedly excposed in the '02 playoffs at Oakland- wasn't Curtis still playing then?

    I think the 2nd half of the '06 sched set up nicely, I do not think there was much of a difference from the '06 sched to the '07 sched except the tougher opponents were more spread out throughout the year rather than ending w/ some easier games.

    Top 10% of QBs is top 3, he was in 2002 but that was his only year there. He was a legit top 5-10 QB until the injuries. In '06 he was middle of the pack and I think he can get to the upper half again, we'll see.

    He was 9 going into last year which is very good, last year skewed his #s.
  9. Big Blocker

    Big Blocker Well-Known Member

    May 7, 2008
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    Chad Fans, or Penningtologists as they refer to them over on jetsinsider, always love to talk about 02, but then leave out that awful performance in the playoffs against Oakland. I was somewhat disturbed at the time, but then wanted to wait and see how he would bounce back, then 03 went down the toilet and the Jets were in no comparably important position until the playoffs in 04. Imo, take out hte Charger game that year as SD handed it to the Jets. But in the Pitt game Chad led the team to a grand total of 3 points.

    I don't know why that level of mediocrity is acceptable to some Jet fans, or more accurately is acceptable to Chad Fans when it involves him and him only. That right there is what I find most exasperating about this kind of "discussion". They make all the excuses on the world for a guy who is at best mediocre. Why?
  10. nyjunc

    nyjunc 2008 TGG Bryan Cox "Most Argumentative" Award Winn

    Aug 28, 2002
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    The TEAM stunk at Oakland, it wasn't just Chad.

    The '03 season went down the toilet b/c Chad got hurt just as the '05 season went down the toilet when Chad got hurt. When he came back in '03 he played very well outside of the Pats game.

    Of course SD handed the Jets the game, this sounds just like the anti-Herm arguments. Whenever we win it's b/c the other team stinks but when we lose it was Chad's fault. Chad played very well at SD w/ a torn rotator cuff and that game never would have gotten to OT if Brien could have made a chip shot early or if Barton doesn't get the dumb penalty.

    He did lead the Jets to 3 points in the Pitt game but his Kicker missed TWO makeable kicks, if he makes them we win. Where would we be today if Vinatieri missed against Oak in '01? or if he missed in thoe 2 SBs?

    Excuses? he doesn't need excuses, he has played very well for us when healthy. he had ONE bad year when healthy and that was last year. I am not saying Chad deserves to start but he deserves the opportunity to win the job which people like you do not want him to have. It really is embarrassing how fans turn on their players so quickly.
  11. Italian Seafood

    Italian Seafood New Member

    Aug 30, 2005
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    That would make too much sense, junc.
  12. The Uniform Bomber

    The Uniform Bomber Spivey's Agent

    Jan 22, 2005
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    it's possible to root for both, yet simulatenously, root/hope that one starts over the other. sorry if your head exploded with that radical thought.

    FOURTHANDLONG Active Member

    Apr 20, 2006
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    Its' always somebody else's fault other than his when we lose. The defense, no running game and my favorite the Kicker. Excuse us for wanting a Qb who will put the ball in the end zone when it counts and not leave it up to the kicker when the chips are down. Has Chad ever lead the team down the field to win a game with less than two minutes to go and scored a T/D? Im so sick of hearing all he does is win about a guy who is 2 or 3 games over .500! Chad gives us the best chance for a good chance to draft the #1 Qb this year! The sad thing is they will run and hide in a hole like they did last year if he starts again and picks up where he left off last year.
  14. kennyo07

    kennyo07 New Member

    Oct 1, 2006
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    Chad was NOT healthy last year, it has been widely reported that Chad told his closest teammates in the locker room it was like playing on one leg after the Pats game in week 1 when he went down. He missed one week with a high ankle sprain. Granted he does not have to run a lot but that type of injury takes a RB 3 to 5 weeks to recover from, and they will tell you that you actually never recover from it 100% or even 80% until you have a full offseason to sit your ass on the couch and get off your feet.

    Add the worst O line since the O'Brien days in the mid/late 80's and its not really hard to see why Chad failed.

    Two days, open competition bring it on.

    Even if Chad is not the long term answer with the Jets, he has to win the competition and play well to have any shot as a starter in 2009 with another team. This is actually an oxymoron because once Chad plays well the public will not let the Jets get rid of him, so either way he is a starter in 2009.

    And more importantly with the OL additions and the cash spent this team is a run first throw second type offense. Chad and his experience is the answer this year and that will become apparent to everyone in the next couple of weeks.
    #114 kennyo07, Jul 22, 2008
    Last edited: Jul 22, 2008
  15. HughC

    HughC New Member

    May 3, 2008
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    Finkel is Einhorn!
    Laces up, Dan - it's the holder's fault!
  16. mr nyjet

    mr nyjet Well-Known Member

    Aug 29, 2002
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    we all want the team to win. it's just that some of us do not see any upside in noodle arm. even if he does get into the playoffs, he won't even get as far as vinny did. the 2004 playoff game in pitt was proof- the jets would have made the afc champ game if noodle had put up more than 0 td's on the board. the kicker got most of the blame, but if the qb had even a merely average performance, the kicker would not have been put into that position.:mad:
  17. nyjunc

    nyjunc 2008 TGG Bryan Cox "Most Argumentative" Award Winn

    Aug 28, 2002
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    It is possible and it would be great if that was the case but I've been around here too long to think that would happen.

    The excuses are made by folks like you who blame every loss on him then do not give him credit.

    Tom Brady is BY FAR the bst QB of this generation and he has won 2 SBs relying on a Kicker to win big games.

    Yes Chad has led us down the field for a TD w/ less than 2 mins to play. In '03 at Oak we even needed a 2 point conversion on the drive and he converted that as well sending the game to OT where we won. A few weeks later we were down 10-6 to Jax and he led us on a 94 yd TD drive w/ under 3 mins to play and we scored the winning TD w/ about :30 secs left. He has also led us to plenty of late TDs/FGs to tie or take the lead where the D then blew it and he's led us to plenty of wins/ties by setting up FGs. As a big Jet fan you would think you would know this information.

    I know he wasn't but he played so it's not like he missed multiple games b/c of injury so I can't use the injury excuse.

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