NFL network says JETS fined baker for missing treatment session, Baker claims he missed nothing. Here we go again, cut him now!
There is no cutting of Chris Baker. There is asking Chris Baker to play out his contract and let us see whether he deserves a few more schekels for his trouble. There is also scrutinizing his performance of his contractual requirements in case he strays therefrom, to make sure that the appropriate objective penalties (specified therein) are extracted therefrom. You want to get specific, then let's get specific.
Let him keep acting up - now he's making less and is giving himself a negative reputation. He'll learn eventually.
I agree, but he is average to maybe alittle better to me, the team doesnt need the distraction and I dont think he is gonna get more money elsewhere. I also think the team should make a point to any and all players that they signed a contract, and should live it out unless that player OVERPLAYS the value, which he did not!!!! Then the team should in my opinion give out a bonus to that player that equates to what was done on the field, that would end all the bullshit.
1.65 million dollar salary less fines. Maybe we can eventually get him down under a mill with fines... :lol:
as much as i dont think he deserves a pay bump and think he should just shutup we in no way should cut him to me it seems eerily like kendall IN THIS FACT ALONE, cutting the incumbent starter at any position can always lead to uncertainty thereafter, we certainly saw this last year and even though many might argue kendall is more important comparatively, thats not really the point here
At this point even if he got a bump in pay he probably would still have bad blood no use in keeping him. Trade him or cut him.
We resign Kowaleski and he wins the starting job. We don't need this guy and to hell with this "flex tight end" analysis that ESPN was running last month. Baker is not that good and Keller is going to be better flexed out as a WR. We should just cut him now since we won't get anything in a trade. He deserves exactly what he is getting this year, advance included. He's pissed that he's the third highest payed TE? That's what happens when your team signs a three-time probowler and drafts a guy in the first round. The contracts for rookies is unreal but that's a league problem, not a Jets problem. He hasn't broken 500 yards or 5 touch downs in a season. He's middle of the road at best, especially when he's in a system that utilizes a dump-down system that should favor a tight end.
We have Keller who should start picking up the game plus we have Juckass or whatever who can do a lil blocking for place of Keller. We have our arses covered bud...
Just let him sit and fine him. We have all the leverage, so we shouldn?t do anything. And break his Agent?s legs.
We need Chris Baker dammit!!! Franks is not a full time TE and Keller is not a blocker. Let him sulk as much as whe wants but keep him. Anyone who says dump him is thinking out his ass.
here here. right on. we need him. baker will have a better year than keller and franks combined. on a 'human note', chris baker has made some awsome catches and has always wanted to be more involved with the passing game, if our ol would allow him to release from the line, which this year it just may. if he plays below expectations, the team cuts him. if he plays above expectations, throw him a bone for christ sake. less than 1% of what we just throw at some unknowns would make baker a happy jet.
Absolutely, i was saying a while ago that when looking at the replacements it would be stupid to release him. He had a career year in catches last year and was asked to stay and block a fair amount of the time, with our new O-line and Richardson in the back field he will have better opportunity's to get out into the field more. Then we can bring Keller in to really stretch the field at times. With Baker,Keller and Bubba we have a nice set up at the TE position, and we have something were not used to. Depth.
He signed a deal some time back and didn?t outplay the contract, but wants more money. That?s the situation, and it has nothing to do with weather or not we need him, or who else we pay a lot of money.
ok and what do you think is the actual percentage of players that play out the contract they signed? without retiring or restructuring (for more or less money), get cut, traded or some other contract ending "agreement?" my guess is that percentage is awful low... and just to throw a spin on that old argument "He signed it, he should abide by it." how about this one.... "The team agreed to my terms, so they should abide by the agreement" which would effectively mean, if a team signed a player for 4 years, they couldn't cut him to be fair. Now i realize about 7 million people here don't care if the team cuts someone, say Baker is shown the door tomorrow, tons of you will appluad the move, and probably 3 people will make the argument that management signed the deal as well, they should have to abide by it and keep baker. (or someone else who was cut for underperforming, asking for more money whatever) so this argument is really made to show that no fans think about the F.O. obligations in these deals, its just the player needs to shut up or be tossed aside. But management made a deal to, and that is to stick by the guy for the length of the deal. So just cutting a guy to make a problem go away, shows that the management doesn't hold up their end of the bargin, to keep the player the full length of the deal...
What i wanted to say is that he didn?t play much better, than he was expected, when he signed. Maybe the NFL shouldn?t allow to pay signing bonuses, then these contracts would become much more solid.
I would send a message. Keep him on the roster, dont practice him. Dont even let him at training camp. Keep him inactive for the whole year. The Jets need to make a stand on this. Enough is enough