Does anyone know the status on his injury and if he is going to be part of the core receivers this year?
No idea about the injury but I would assume we would have to wait until about Sept to see if he is going to be on of our "core" receivers. He's gotta earn his playing time just like everyone else.
Haha, but Stuckey made a ballerina catch between two defenders that made me weep. It really was a work of art.
He had a foot injury injury in college that carried into last NFL Season...the Jets put him on IR so that he could get healthy. He will be on the field...we will find out how much in training camp and preseason.
Stuckey hopefully will have one big chip on his shoulder and play his A** off this year. I really believe our WR corp this year could be special!
Stuckey plays his arse off every year. His only problem, and it's a big one, is he can't stay on the field. If he is healthy, he will be #3
:lol:I wonder if they'll stumble across his body when they dismantel giant stadium. You know they've been dying to dig up the endzone for 20 years now.
Stuckey said he couln't wait to get on the field. He's ready. We will soon see his value, just hope his durability is as good as his desire to be back.
Well to be fair Koz, he was on IR for the whole regular season last year, so he couldn't have played if he wanted to. But if I remember correctly, based on what people were seeing from him in TC last year, they felt he might have been able to steal the #3 job from Mccareins last year, as a 7th round rookie.... So add to that another year of learning, and he could be quite the find if he can stay on the field...
I've got high hopes for this kid- he was looking really good in training camp and during the pre-season games. Had he not been injured I'm sure that he would have been at least our #3 WR last year. I pray that this guy doesn't have Sinorice Moss Syndrome when it comes to seeing the playing field. I recall that the one knock on him coming out of college turned to his durability...
yeah he is a little fucker with a big heart that tends to get hurt WAY too much. it sucks cause he has a huge amount of heart, i highly doubt anyone who has seen him play would ever all him john abraham, he isnt a pussy just injury prone. he is due for a problem free year and hopefully this one is it!!!!~!
According to NFL he was ranked 23rd amongst WRs in the 2007 draft class. Compares To: DEION BRANCH-Seattle...Both players rely on the exceptional speed to gain an instant advantage over a lethargic defender. Stuckey runs with a short pitter-patter style that lets him get a clean release with excellent explosion. He has been slow to recover from his broken foot suffered in 2006, resulting in mediocre performances during postseason action, but could be a nice second-day draft find, as he ranked with the elite at this position before his injury. Doctors expect him to be fully recovered by 2007 training camp.
Now that's exciting! Along with camp reports, the only thing holding this guy back is his frail body. Hopefully we got some top body mechanics (doctors/trainers) on the job.
I just saw Iron Man the movie, I think Tony Stark might be able to help Stuckey with his durability issues. Green and White Iron Man armor and while there at it how about one for Chad as well with a build in bionic arm.