Actually, being at a game for 3 hours is apiece of cake in extremely cold conditions. People don't know how to dress for it. And it's not like dressing to go skiing either, like most people think it it. Most people (parents especially), dress their kids to go skiing like they'd dress them to go sit in the cold. Big mistake. Those layers of clothing make you sweat like hell when you're working out on the slopes. Not so in the stadium. You're sitting there like a f*cking bump on a log... no movement whatsoever. But nor do you have to worry about extreme persperation because you're not moving. So you layer-up like there's no tomorrow. I waddle into my seat wearing long-johns under my loose-fitting jeans. I've got rubber, insulated boots on my feet (two sets of socks on). Hooded sweatshirt on over my long-john top, which is over my long-sleeve t-shirt. Over the whole thing is a Carhartt construction parka with a hood also (that's two hoods on top of my wool Jets hat). You sit there like an immovable schlub and you're warm as toast.. I don't care if it's a Monday night game and it goes down to -30. No problem. Now, ask me if I'd rather be sitting there in a sweater sipping a nice cold beer and... isn't this a no-brainer?
Yeah, screw it. Maybe you're right. Who wants to go sit in what amounts to Arena Football? That always looked so f*cking pansy to me... like going to an indoor soccer game. Just ain't the same. My problem is, I've never been to an indoor (covered) football game. I probably wouldn't like it, tell you the truth. Once or twice would be nice, but after that, I actually think I'd miss the cold weather.
Either that or you have to wait for me to freeze to death in my seat. Might look kind of awkward though, prying those tickets out of my hands! LOL
haha, actually I just hope that alot of new yorkers drop their season tickets in protest of this stadium. that would be sweet.
Ticket prices would not go through the roof they might even drop cause the place could be used as a venue for businesses/camps/anything also we get the damn Superbowl $$$$$. A Superbowl would bring so much money to Jersey and the owners it just does not make sense to me. The money for a roof would pay itself off 10 fold . Plus who said if we had a roof we would open it during games.
There was a lot of movement when the Jets moved from Shea. A lot of people from eastern LI threw in the towel. I got my tickets back then from a girl who knew Dick Young.. he used to be a sports writer for the Daily News. He got a set of 4 for her and she only used them about two years and signed them over to me. That was back in '86 or so. Anyway, I think my tickets became available because somebody from NY coughed them up and I've had them ever since.
BTW - from KFFL Jets | Governor OKs new Meadowlands stadium project Fri, 31 Mar 2006 09:46:13 -0800 The New Jersey Sports and Exposition Authority, along with the New York Giants and New York Jets, have announced that New Jersey Governor Jon Corzine has completed a review of a memorandum related to the development of a new football stadium for both the Giants and Jets at the Meadowlands Sports Complex. The parties have agreed to adjustments that will reduce the state's predevelopment costs and allow the new stadium developer additional opportunities to collect the economic benefits of its development.
This was simple economics at work. A couple of weeks ago, there was an article talking about why there would be no roof. Basically, they studied the potential profitibility of adding a roof to the new stadium. After doing studies, the economists said that they'd never make enough additional money to offset the $ 300 million cost of the retactable roof. There just wouldn't be enough additional profit from Super Bowls, Final Fours etc. to make it worthwhile.
The state wiggled out of paying the $30 million cost of site improvements (roads, sewer lines, lighting, etc.) In return, the Jets and Giants get to keep 100% of the brand identification on the stadium. I think it sucks. We're talking "MasterCard Stadium" or "Trojan Condom Stadium" instead of "Jets-Giants Stadium." Ridiculous. Everything's for sale I guess.
If you think about it, they certainly couldn't charge more for the seats based on the roof. If my seats are, say, $125 a pop by then, am I going to want to pay $145 because of the roof? I don't think so. so, they're not going to get the rrevenue that way. It would have to come from other events. But again, I'm sure I read where the NFL kicks in something like $200,000 for retractable-roof stadiums. So where's the discussion of THAT money? Then it was hypothesized that because two teams are involved, does that mean $400,000? But then someone here mentioned that the $200,000 was per stadium, not per team, so I don't know. It would be nice to have the OPTION, but I'm not sure I'd like to sit in every winter game with the roof closed. It just wouldn't feel like football.
the reason the game against pittsburgh was half empty was because no one wanted to travel to the game in such bad weather conditions. Whether the game is indoors or outdoors you still have to travel to get there.
It's kinda funny how $200,000 could make a difference one way or another. This is the NFL. They make BILLIONS. These are TWO teams in the #1 TV market in the league.....and $200,000 is swaying the decision? What a joke! Woody's toilet in the master bathroom in his 5th least used home cost $200,000.
I've been to more than my share of cold weather games - -1972 final home game versus Cleveland wind chill 20-below -1973 final home game in the snow - OJ breaks 2000 and Weeb retires -Monday night game in the rain versus the Falcons - I forget what year that was...soaking wet rain -1986 in the Meadowlands versus Pittsburgh, half empty stadium, minus 15 wind chill...left at halftime with my girlfriend who refused to stay Face it, we don't live in caves anymore...and many of us have central air. Outdoors was the past...let's live in the reality of progress and the future. Suffering is not a necessity of enjoying the football experience!
1992 day after christmas against the Saints. Jets are driving they are at about the ten and browning nagle throws an interception and it is returned the other way for a TD. It was so cold my buddy and i were buying hot chocolates and holding them against our faces!