I've seen this DVD for sale on Ebay & was thinking about copping it. Does anybody have this game on their Computer or a link to complete game video?
I just finished watching my Video of the game ---so exciting ---still cant believe jets won watch for hall falling down as he kicks the tying EP 37-37 he had been injured on his last kickoff ---in bringing the runner down WHAT A GAME ----game over about 1:30 ---got home about 3AM ---didnt go to sleep and was dressed and ready for work at 6AM
I remember going to school that day. Wasn't tired at all. The excitement didn't stop for a couple of days.
I was at a bar "Henry Hudsons" in Oklahoma City I bet 50 bucks on the game and was getting shit faced to ease the pain. Watching Miami crumble like that was pure Heaven. I never yelled and had the biggest boner in my life watching a football game. I could not talk for a couple days after that and rang up a 200 dollar bar tab. "Well worth it" I will always remember where I was at that moment for the rest of my life..
same here, i was at a bar for the 1st half, started to go home when I heard the game on the radio and turned right back around and went back to the bar. Got 2 shots on the house for coming back and I don't remember HOW i got home. That was probably one of the better weeks of my young life (at the time). No one was saying shit for a whole week after that game. Ah.....sweet memories.
Sad to say that I went to sleep because I was in the 8th grade and had school the next day:sad:, my mother felt no need for me to watch a blow out. After that game I vowed to myself to watch every Jets game from whistle to whistle.
What a game!! From the Dolphins being up 20-0 to 30-7. Testaverde comes roaring back with 4 TD's in the 4th quarter, every possible thing that could go wrong does for Miami from no first downs to shanked punts. All of a sudden they strike for the lead again leaving me shaking my head in disgust. Then Testaverde comes through again with a couple of fouth down conversions and of course the Jumbo catch. Then Miami winning the OT toss and Marcus Coleman intercepting and fumbling it away. I put myself on suicide watch. Then the very next play, he intercepts again. You knew it was in the cards for us at that point. After the game was finally over, I held my arm out in front of myself and it was literally shaking. It never happened before and it hasn't happened since......Great game!!
Was at that game, Season tix, same section for 12 years. Found a luck position... we all know this; the idea that if you sit a certain way, and the squad starts doing well, you stay there, in that position. So there I am, in my seat, NOT standing for anything as we start coming back, and rocking back and forth so much, Leo Mazzone is jealous. So we start the comeback and at one point, (might have been one of Coleman's INT's) I just cannot take it anymore, and I stand up and go crazy, thus leaving the "lucky" position. I got yelled at by our entire section. They had caught on to the lucky position, mostly cause I am usually a bit nutty and animated during games, and here I am rocking back and forth and being quite... they started YELLING at me..."SIT BACK DOWN IN THE SPOT! YOU ARE GOING TO JINX US!!!" I did as told. And we all know what happened. On a side note, as a Mets fan, that game was supposed to be, at least for me, a relaxtion day from the Subway series... NOT So MUCH!
:lol: wow good story man, i know how those things are... back in the day when i would watch packer games at my grandma's, we'd keep switching seats until the packers started doing good...then we'd keep those spots...they start losing?..pff change! and we even went as far as...if you left the room and they started doing good, you'd have to stay out of the room :lol: actually we'd still do that if i'd go over there..ahh fun stuff yes :grin:
Four of us switched houses for all the Jets games, This Monday Night Game landed at my house. The whole grew was there and they drank everything I had beer wise plus as the game went longer and we were coming back they started on the hard stuff, that was all I had left. At 1AM we were all screaming in my converted garage which was a Jets shrine. I remember yelling GUYS its 1:30AM but they were so pumped with the win you would have thought it was New Years Eve. I WILL NEVER FORGET THAT GAME.
I remember half the stadium emptied out before the 4th quarter started but by the end of the game the stadium was louder than I had ever heard it. I also remember time running out in the 4th quarter when Miami had the ball and the Jets pretty much let them get a touchdown so we could get the ball back and score again.
I remember I went to the bar by my house with my old man. The bar was packed with Dolphans except me and my dad (like the Commercial with the lone dolphan, but reversed) We were putting them back, and EVERYONE in the bar is walking by and giving me shit. My Dad left at the half and said "I'm too old to stay up all night to watch a blowout", so I called him a pussy, but he picked up the tab :drunk: So now I was the lone JETS fan and was getting even more Shit......Then I saw AH-NALD make his statement on TV and I started hooting. There was a group of fans (probably the only other hardcore dolphans there), so I told the bartender to send them a round of beers but say "Enjoy 'em now, but wait for the 4th qtr comeback" (I must've been :drunk: ) and I heard a ROAR of laughter from over there...... THEN IT BEGAN..... "The momentum has changed..... you already know the outcome....." I yelled across the bar. The bar closes at 1, so the barkeep was trying to get people to leave, but I said "NO WAY, I'm not missing a minute" He let people stay, but couldn't serve them. by the end of the game I was standing on my barstool yelling :jets: and continued as I stumbled across the street to my apartment. My roomates were asleep, but said they still heard me :lol: When I got to work the next morning there were several voicemails, from people talking shit at halftime, the best ones were from people that I had wagers with that obviously didn't stay up for the whole game. That was better than taking their $ :lol:
My memory of being at that game was that there seemed to be only about 5000 people left in the stadium and the noise during the 4th quarter and OT was deafening ( I know that seems like an oxymoron..or a Yogism..but its true). I was looking at the clock tick past 1AM and the whole thing had a SURREAL feeling. And for anyone who listened to WFAN on the ride home..it was the greatest single monologue in Joe Beningo's life. So passionate and heartfelt. One last thing..I was at that game with my 16 year old son and I have to confess he begged me to stay after the 3rd quarter..telling me we could still win. His sheer joy that night is a lasting memory and was a true bonding experience. He is now a college senior (my how time flies) but we talk about that night/early morning to this day. My wish to all my fellow posters is one chance to have that sort of bonding experience in the future with your son (or daughter). Its like a Mastercard commercial..PRICELESS!!