If anyone hasn't read about it yet, the rule regarding low hits on QBs has been changed. Now it will become far more likely that a defensive player will be penalized if he tackles the Quarterback around the knees. The rule, as the NFL has written it, is meant to penalize a player that attempts to make initial contact below the waist. However, in my opinon, and many of the coaches at the mettings, this will lead to confusion among referees and alot of extra flags due to that confusion. As Marty Schottenheimer put it, "It will create and officiating nightmare." They are saying that if a player makes contact at or above the waist, then slides down the legs during the tackle, there should be no penalty because initial contact was made legally. Also, if a guy is "fouled" into the QB and he gets hit low, there will be no flag. However, there has been no clarification regarding what happens in a DE is being redirected by a tackle, begins to fall, and makes an attempt to tackle the QB while being pushed down by the lineman(like what happened with Von Oelhoffen and Carson Palmer). Also, what if a QB gets forced out of the pocket and is on the run, and a LB who is chasing him dive from behind to tackle him, and if so does it still have to be above the waist? In such a situation you basically go for whatever can make the tackle....Finally, what if a D-lineman falls down in the backfield and while geting up sees the QB coming his way, can he just grab him or does he have to elevate himself above the QBs waist, making him vulnerable to being pushed back down? I just don't like the rule, especially since they are not going to allow any penalty calls to be challenged. The rule should be written so that an official can call a penalty when he believes that a low hit was purposeful. Putting specifications on it will lead to confusion and a lot of questionable flags.
hopefully the refs will use good discretion in calling penalties. Like last year's horse collar penalty. How many times did you see that called?
I think that if the Qb is out of the pocket running he is no longer seen as a QB and can be hit, any player is aloud to slide and not be hit only the QBs do it and if a dlineman grabs a guy while he is on the ground then he isnt hitting him so agian it should be ok hoplefully if not Vick is going to have about 1200 yards rushing this year. Anyway who made up these laws Joe Theisman they suck you should be able to hit the QB just like anyone else
Why don't they just put a flag belt on all QB's and make tackling QB's like flag football. Sheesh! You can't pull down by the shoulder pads, you can't tackle below the waist ... so basically if you don't square up and hit him in the chest or side of the chest it's illegal? c'mon. QB's are football players too.
Man you should watch the video on NFL.com...Tom Coughlin just goes off, saying the QB is the most important player on the team, on the field, in an organizations, etc. He basically puts QB up on a pedestal above every other player in football. As if they weren't primadonna's already.....
It would probably have to be a rule where you couldn't touch the QB at all for it to be good news for Pennington. :sad:
Only now because he has a lil bitch at center. I can guarantee he has plenty of old clips screaming to kill the QB. It doesn't really matter because every year they advertise these new rules they don't seem to apply to JETS QB's.
not only that, you can't even tackle a guy by grabbing his jersey from behind. At least that is how I read the new rule for the "horse collar" tackles.
Why don't we just give QB's flags around their waist and when a defensive player grabs the flag he's sacked?
You can still grab the jersey, just not inside the neck-hole. Still stupid though, they are ruining the physicality of the game. Just like they have done with hockey....
all because one player, TO getting injured with that type of tackle. Every year they make it more and more difficult for the defenses