Keep Vilma, You Fools (tangini) Or Suffer His Fate With Jets!!

Discussion in 'New York Jets' started by Green Lantern, Feb 24, 2008.

  1. Green Lantern

    Green Lantern Active Member

    Oct 1, 2004
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    Personally, I thought the emergence of David Harris would mean that if he and Vilma were in the middle together this upcoming season, one of them would always be free to wreck havoc up the middle. Teams would no longer be able to double up on Vilma because Harris is a threat in his own right. I was looking forward to seeing this duo grow into a dynamic duo, anchoring the Jets linebacker corps for years to come. Now? The Jets will end up downgrading the dream the minute they accept a deal for a piece of future history that is only just-now, about to ripen. Watch Vilma turn into Urlacher or Lewis somewhere else. Think that's impossible? That he would already be if he was ever going to be? Watch what happens when he enters a system where there is an actual mountain of a DT playing the point man and taking all of the attention from the C/G's. It could happen here, but it will happen somewhere else. Sure...Vilma was off to a slow start again this year, but wasn't everyone on this team? Why do the coaches and the rest of the team get a mulligan, but yesterday's face of the franchise doesn't?

    Not that I've ever had a firm grasp, but I don't get the Jets anymore. I really don't. I'm not sure if the FO does either. Mangini's debut season was supposed to be built on. Bright spots should have been left alone...Pete Kendall anyone? Sick of THAT story? I'll never be sick of reminding them of that HUGE mistake. They destroyed any chance at just average qb protection last season over what amounted to less than a million bucks. I know a million's a million, but in this world of professional sports? Come on. Pete Kendall got a screw job that is still heightened today as the Jets even consider another version of Pete Kendall in Feneca. Kendall would have been cheaper so there is no common sense being used in determining our offensive line. Kendall made Dbrick better. How blatant was that?

    Coles being allowed to get near the point of disgruntled is upsetting and ridiculous to use two words out of thousands I could use to convey my dismay over that. The guy loves being a Jet and he has earned whatever amount he's seeking with his body, on every play, every game, every season. Sure your heart's in your mouth every time he goes down but isn't that the kind of sacrifice you want ALL of your players to make? If the qb had an extra second back there in the pocket, perhaps the ball's location won't have to be in such dire straits for the receivers. Perhaps THEY'd have the extra second too to find more open ground instead of settling for a db sandwich.

    Back to Vilma. There is nothing we can get in return that is ever going to be as big as the potential that still exists in Vilma. Nothing. I think he should be allowed to prove himself in the last year of his contract before he is thrown under a bus. Talk about disrespect. Whatever happened to letting players actually EARN their new contract? Think he wants to take another step back again next season knowing the negotiating table is waiting for him? His first year in the 3-4 was a painfully inadequate learning experience. Sometimes it takes two years to learn something. Hell I've been a superhero for more than 2 and I'M still learning! Last year was a bust everywhere in every department (except maybe Leon Washington), and in Vilma's case it was only punctuated by his injury. I know we need a lot more help in other areas of the team, and the logic is that we essentially have a Vilma in Harris. The logic should be, why can't we have one Vilma and one Harris. Why can't we present something that is even remotely fearful and confusing to the guys on the other side of the ball? Why will we simply maintain the medicore level of play from two interior linebackers, when we might actually hve an instant upgrade with Vilma AND Harris next year? I know that upgrade is only possibly and potentially at best, but I'd bet my tights on it.
    The NUMBER ONE PRIORITY for our defense, above db upgrades like the expensive possibilities hanging there in the air, should be for a DEFENSIVE TACKLE. That's it. Not considering Samuel, not dangling Vilma, not stalemating Coles, or anything else they've floated into a dismal offseason thus far. I hate to say it, but the direction of this team looks to be going backwards. Again. Remember those years? Me and Jeff Lageman remember.
    If we do not upgrade the weakest spot on our team (perhaps in all of the NFL, really), and we allow a franchise-caliber player to walk for "anything", then this should be Eric Mangini's make or break year. In the 3rd year, you have to move forward If he doesn't put up the fight and lets Tannenbaum make a deal for Vilma and it works out, great. Mangenius again.

    But if we let Vilma go and it leads to ANOTHER playoff-less year, then Woody Johnson needs to find better management. Tannenbaum/Mangini's fate should be tied to whatever happens to Vilma. If they are entertaining moving him for a franchise DT, then all bets are off. But I haven't heard any such rumor even hinted at anywhere. And how many franchise DT's are teams going to give up for Vilma, when all teams are probably thinking about Vilma like the Jets are? That he is expendable, when he's nothing close to expendable.

    For such a young FO/CS, they sure knows how to treat their young stars. Is it any wonder they have no respect for any elders on this team.

    Pennington, Coles, Vilma, on and on and on. It is sickening and disheartening to be a fan of the Jets even WITH a 6th overall pick to look at (Wasn't Drob a 6th overall?). We'll probably have another draft for the highlight reel. At least that's my gut feeling based on everything that has taken place with this team in one year.

    The conversation of trading Vilma is dimming the light inside this sunshiniest of sunshiners.
    So, for that, shame on you fools.

    You know I'm a sunshiner to the core, but lose Vilma and break out the Same Old banners for the next handful of years. Mark my words. Vilma=Hope.
    #1 Green Lantern, Feb 24, 2008
    Last edited: Feb 24, 2008
  2. millertime0109

    millertime0109 New Member

    Jan 7, 2007
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    Look at the numbers with and without Vilma last season, then tell me he is "our hope"
  3. jonnyd

    jonnyd 2007 Funniest Poster Award Winner

    Oct 14, 2005
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    Thanks for the gigantic post, Ill take a third rounder my self for his broken down knee
  4. Quack

    Quack New Member

    Mar 19, 2007
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    People who say that Vilma can be freed up by Harris and the linemen don't know what they're talking about. Wrong 3-4, buddy. We run the two-gapper. Both inside linebackers are equal. No Mike and Zip here. Just two twins, one of our twins is a miniature and a gimp and the should-be backup next to our good linebacker who replaced the mini is mildly retarded.
  5. nyjetsrule

    nyjetsrule Active Member

    Sep 20, 2003
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    Well the reason those numbers are off is because when Vilma left, Harris was allowed to play, thus the numbers increased exponentially. Harris is a much better 3-4 talent, Vilma is only a good 3-4 talent. but Vilma's good is way better than Bartons average 3-4 ILB talent. So put Vilma and Harris together in the middle, and I garuntee the numbers become even better than the last 8 games of last season... I want to keep Vilma in the middle as opposed to trading him for peanuts, and if he bounces back next season, give him a new deal and keep him around for years to have that dominant middle of our LB core for years.
  6. Green Lantern

    Green Lantern Active Member

    Oct 1, 2004
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    I went to jail for this team. I'll post however damned long I please.
  7. Jets81

    Jets81 Well-Known Member

    Oct 20, 2003
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    Haha, why did you go too jail?
  8. Green Lantern

    Green Lantern Active Member

    Oct 1, 2004
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    Was that in English? Or is it one of those mind's eye phrases? The longer you stare, the more it makes sense?
    I would rather have Harris and Vilma in the middle over Harris and Barton everyday of the week. But honestly, I wish we could just get 2 clones of Bryan Cox circa '98 and put the interior lb issue to rest forever.
    #8 Green Lantern, Feb 24, 2008
    Last edited: Feb 24, 2008
  9. Quack

    Quack New Member

    Mar 19, 2007
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    If you're taking too long to get it, it isn't because the phrase is too fast, it's because you're too slow. Also, Mind != Magic. Nice try, though.

    Barton may be retarded to the point of not being able to shed a block, but at least he gets pushed back a hell of a lot slower than Vilma does. Vilma is smarter and a better athlete, but it is amazing how many linebackers have problems with the simple hit'n'shed, which is supposed to be their bread and butter, especially in the 3-4. Simply put, Jonathan Vilma is not built for the 3-4. At this point I would rather see him line up at safety than at linebacker, even with the knee injury considered.
  10. notjustQBs

    notjustQBs New Member

    Dec 24, 2007
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    I think it is hard to say what team will pay enough to the NYJ to pry him away -- he's got to have a successful rehab and free agency will be very long in the tooth (if not retired for the year) by the time Vilma shows whether that knee works or not.

    This was a very strange congenital bone problem that Vilma has had all his life that finally broke out badly. I don't believe we've been told whether micro-fracture surgery was deployed in his procedure or not. But chances are there will be many MRIs and x-rays of that knee apart from working out (like the combine) before medical people will be satisfied that Vilma's whole once again.
    #10 notjustQBs, Feb 24, 2008
    Last edited: Feb 24, 2008
  11. TheDooner64

    TheDooner64 Member

    Apr 5, 2007
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    He has one year left on his contract anyway, just trade him while we can
  12. notjustQBs

    notjustQBs New Member

    Dec 24, 2007
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    This is my point. I don't see that there will be enough value for the NYJ. Actually, one year is not good for a trade, a smart team will expect the NYJ to re-sign him to a long term contract before they trade for him. Otherwise, one year of a potentially crippled LB is of little if any value.
  13. Dr. Christian Troy

    Dr. Christian Troy New Member

    Oct 6, 2005
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    When did Vilma get labeled as a cripple? I know he's injured. I know he needs rehab. But crippled?
    I thought we were trading him because he didn't fit our offense. Now he's being labeled a gimp and a cripple. I remember a noodle armed quarterback people said would never throw a pass in the nfl again. Noodle arm won comeback player of the year. Go figure.
    I say trade Vilma for a pick and just keep drafting offensive and defensive lineman until we get it right. Harris and Barton will be fine.

    Someone please serve as editor for Green Lantern. I took a nap halfway through the post.
  14. jonnyd

    jonnyd 2007 Funniest Poster Award Winner

    Oct 14, 2005
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    the standing response for his lengthy post is that he went to prison for the Jets so he can post as long as he likes. so ummm, I hope that clears it up for ya:sad:
  15. notjustQBs

    notjustQBs New Member

    Dec 24, 2007
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    The characterization of a man on crutches as a cripple is the hard-eyed negotiating stance of teams with some interest in the player who refuse to over-pay for an LB who may not rehab as successfully as hoped.
  16. JetFanInPA

    JetFanInPA Well-Known Member

    Sep 25, 2003
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    I am definately a supporter of keeping Vilma on the team to start next year at ILB. Not only is he ultra-talented, but also the leader of the defense. With Harris next to him, I have faith that he'll make major progress.
  17. Jetcane

    Jetcane New Member

    Aug 4, 2006
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    He needs no editor.

    I caught only one mistake in the entire post. :wink:
  18. VickBlows

    VickBlows Active Member

    Oct 17, 2004
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    Me too ? this damn team has caused me a night in the pokey on more than one occasion.
  19. JetsLookingforDWare

    Jan 22, 2007
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    I stopped reading after you called Kendall a huge loss.

    Old, whiny, declining G's asking for more money and running to the press to get it can go fuck themselves.

    We haven't even traded Vilma yet and the FO is getting bashed for it...I LOVE being a Jets fan in the offseason...
    #19 JetsLookingforDWare, Feb 24, 2008
    Last edited: Feb 24, 2008
  20. Coach K

    Coach K New Member

    Aug 30, 2005
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    vilmas days are done. sorry guys i love this tackling machine to death but he has little value on this team. i dont care about him being a leader. he was average in the 3-4 then blew out his knee. send him off to the bengals for a 2nd rd pick and a future 3rd rd or something worthwhile sounds like the most viable option moving ahead long term

    would i love to see him come back and make an impact, most definitely. is he capable of it. im not too sure

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