I can't wait to hear how the media spins this one. "There's A-Rod, only caring about personal awards." "A-Rod already expecting to have another down year this year if he's giving the award to Jeter." "Why must A-Rod try to pretend he actually likes Jeter?"
i cannot wait for baseball! anyone know when Mlb extra innings is usually available? I call once a week to check,but Time Warner has no info yet.
im not trying to make fun im just saying with his size and heat he should be a fierce dominating pitcher in the leauge. you cant do that in those glasses. pennington i gota say thats the most beautiful picture ive seen of arod... he looks like an angel. no homo.
What do his glasses have anything to do with his pitching ability? And dude, seriously, that was homo. Really homo. And jonnyd will tell you, I know homo when I see it.
take it easy. it was a joke. im just saying if the guy got some goggles hed look like a beast. and why would jonny know so much about you being a homo? kinda weird.
I didn't say he knew I was a homo. I said he knows I know homo when I see it, which I did. And please, no goggles. Those things look flat out stupid. Not intimidating.
i dunno man stupid maybe... but we say how he performed with those glasses last year. maybe a switch could help... just saying...
alio....we all know about your tendencies....and we all know farnsworth sucks no matter what type of bifocals hes wearing
http://yankees.lhblogs.com/2008/02/22/hard-pitches-and-hard-work/ It sucks Montero is still a few years away. His power is already incredible, and he's only 18.
Montero has some serious potential, I really hope he can be a decent replacement for Jorge when he retires.
odds are Montero will have to switch to 1B, he's just to big to continue as a catcher. One thing that I'm extremely excited about is that he has natural power to the opposite field
Wang lined up to start Opening Day. http://yankees.lhblogs.com/2008/02/23/wang-lined-up-for-opening-day-start/ Atleast Girardi isn't trying to keep it a mystery like Torre would.
You fooled me 10P10. Girardi didn't announce it, it would just work out that way based on the number of days between when he will pitch his first game of the spring, and the beginning of the season. I would figure it'd be Wang though. He's still technically the "ace" of the staff. We're all just hoping that by the end of the year, he's being viewed as the best 4th man in the league.