is finally back.... thanks to everyone who contributed their wallpapers and a personal thank you to GM for collecting those wallpapers and pointing me to them
hey guy's. how can i get some of the cool images you guy's display under your user names? just for fun, i joined the pats and fins fansites, and told them how much thier teams suck!! damn i'm bored
It's called an avatar and you can upload one in the "user cp" You can use any image you want (get the url; right click on the image and go to properties) as long as it meets the size restrictions.
If someone could and would not mind can you please make me a sig 500 x 100, that says GANG GREEN, using a bunch of green guys like lets say, The Incredible Hulk, Kermit The Frog, Green Lantern, Oscar The Grouch, Shrek, Green Arrow, Jolly Green Giant, Marvin The Martian, Flubber etc. If so Thanks in advance, it ain't easy being green. :lol: