I am tired of Brady, Bellichick, Moss and these cheating scum. I am tired of seeing them get praise, I know if a New York team was got cheating we would never hear the end of it on ESPN. Yes they cheated, but it doesn't help that they are damn good as well. The reasons to root against them just go on and on http://touchdown.org/patriots/16-reasons-to-root-against-the-patriots.php I would give up oh so much to see the Giants crush them tommorrow ats_suck: Carry on:up:
Good luck tommorow man, you're good people I just don't particularly like the team you root for:wink:
Great link. Nothing we didn't know, even though I find, most of all, #4 ridiculous, as I didn't remember the quote... For those of you too lazy to click: Are they f'n serious with this garbage?!