Typical cheating Pats, no surprise here. After the spygate revelation many teams came out and said the Pats seemed to be a little "too prepared" for the games.
I also find it interesting that teams came out and said then if they were having a good drive against the Pats D, surprisingly their head sets would stop working.
This just keeps getting better and better or getting worse and worse - depending on how you want to look at it. It almost doesn't matter what precisely is true and what isn't. A NE win or not come tomorrow, the stain will never come out in the eyes of the public. Well, the public that isn't a bunch of deluded, enabling, apologists, that is. There actually are a couple of Patriots fans that are owning the taint. That's right - all two of them.
this should taint there dynasty, i was wondering how the hell they slowed down that high powered ram offense [in a dome no less] now i know, those cheating s.o.b.'s
It is kind of funny though that this kind of cloak and dagger spying crap was considered completely normal in the 60's through '06 or so and then suddenly it becomes like a major offense. Weeb Ewbank used to have people beating the bushes at Hofstra when the Jets had an important practice. He just assumed there'd be spies out there so he turned security loose and told em to run people off. Same for Walt Michaels. Now suddenly that we are in a high tech age this is like high crime? I just don't see it. I don't support it but I absolutely don't see it as high crimes and misdemeanors. It is fun to poke fun at Pats fans though. They have no good response, which is a godsend given how thoroughly they have trashed us over the last half decade.
This should come to nobodies surprise, it's a dam good cover up the NFL is doing here. A dynasty in the salary cap era and it's tainted. This is turning into the NFL version of Watregate. The stuf Tagliabue and Goodell are going to take to their graves. My feeling is records are not going to be changed but people should be left out of the HOF just like in baseball. IMO this is worse than guys using HGH and Steroids. If Barry Bonds and Mark McGwire are going to be punished for gaining a competiive edge so should guys like The Chicken and Brady. No wonder a 6th round backup QB has turned into Joe Montana. He knew exactly what the D was going to do.
Report: Pats worker filmed Rams before SB 36 http://msn.foxsports.com/nfl/story/7749384/Report:-Pats-employee-filmed-Rams
George Allen was also nuts. He employed a senior citizen to ride around the Redskins practice facility on a bicycle and look for suspicious characters. ___ There would seem to be a difference between a spy hiding in the bushes with a notepad and pen and a dork with a videocamera. There is the football saying "the film doesn't lie". What exactly are you going to get from a 25-year old bushmaster with a notepad?
So when are these scum bags gonna get there trophies taken away? i'd love to see what Craft and BB have to say when they are held as the biggest cheaters in sports history.....:gpc:
The bottom line is that the Pats were doing everything in their power to get an advantage. Anything that we can possible think of they probably did. From putting mike's on their defensive lineman to get qb calls to either listening in to the other teams communications or cutting it off at key spots. They have Ernie Adams at half time probably analyzing the first half signals and if he's really a genius I'm fairly certain he could use something from the tapes to get an advantage. Even if it's just one play that he can predict. How many games did we see back a few years ago call a screen play at the perfect time? I can remember way to many times thinking wow they called the perfect play at the perfect time. I really don't know what the NFL can do them but if this all comes to light then they need to have much more severe ramifications.
So you're saying (what fans/media would consider) cheating is pretty normal in pro sports? Good point...people romanticize the crap out of pro sports...
It is all starting to make sense, Billy boy was always a lousy head coach, Brady sucked at Michigan and was a 6th rounder, The Patriots D was always a bunch of no names except Ty Law and Lawyer Malloy, then all of a sudden, the Pats are this Dynasty!! Billy Boy is now Vince Lombardi, Brady is the greatest of all time! And the Pats go out and do what no other teams can do, stop everybody and score on anybody, well it's all BS if you ask me. I guarentee you this is why Billy Boy seems to be such a genius, I bet you they have tapes of every team in the league, they know what teams are going to do every week and the NFL will never let it get out because it will tarnish not only the Pats Dynasty, but the NFL, and the NFL is king right now with Baseball stuck in the steroids era, Basketball and it's thugs, no one really watches Hockey in this country, so the NFL is #1 and this is the last thing they need is for it's top story, the Patriots Perfect team, greatest of all time, going up in a cloud of smoke. It's BS, the Pats should be stripped of their titles and sent to the CFL..Make the Rams, Panthers, Eagles & Giants the real Champs! Not the Cheaters..