GM, could you put a vBookie bet up please , Goodell to be out of a job by '09?;_y...4?slug=ap-superbowl-goodell&prov=ap&type=lgns full story & video >>>
"I think there are very good explanations for the reason why I destroyed the tapes or had them destroyed by our staff," Goodell said. "They were totally consistent with what the team told me." Did he really say that? This is the guy being paid to be commissioner of the NFL? He also said there were only 6 tapes handed over. Does he actually believe that is all there was? The Kraft connection in this whole thing really stinks. I can't wait to see him squirming in front of congress especially when he knows that Walsh is sitting on the sidelines.
That's what I love... They hand over 6 tapes in 2007, and then this guy who was released in 2003 says he had been doing the same thing years ago.... EIther Goodell is the most gullible POS on the planet, or he's just trying to save face for the league, and failing miserably...
Goodall just wanted to squash this controversy before it got any bigger. Still, he shouldn't have been allowed to destroy the tapes
I hope he's charged with tampering with evidence.... Something about this whole thing just seems strange to me; I think the Pats might have been cheating a lot more than we thought (and there were probably many others doing it as well).
The way I look at it is that it's no different than MLB destoying a superstar's positive drug test evidence before it gets out to the media. Imagine how the media would handle that based on how they are handling this..... There certainly should be some tampering charges
100% agree also remember he has a 'close personal relationship' with kraft. Just something isn't right with these statements, however I seriously doubt he'll lose his job though..