Charley Casserly says Pennington back with the Jets

Discussion in 'New York Jets' started by MisterMoss, Jan 6, 2008.

  1. hoobash

    hoobash Well-Known Member

    Aug 27, 2002
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    We need someone to compete with clemens and chad is better then anyone that would be out there in free agent. There is a good chance pennington is the starting qb on opening day
  2. dbatesman

    dbatesman New Member

    Dec 28, 2004
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    If that's the case, this team will look a lot like the photo in your avatar next season.
  3. jdon

    jdon Well-Known Member

    Feb 10, 2006
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    the team should break clean with Chad. Chad is the past. Pulling him out and sticking him back in will just disrupt the team further. The team has to move forward with different personnel. Break with the Edwards past and move on.
  4. Joe Willie White Shoes

    Joe Willie White Shoes Well-Known Member

    Apr 11, 2003
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    Move on from what? And why? Does the team have to move on from the Shawn Ellis era? The Dwayne Robertson era? The Laverneus Coles era? The Chris Baker era?

    There is no free agent QB out there that is better than Pennington. If Clemens does not take it to the next level next year, why not have the insurance policy?? The Jets have the cap room. And while some may question Pennington's physical capabilities, few question his knowledge of the game, his leadership, and his class. That means he will be a great teacher for Clemens. Pennington already stated he would not pull a "Kendall." Why get rid of him when the QB position is such a question mark???
  5. Jetzz

    Jetzz Active Member

    Sep 26, 2002
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    Another of the most ridiculous anti-Chad sentiments now appearing everywhere in posts. Move on to what there M&M? Move on to what exactly? Even if we only keep him as insurance in a backup situation where is the harm? If Clemens still gets starts next year to prove his worth what harm does having Penny as backup on the team really cause?

    If he decides to also restructure his contract then it will be a win-win to keep him. Right now he is the guy that most understands the offense and has the rapport with the team, opposed to bringing in some new guy who doesn't know d*ck like Grossman or Culpepper who are also far inferior to Pennington right away.

    Unless you are actually replacing Penny with an upgrade then getting rid of him does more harm than good in the long run IF Clemens does not succeed. And I think that is what all of you really fear... that Pennington will beat out Clemens for the job.
  6. Bizprof

    Bizprof New Member

    Jul 31, 2007
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    From the medicore play despite the $64 million dollar contract. I think its time to kmove on as well. Why pay that kind of cash for a backup? Seriously no one outside of ganggreen really thinks this guys a good qb...
  7. winstonbiggs

    winstonbiggs 2008/2009 TGG Bill Parcells "Most Respected" Award

    Jan 20, 2005
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    Why would he restructure? If the guy wants to start next year that's his out. Why take a pay cut to get to compete for a starting job on a 4 win team?

    It also might be a good time to scrap the current O and put in a new O for a QB Who is far more mobil and can get the ball down the field and to the sidelines?

    If Chad want's to take a 3 million dollar cut to compete here more power to him. I kind of doubt it.
  8. Joe Willie White Shoes

    Joe Willie White Shoes Well-Known Member

    Apr 11, 2003
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    The Jets have plenty of money to keep him. Most teams need 2 QBs or more. Clemens has proven nothing and a veteran needs to be brought in anyway. Do you really think there is anyone out there that will be cheap, willing to play back up, and a better menor to Clemens than Pennington. You really would rather bring in Culpepper or Grossman and pay them $3-4 milllion? The Jets had no problem paying Testaverde's bloated contract in 2003 when Pennington had wrested the job.

    There are wiser, more easily replacable players with huge salaries that should go before Pennington.

    How about we start with Ellis, who makes $7 million a year for his 30 tackles and 3 sacks. Robertson makes over $7 million a year. It would make far more sense to replace those two members of the Jets horrible DL than to get rid of Pennington. Barrett makes over $4 million as does Barton. McCareins makes almost $4 million a year.

    If anything, Pennington would be more than a back up. He would be a coach on the field and has the perfect temperment to accept that role. I think it makes perfect sense to keep him for the extra $3 million it will cost the Jets under the cap.
  9. Jetzz

    Jetzz Active Member

    Sep 26, 2002
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    Why would he restructure is a good question. It depends. How much is he rooted into being a part of this team versus earning 3-4 million more a year? It is also going to come down to supply and demand and where other teams feel he falls on the list of other possibilities. If he is truly as bad as the anti-Chad crowd cry he is then he should not get much in the way of interest to play elsewhere, much less start. That remains to be seen though. But just simply saying it is time to "move on" is ridiculous.

    And I don't see them scrapping their offense either way unless they are deciding to go with another OC. I would not have any doubt that they can work in plays within the current scheme to support whoever is at QB. The West Coast offense has been run by both mobile and immobile QB's over the years. Good OC's should be able to tailor their game plans accordingly.
  10. brothermoose

    brothermoose Well-Known Member

    Feb 3, 2006
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    First of all, the numbers don't work that way. You can't just divide the amount by the years because different years have different salaries. The bonus is all you can spread over the whole term. D-slob is set to count 12 million against the cap next year, for example. I think Ellis works out to 5 mil/year. Also, J-slack's number is less than that.

    Second...Penny will cost a whole lot more than 3 milion next year...more like 8 or 9.

    Third and most importantly, Penny has said repeatedly that he feels he has the stuff to be a starter in this league...does that sound like someone that will accept a backup role? He has the temperament to handle being benched halfway through the season and not bitch about it, but not to readily accept a pre-determined backup role during the offseason. No my friend, the chances of Chad and his 8+ mil cap hit opting to stick around to back up our beloved KC are not good.
  11. winstonbiggs

    winstonbiggs 2008/2009 TGG Bill Parcells "Most Respected" Award

    Jan 20, 2005
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    Pennington is going to make 4.8 Million next year not the 1 to 1.5 we could probably pick up Culpepper for. I would much rather pick up Simms or Grossman both of whom have some upside and bring in a proven QB coach to work with Clemens. I would bet we can get a great QB coach and Grossman or Simms for Chads salary and open up some cap room to bring in a proven guard and tackle.
  12. JetD

    JetD Member

    Jan 7, 2006
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    I'd like to see Chad remain with the Jets. Sure he looked horrible this past year, then it ws Clemens...he looked lost, bad, whatever you wanna say. I dont think you put the blame on either of them. We couldnt run the damn ball, we couldnt throw it downfield........3 and out so many times, it was sickening. We need big time help on our OL......a big time reciever........and a freakin pass rusher PLEASE!!!!!!!
  13. NDmick

    NDmick Revis Christ

    Apr 1, 2007
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    Pennington as a backup and mentor isnt terrible. As long as he's being a great mentor to Kellen 'd keep him and let him help the kid and anyone else coming in.
  14. Penning10toColes

    Penning10toColes Active Member

    Apr 22, 2007
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    My opinion of this depends on the status of Chad's contract...Considering we're going on nothing here, I'm not going to overreact. Or react at all, really.
  15. brothermoose

    brothermoose Well-Known Member

    Feb 3, 2006
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    My by a coupla hundred thousand...Chad's cap number in 2008 will be: 7.8 million dollars per rotoworld.

    That is not the cap number of a disgruntled 2nd string veteran backup/former starter. Suddenly, paying JP Losman's $650,000 doesn't seem like a bad idea. Yeah, you heard it here first...we can get Adam Sandler Jr. for cheap while promising him a chance for the starter job...sounds like the move to me.
  16. wildaces

    wildaces Banned

    Jan 3, 2008
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    We would be better off as a team if we traded Pennington, and picked up Grossman to compete with Clemens. I would love to keep Pennington on as a coach, if he were willing to re-negotiate. You can not take away is game knowledge. I am not sure what the cap penalty would be, but He will not be in green in white next year.
  17. AMJets

    AMJets Well-Known Member

    Dec 3, 2003
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    So we dump our veteran QB that atleast is a smart guy who can manage a game, and pick up another Clemens, who makes way too many mistakes? Ugh.

    Why would a 31 year old Pennington stay as a coach when he could start for a team in 2008?
  18. Murrell2878

    Murrell2878 Lets go JETS!

    Feb 1, 2003
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    Chad will be our starter to open up the 2008 season
  19. GreenMachine


    Sep 9, 2003
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    And you will win the Lotto...
  20. Joe Willie White Shoes

    Joe Willie White Shoes Well-Known Member

    Apr 11, 2003
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    The difference between his salary owed and the cap hit if he is not a Jet is $3 milliion. I'd pay the extra $3 million for Pennington than the extra $1.5-2 million you'd pay for Grossman or Simms or Culpepper. Grossman is a disaster and is no mentor. Simms is finished as an NFL QB. Culpepper would be a malcontent - why is he going to his 4th team in 4 years????? And Pennington said when the season ended that while he wants to start, he could stay with the Jets and would not pull a "Kendall" - his words exactly.

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