"Unbiased" media reporting continues

Discussion in 'New York Jets' started by Yisman, Dec 13, 2007.

  1. APK 8

    APK 8 Well-Known Member

    Aug 27, 2002
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    The media hype for this game has become so out of hand. They are acting like this game has hyper meaning.

    The bottom line is New England will win the game, probably 41-10, and it will be forgotten by next Wednesday. The Patriots have bigger fish to fry in pursuit of their only goal and the Jets will plod along next week against Tennessee.

    The only way this game has historic significance worthy of all this hype is if the margin of victory sets a record or the Jets win the game. Neither is likely. Belicheck is a smart guy. Running up the score only adds fuel to a fire he'd rather just move away from right now. He knows that running up the score could endanger his players now and possibly next season if revenge becomes a factor.
  2. Yisman

    Yisman Newbie

    May 3, 2004
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    it's a joke the way the media loves the Patriots
  3. Yisman

    Yisman Newbie

    May 3, 2004
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    :lol: You're probably right on with this.
  4. jetzIII

    jetzIII New Member

    Aug 14, 2006
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    Boy, how many fights do you think is going to happen at all the pubs this weekend??
  5. Tai Mai Shu

    Tai Mai Shu Banned

    Mar 8, 2007
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    Unlike people on the message board people don't really trash talk to one another in real life. I work in NYC and I go to the bar to watch the PATS game every week. There are many JETS and PATRIOTS fans there. We just watch the game and talk football. Not a single time when I hear anyone mention about spygate or cheating. Not a single time when I hear PATS fans talk trash about the JETS. People seem to be much more nicer in real life than on MB. I don't know...Maybe they act so macho cuz they know nobody can do anything about it.
  6. jetzIII

    jetzIII New Member

    Aug 14, 2006
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    Well, not all true. Usually where I go there is always trash talking that goes on against the Jets and the one's that were doing it is eating the concrete floor by the end of the game. Most Jet fans watch the game and everyone else talks shit against the Jets, that's where it starts, drunking assholes when they don't know when to stop.
  7. Tai Mai Shu

    Tai Mai Shu Banned

    Mar 8, 2007
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    I got to stay away from your bar then. Sounds too dangerous for me.
  8. Barry the Baptist

    Barry the Baptist Hello son, would you like a lolly?

    Dec 12, 2003
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    I don't know where you live but here there are bars that are basically team bars. Jets bars, Steeler bars, Browns bars etc... and most fans of opposing teams don't enter team bars unless they are looking for fights. I've seen more than one opposing fan get mauled when talking trash in a place they shouldn't. One such occasion a phin fan had a few bottles roken over his head while another guy was hitting him in the face.
  9. jetzIII

    jetzIII New Member

    Aug 14, 2006
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    No, but it would be nice to go watch a game with know problems, but there is always 1 asshole that needs to start shit. It's just the media is trying to make this game bigger then it should be, so fans will be all pumped up. Living in FL. got a lot of hee haws that drink to much.
  10. jetzIII

    jetzIII New Member

    Aug 14, 2006
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    True, this is a Jet owned bar..
  11. rillo

    rillo New Member

    Feb 21, 2006
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    Its true...i've stopped going to the bars around my area...got into a huge fight after the playoff game last year. Some people don't know when to stop drinking, and it gets out of hand quickly.
  12. Jetzz

    Jetzz Active Member

    Sep 26, 2002
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    Getting into fights with people over the team you root for is about as childish as it can get. Trash talking or not. I don't mind some good natured ribbing... I get a fair amount of that as it is. Yet, even loud-mouthed assholes really aren't worth the effort in the long run. Just ignore the meatheads.
  13. abyzmul

    abyzmul R.J. MacReady, 21018 Funniest Member Award Winner

    Jan 6, 2003
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    I can't believe anyone is trying to dissect something the fuckhead media does. Every single word they write is meant to evoke some reaction that will get people to keep reading. They want something big to happen, so they write that something big is going to happen. They want Pats fans to be pissed off, so they write that the Jets snitched. They want the Jets fans to be pissed off so they write that the Pats are going to try to embarrass the Jets, and they imply that the Jets cheated too.

    You want to analyze the press? Here's my analysis:

    They're all shitheads.
    #53 abyzmul, Dec 13, 2007
    Last edited: Dec 13, 2007
  14. AlioTheFool

    AlioTheFool Spiveymaniac

    Sep 27, 2005
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    Profound in its simplicity.
  15. Warrior

    Warrior Member

    Aug 27, 2002
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    Bottom line - if BB was not successful, ie. the Pats were floundering without any SBs BB would have been fired for what he did. The only reason BB is tolerated is because he wins football games - how he goes about doing it is irrelevant and those who benefit from his success will continue to rationalize and make excuses for the man. It's human nature.

    BB will go down in the end as the greatest NFL headcoach ever - a far cry of his character as a person. The media has given this guy a free ride regarding his life outside football where he is a mserable failure and person. Personally I wouldn't want to be associated with him - to paraphrase Curtis Martin: Because of the character and quality of people around me I would rather be a lifelong Jets without a SB than anyplace else. You can have BB - in my book winning at any cost isn't the end all.
  16. mgjetman

    mgjetman New Member

    Apr 15, 2004
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    Far as im concerened Bellychump is still the biggest cheater in the league just because he doesn't use the tape that instant. We play them twice a year and I doubt we change the signals that often.
    Not to mention the patsies have been known for jamming radio signals to the QB on the opposing teams at oppertunity times.and don't it seem kind of funny that the whole case was closed and the tapes were burned in like 3 days?

    All I can say is let it snow let it snow let it snow. and if you don't think the patsies aren't gonna play their hardest just because you didn't talk no shit this week you are mistaken so f--k the Patsies. Come on Manginni have some hair on your ass and guarantee not to get beat by this 27 point spread.
  17. puffyme

    puffyme New Member

    Dec 31, 2006
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    How many of the great coaches are great human beings? I think most of the greats are rotten people but great coaches. Parcells leaps to mind, Lombardi. Paul Brown ect.
  18. Scikotic

    Scikotic Banned

    Jul 15, 2005
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    Trust me, with all the Bullshit that has been published this week by the Media, and all the blowjobs that have been given to the Patsies by ESPN, Peter King, Gregg Doyle, and any former player or NFL Analyst...If anyone, ANYONE is fired up this week, It will be the Jets.
  19. macbk

    macbk Well-Known Member

    Aug 23, 2004
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    I like all of this negative talk about the Jets. It's something that could, and should, be getting our boys hyped up for the game to take out their aggression and play their hearts out on Sunday.

    Man, if we win on Sunday.....
  20. Warrior

    Warrior Member

    Aug 27, 2002
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    I'm not sure Brown and Lombardi were rotten people. Lombardi I know was a strong family man and a devout Catholic. I don't know too much about Brown. Call me nieve, but I believe people like Brown and Lombardi had too much respect for the game and the league and certainly wouldn't have spit in their face after being warned by the league about previous illicit behavior. Belichick has no respect for the league - he is above it all - it's all about him. I've attached a previous assessment about boy wonder I wrote awhile back.

    In medicine, they teach you when diagnosing a problem to look for consistencies in the history and to look for ONE diagnoses to explain the problem. The vast majority of problems are usually caused by a single factor.

    The problem: Bill Belichick. Talk radio, the press and message boards have spent countless hours attempting to understand and rationalize his actions. They are looking for a logical explanation and none will be found.

    The history: poor relationships, detached isolating self absorption, arrogance. In Cleveland, BECAUSE of his lack of success these character traits were viewed as loathsome. In New England, he learned in a calculating way to improve his public relations, but more importantly he became a winner and his followers will thrust themseves on their swords to protect him at all costs ignoring or refusing to acknowledge his character flaws. The man's character has not changed since Cleveland, but he became a winner - that is the only difference.

    Bill Belichick has many of the classic traits of a narcissistic personality disorder. You can look it up on the internet for details - suffice to say it's a disorder of extremes : self importance,arrogance,"the world revolves around me", deflects blame or responsibilty by rationalization, etc. He may not fit all the traits, but it is a very good fit. You can throw in a flat affect and paranoia which crosses over to some other disorders, but will leave it at that.

    People like this can function in certain situations. These people generally are highly intelligent ( I bet BB's IQ is off the charts) and can rise to positions of leadership. Many world leaders and conquerers no doubt had or have elements of narcissism. They can be charismatic and develop very devout followers particularly if that person brings success to their lives. Their world can crumble very easily which is why these people want and are very controlling. They have tremendous difficulties with other aspects of life outside the world they have created - see BB affair / marriage, etc.

    Back to BB and his videogate issue. We the average joe cannot explain this because we view it from our own experiences and base it on our own innate character traits. That is why there is no logical explanation for his actions because BB exists in his own little delusional fifedom. He has disdain for those who are not part of his world and though intelligent does not understand the seriousness of his actions and thus the rationalization seen in his statement.

    Make no mistake, deep down BB has little remorse for his actions. He has little capacity for remorse because everything he does is internally rationalized as appropriate by his standards. He or somebody may have put certain words in his statement, but the only thing he regrets that this has become an irritant and a distraction. Goodell made a mistake in dealing with BB personally - the loss of $$$ and a draft pick means nothing to BB - coaching and control is everything and thus BB should have been suspended if it were to hurt BB.

    Finally, I would never want to work or follow someone like him - I don't care how many titles he wins. Eric Mangini has more personality and warmth in his fingertip than BB has in his whole body.

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