I wonder what Carr must be thinking when he knows a 44 year old is taking over his job as the starting QB.
Same thing he's thinking every time he walks out the tunnel, "Man, do I suck or what? (pause) Oh well, there's always Atlanta".
Yeah - I remember when there were 112 threads about it here and when EVERYBODY at the stadium stood up an once and started chanting "Sign Carr, Sign Carr, Sign Carr" And there was non stop coverage on every sports talk show and everybody was unified in demanding that we go after Carr. What ever happened with that?
maybe he should try not shaving or cutting his hair again.... it worked so well in Houston... :rofl2:
Seems pretty clear that the beating he took in Houston has made it pretty much impossible for him to stand in a pocket that is breaking down under pressure. I think he had talent, but that's not enough to be an NFL QB.
Carr's head will never be right because of all of the beatings he took in Houston. He had so much potential and he was just put in a very difficult situation when he was drafted by an expansion team. It's a shame that a once young and promising quarterback is now considered a bust.
When were people saying they wanted David Carr? You mean as a first round pick? If you're talking about this past off-season, "a lot of people" is an overstatement. I would have been furious if the Jets signed Carr. Wouldn't every Jet fan have been?
Exactly... The reason why alot of people say that D.Carr was a bust out in Houston was because the lack deph on the Offensive line... Look at the Jets offensive line, do any real Jet fans actually think that D.Carr would be a perfect fit behind this line? I don't think so... If anything he would get beat up more in NY than Houston. Put Carr on a team like the Steelers, Patriots, or Indy and he may have some success... But put him on a team with a below average Offensive line and guess what? He will be the same D.Carr... A player with no confidence who simply plays with the "Happy feet"
I wanted Carr. You rarely have the opportunity to pick up a high pick QB who has not busted out for free. Unfortunately he apparently earned the ticket out of Houston and is damaged goods at this point. A QB who is just gunshy is of no use to an NFL offense because every mistake the team makes is magnified by his faults. That's just the way it is.