More Steelers fans at the Stadium thread

Discussion in 'New York Jets' started by scoochydawg, Nov 18, 2007.

  1. southwestjet

    southwestjet New Member

    Aug 10, 2005
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    I would say the ratio was about 60% Steeler fans and 40% Jet fans. I was buying my overpriced beer before kickoff and the place just echoed with "Here we go Steelers, Here we go...chants." Looked like there was a big ruckus in section 321-322, 15 - 20 security guys.
  2. The Uniform Bomber

    The Uniform Bomber Spivey's Agent

    Jan 22, 2005
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    did anyone notice Baker when he caught the first TD early on?

    i think he put his finger over his mouth as if to silence the crowd...
  3. sect105

    sect105 New Member

    Feb 2, 2006
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    I have missed about 10 games in the last 25 years for various reasons mostly when I was still in College and playing football in the late 80's early 90's. I did not go to the game this week because I was unsure how the weather was going to turn out. At 1-8 I was discouraged that once again I would see a losing game. I felt gulity about not going, but I will live.

    Those who talk about selling tickets, it is pretty hard to get someone to buy them. So many times I have a few extras and usually I have to give them away because no one wants to pay for them for even under face value.

    Being a season ticket holder breaks your heart sometimes. You pay all this money up front and get no return on your investment sometimes when it is week 5 and the season is essentially over.
  4. JIMsection323

    JIMsection323 New Member

    Aug 1, 2007
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    Section 105, thats a good post. Even trying to get rid of the tickets for free sometimes is tough.

    southwest jet i seen that also, i sit in section 323 and i think 2 times guards had to race up there. In fact guards had to race to my section once because some jerk off had his beer muscles on.
    #144 JIMsection323, Nov 20, 2007
    Last edited: Nov 20, 2007
  5. Elvis

    Elvis Member

    Oct 31, 2005
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    I have been attending games for close to 20 years now. Throughout all my years of attending I have always enjoyed watching the Jets at the stadium. Unfortunately our team has had its ups and downs through the years but I still love showing up, watching the game while enduring our pathetic play at times. Some of the guys that I have tailgated with through the years have chose to stay home Sunday and watch the Jets, It does not make them any lesser of a fan to do this. When the time comes that I may feel that I want to watch the games at home, I will give my season tix up for another Jet fan on the waiting list. (This probably will not happen)

    I can not fathom selling my tix on a weekly basis for a number of reasons:
    1. I love to go
    2. My fellow fans
    3. Some idiot losing my rights to the tix. ( this is why the crowd has problems)

    On Sunday I sat with my buddy and his son surrounded by Steeler fans waiving those towels. I just could not believe the number of Jet fans that chose not to attend this or any other game. Why bother having the tickets if you are not going to attend? So what we are 1-8, come to the game, enjoy yourself!!!. We've sucked before and we are going to suck again. The parking at the Meadowlands has sucked since the inception of this stadium long before the Jets started playing here!!!! My point is that it is what you make it. The reason the crowds suck is because season ticket holders do not show up to the games. When our season ticket holders show up in full force(Jaguar playoff game '98), the place shakes!!

    See yas on the 9th and 30th - Lets go Jets
  6. Jetdog

    Jetdog New Member

    Dec 16, 2004
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    I was there and it was a disgrace... but you had to see it coming.. 1-8 versus 7-2... You just have to find humor in it. Guy behind me, Jet fan too..had me chuckling.. After our first score he comments that the score "quieted down the crowd". :)

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