Bt is the only reason to listen to the stephen a smith show, SAS is awful, all he does is yell, BT at least makes valid points, plus BT is a die hard jet fan adn usually knows what he is talking about, while SAS uses whatever BT says to scream about how awful BADWAY was and how the knicks are terrible. theres no reason why colin cowherd ( best sports radio guy out there - bar none) should have his show taken off the new york sports station at 12 when in reality his show goes to 1, the west gets him for the complete three hours, why shouldnt we, but overall i like BT alot, but its tough to take him seriously with SAS's incoherent high pitched yelps in the background.
This may be one of the most concise, truthful and well thought out statements I have ever seen on this site, could not agree more.
I agree with you there. Colin cowherd is the best out there. He knows his stuff and can be very funny as well. We should get his full 3 hrs because there are so may times that he has a guest coming on in the 12 o'clock hour and we miss it to hear SAS scream and yell
have you had a chance to check out the playboy channel. My car is in the shop so I haven't had the opportunity.
I am assuming that you dont listen to espn radio but they always refer to him as BT its his nickname, like russo is the mad dog.
ahh gotcha...i listen to mike and mike but i cant listen until later in the afternoon when that toolbag jock-sniffing michael kay is on
Yea, I cannot stand Micheal Kay. He was blabbing yesterday saying how you will never get a JABE at #29, the Jets got ripped. Now i do agree we could have also gotten a later round pick and that would have been great, but he was making it sound like he has never heard of Tom Brady, Brett Favre, Montana, Curtis Martin, Reed was a 22nd pick. The bottom line is you never know what your going to get in the draft, to say that the Jets will never get a guy of his value at 29 is ridiculous and ignorant. If we get Mangold at 29 and he becomes a HOF, maybe wishful thinking, but it could happen, then what is he going to say. Anyways, BT and Steven A. are cool because they do NY sports instead of the whole country. But Colin is the man, I can listen to him for hours, guy is a dam genius with his analogies.