Matt Leinart's agent expects $30 million guaranteed in his rookie contract. He's telling the Saints or any other possible suitor that they better be ready to pay before selecting him. Alex Smith received $24 million guaranteed in 2005 as the top pick. -OC Register-rotoworld
Rookie contracts are getting completely out of hand. I can't think of many other businesses where a newcomer is given so much more than many established personnel based solely on potential. By all means have a contract that will pay you well if you live up to expectations, but $30 million guaranteed, when you may be an absolute bust, is ridiculous.
I agree about the rookie contracts. THe NFL should follow the NBA in one aspect and that is having a maximum salary for rookies, a set percentage of the cap.
God, did this guy spend the weekend in the bar with Abraham? If he is letting anything leak about cash now, he is already showing signs of being a Ryan Leif-like bust. I would pass on him, just on this principle alone.
i hope this gives us yet another reason to stay away from him.. we cannot afford nor need to draft a QB in THIS YEARS draft... i still dont believe we need to draft super mario since we are going into a 3-4 defense.. my stance is still trade down, get vernon davis and deangelo williams.. then get mangold with the 29th pick...
How do you intend to trade down and get Vernon Davis AND DeAngelo Williams if one of them is not the 29th pick?
That is ludicrous!!! They need to do something about the rookie salaries in the NFL. Man, Manning, who is a stud, just got $34.5 million, and this rookie walks in and hasn't thrown an NFL pass, let alone been successful and wants $30 million? There is something wrong here.
Sweet, I hope his agent and him are dead serious so we DO NOT DRAFT HIM. I swear if we package up our 2 picks to get this soon to be flop...I will seriosuly have to consider changing teams, that stupid decision will haunt the franchise for a long time to come.
This is bogus, please let me see the quotes. The agent has no idea what slot he is going to be selected and that is what dictates the money he receives. Please.... Not to mention he is being represented by Leigh Steinberg one of the best in the business, he is not dumb enough to scare away possible suitors this way.