Wow... Vilma w/ Joe B on the FAN...

Discussion in 'New York Jets' started by Russ Reign, Oct 30, 2007.

  1. Mayday

    Mayday New Member

    Oct 27, 2007
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    I cringed at that a little. But there's a few things that figure into it, I think.

    1. I don't believe they're so dumb as to do it on purpose right now.
    2. They're constructing that big Patriots Place complex right next door. And I think that we might learn sometime down the road this was causing issues.

    I could be wrong, but the Pats weren't scared of the skins. And the timing on doing that with intent would be really bad. I think Bellichick is smarter than that, and I think Kraft is a good enough businessman to discourage shenannigans right now.
  2. Jetcane

    Jetcane New Member

    Aug 4, 2006
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    I believe Vilma is genuinely injured, but dont know the circumstances of the IR move.

    Harris is going to be great in the 3-4. Vilma really needs to get on a team that plays a 4-3.

    Does anyone have a link for the interview? Thanks in advance.
  3. Beamen

    Beamen New Member

    Jun 4, 2003
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    Having a season ending knee injury will not help retain his trade value....

    It will hurt it... Whether or not it's a real serious injury
  4. Miamipuck

    Miamipuck New Member

    Sep 3, 2006
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    LMAO very true..............

    That is very true. However the Pats are taking that to the next level. Their O-line gives Brady all day and Brady is, well, Brady. The funny thing is they are using the running back as parsley. You know just there for show. They just flat out kill other teams passing, even when it is obvious it is coming. To be sure Randy Moss helps tremendously but Wes Welker gets 100 yards per......... a slot WR.

    The only way they get beat this year, is when a team can get a monster pass rush going. Indy has a shot if Dwight Freeney has a monster game. Other than that I can not see any team beating them.
  5. Miamipuck

    Miamipuck New Member

    Sep 3, 2006
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    One last thing on Vilma........................ Someone please answer this question:

    Why on gods green earth would a 1-7 team, IR a healthy player, that is their defensive captain, to preserve trade value?

    That question/statement does not make a lick of sense. He is hurt. The way the info was disseminated was weird but he is hurt.
  6. Hobbes3259

    Hobbes3259 Well-Known Member

    Jan 11, 2005
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    Right 5 on the line Plus a Back, Plus Brady, leaves either 4 in the pattern, or at least 3 if you bring in a TE.

    Now think that thru.... If most teams have MAYBE 2 good and one avg. CB,
    it's just a matter of finding the anticipated matchup.

    IF you take out a TE, and play from a 2 back set, you then have RB's on LBs
    running down the field....

    and so on... Currently, they are operating at a 2 to 1 Pass/Run ratio.

    And its not like its any big secret to get guys open, watch 3 Colts games closely and you'll find about 10 things Tom Moore does, that leaves a certain guy open 90% of the time.

    Never happen that way. They always have more blocking than you do rushing.

    If it were me...I would rush two dlinemen against one side of the line, and bring in more DB's.

    Play one on each side of the field 15 yards out, where Moss cant run past you.

    Match up Welker and Moss one on one (Effectively double covering them since you are playing a zone/man combo..), and scatter the remaining 5 players between delayed blitz and underneath zone coverage.

    Even if they manage to keep playing you are funneling everything underneath, taking air out of the ball, and lowering the score.

    If you can manage to run it against them, and keep their Offense off the field,
    you can come away with a shot late.
  7. UncleTomNYJ

    UncleTomNYJ Active Member

    Mar 1, 2006
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    WOW.... I find it absolutely amazing that you and many other fans have completely turned on Mangini. Its pathetic in my opinion. He did hell of coaching job last year. This year we all realize the Jets are team isnt that good and should not have made the playoffs last year. Its going to take time to build and good to great team. A playoff team year in and out.
    Its a joke that you and a lot of other fans are abandoning ship. Jet Fans are so fickle at times.
    #67 UncleTomNYJ, Oct 30, 2007
    Last edited: Oct 30, 2007
  8. winstonbiggs

    winstonbiggs 2008/2009 TGG Bill Parcells "Most Respected" Award

    Jan 20, 2005
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    If you had a handshake deal in place for a trade with a handshake deal in place for a renegiotated long term deal for Vilma based on shutting him down and all parties could be trusted not to leak it, or tell their spouses, and the league and the Players assosciation went along with it. It makes perfect sense.
  9. Jetcane

    Jetcane New Member

    Aug 4, 2006
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    How has he done this year?
  10. tcrock

    tcrock Well-Known Member

    Sep 8, 2003
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    maybe because he's playing like crap, not getting along with the coach, they are 1-7.......and they want to get rid of him, he's not a fit for the 3-4, and each game he plays where he gets 2 or 3 tackles and does little else potentially hurts his value.....

    I think he's injured, but the coy crap that both he and the organization are playing makes me wonder
  11. AlioTheFool

    AlioTheFool Spiveymaniac

    Sep 27, 2005
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    He's not a Jets' fan.
  12. baamf

    baamf Active Member

    Apr 5, 2004
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    #72 baamf, Oct 30, 2007
    Last edited: Oct 30, 2007
  13. Jetcane

    Jetcane New Member

    Aug 4, 2006
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    thanks for the heads up

    No one has a link for the interview?
  14. baamf

    baamf Active Member

    Apr 5, 2004
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    Which interview are you looking for. I just posted the Vilma interview with reporters just above this. For his talk with Joe B, just go to and scroll down to the Joe show...
  15. Jetcane

    Jetcane New Member

    Aug 4, 2006
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    Thanks. I'll check it out.
  16. Br4d

    Br4d 2018 Weeb Ewbank Award

    Apr 22, 2004
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    To all the people who think there's a conspiracy regarding Vilma getting IR'd:

    Mangini would get fired right away if the Jets got caught doing that because they'd lose at least a pick in terms of punishment and it'd also play right into the NFLPA's hands with a nasty grievance against the Jets and likely restrictions on their future IR activities, like an independent union MD's assessment before IR. Think about it.

    On the people who are wondering why Vilma won't talk about his injury:

    Because it would depress his trade value and his future earnings potential if the injury is confirmed to be serious and it might cause huge problems under scenario 1 above if it's not. Vilma has nothing to gain and everything to lose if he discusses the injury in any detail so he's clamming up. Smart move.
  17. Jetcane

    Jetcane New Member

    Aug 4, 2006
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    Yes, he did.

    I just listened to the interview, and came away with a very different impression from what some of the posters here described. If you listen to his answers, you'll see

    -it was not so combative as much as it them was probing for answers

    -his take on Harris having a great game was very positive, and they did not throw it in his face that harris had a better game than he had in three years (gawd, do people like to make sh1t up or what!)

    -he explained why he denied being injured last week

    -he explained the process involved in him getting put on the IR

    -he was definitely hesitant on the Clemens for CP move, and would not say what Pennington said to him on the sidelines when he came out of the game.

    -he cleared up the confusion of why he was taken out of the game last week

    Excellent interview to hear, though you really have to listen to what HE said, and not be caught up in the typical media inflammatory questions they were asking him.

    As far as him saying he will be on the Jets next year, I think that may be BS, but if he said he definitely wants out, it would just lower his trade value even more, and lose some of the leverage the Jets mght have.

    Thanks for the info, Bamff
  18. AlioTheFool

    AlioTheFool Spiveymaniac

    Sep 27, 2005
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    Cool. Maybe I'll check this out later on tonight. Thanks for the post!
  19. JetBlue

    JetBlue Well-Known Member

    Nov 24, 2004
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    nonsense. I am sure the players don't kill themselves in training camp and practice just to not care come gametime. the difference is players are in control of the outcome of games, thus they approach disappointment in a different manner than fans who can only be emotional about it because they are nothing more than emotional spectators.
  20. Miamipuck

    Miamipuck New Member

    Sep 3, 2006
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    OMG ,yes, I can see now how putting Vilma on IR to preserve trade is a viable theory. Thank you, inciteful as ever Winston! :smile:

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