Ramsey / Pennington

Discussion in 'New York Jets' started by EvilClownFace, Mar 22, 2006.

  1. EvilClownFace

    EvilClownFace New Member

    Mar 2, 2006
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    I truely believe that Patrick Ramsey will be our starting QB come season's end.

    Now before anyone bashes me, just hear me out....(or read me out)

    As much as I would like to believe that Pennington can pull a Superman, and fully recover from two shoulder injuries, I simply can not buy into that.

    The guy has all the heart in the world, and I know he believes he can come back and be the same QB he once was, but IMO it's just not realistic.

    He's not the popular choice, but I think in Patrick Ramsey we've got ourselves a good QB with a huge upside.

    For starters, the guy has a great arm, and is just as fiery as Chad (he will be a good leader). I can't help but think of opening day a few years back when the Jets played the Skins in the Thursday night matchup. At that point, he had his whole career in front of him, and was just excited to be on the field. The kid scrambled when he had too, made smart decisions (in a Steve Spurrier offense), and was NOT afraid to stand in the pocket and take a hit.

    In short, I saw a talented young QB (that needed some polish), but had the right attitude, and all the tools to take his game to the next level.

    Ramsey simply never had a real chance to develop.

    You have to throw out the Spurrier years (as far as his development goes). Spurrier was completely lost in the NFL.

    The Gibbs years are a whole different story. Yes, Gibbs gave him an opportunity to start, but there was never really a learning curve. First of all he had to learn a new offense, and pretty much got yanked because his numbers were not stellar. Brunell came in and put up slightly similar numbers (actually threw for fewer yards, had a much lower completion percentage, and threw fewer TDs) in more games.

    Yes, I know Ramsey threw a lot of ints that year (11). But he has more TD passes than interceptions in his short career. In fact, 2004 is the only time in his limited play that he threw more ints than TD's.

    In 2003 he saw his most extensive playing time (11 starts). He completed 53% of his passes, for 2166 yards 14 TD's and 9 picks. 75.8 percent QB rating. 34 of those passes were over 30 yards, 3 were over 40 yards. Not bad numbers by any means for a second year QB (who only saw 5 starts his rookie year).

    Keep in mind, the guy was running Spurrier's offense, had a suspect offensive line, and was getting absolutely destroyed (sacked 30 times in 11 games).

    I truely believe Gibbs wanted to come in, and have a veteran QB lead his team from the start. He's a legendary coach who did not want his legacy tarnished. IMO, coming in and grooming a young QB was no where on his immediate agenda.

    He couldn't pull Ramsey right away (because if Brunell started off the bat, and did a bad job, people would have said "the game has passed Gibbs by. He should've given Ramsey a chance"), so he started him for a while. When he made the change to Brunell, he really had nothing to lose. Ramsey wasn't exactly tearing it up (wasn't doing bad by any means either), and if Brunell didn't look completely horrible, no one could question him.

    He then begins to "Phase" Ramsey out. Campbell is drafted (a young guy who Mark could take under his wing), and names Brunell the starter. Ramsey was not content with riding the bench, and (IMO rightfully so) was shocked that he was pulled so quickly in the first place. The way I see it, Gibbs pretty much gave a "rookie" QB 7 starts, and decided that was enough. I consider Ramsey a rookie in Gibbs' inaugural year because it was his first season in a real NFL system.

    With that said, I believe Schottenheimer will play to Ramsey's strengths, develop him the right way, and Patrick will flourish with the Jets. Anything he does wrong can be corrected with good coaching (holding onto the ball too long etc.) Do I think he'll be John Elway? Of course not. Do I think he'll be effective and move the chains? Absolutely. We will see that same fire in his eyes that we all saw in Chad when he came out to take the field, and this kid will win some games for us.

    Also, he's familiar with Coles (and vice versa). That's a big plus in my book.

    I've said it before. no one here can convince me that anyone in this draft (maybe Lienart), or even the great Matt Schuab will become a better QB than Patrick Ramsey. I think we've definately got a guy on our roster that can end all questions about the QB position.

    And the best part about all this, we got him for a 6th rounder!! :up:
    #1 EvilClownFace, Mar 22, 2006
    Last edited: Mar 22, 2006
  2. Martin&theJETS

    Martin&theJETS Well-Known Member

    Feb 26, 2006
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    I say we start Ramsey opening day just to give pennington his focuse just in case he is not ready. But they will make the discison who is the starter in training camp. But if Ramsey just sucks really bad on opening day "wicht wont happen" then we give penny a shot
  3. ColezDeep!

    ColezDeep! New Member

    Mar 6, 2006
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    I'm pretty sure Ramsey is going to start this year...as much as I hope Pennington is ready

    NOVAJET "2020 TGG Fantasy Football Champ"

    Jun 2, 2003
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    Being from the DC area I have honestly seen EVERY game Ramsey started. Everyone I know is a skins fan. If Ramsey starts day one on my nuts I swear our season will be over before it starts. Solid #2 NEVER a #1
  5. GeshJet

    GeshJet Active Member

    Apr 26, 2003
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    Exactly my sentiments. I've seen all Ramsey's games; he's no starter but would be OK in spot duty and to fill in short term (a game or two) for injuries. Got to be Chad if he's healthy enough to play.
  6. EvilClownFace

    EvilClownFace New Member

    Mar 2, 2006
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    Like I said though, the guy never really had a chance to truely develop.

    With the right coaching I think he can be an efficient QB. Yes he made some mistakes when he played, but half the time the guy was running for his life.
  7. hydro51

    hydro51 New Member

    Mar 4, 2005
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    i believe ramsey is gonna start by Default.. chad isnt coming back.
  8. ny2dave

    ny2dave New Member

    Jan 2, 2006
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    Let 'em fight it out in camp

    I do hope Ramsey wins.
  9. yanks9596

    yanks9596 Well-Known Member

    Mar 7, 2006
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    Ramsey is it right now. Bollinger will be the backup. CHAD IS FINISHED.
  10. EvilClownFace

    EvilClownFace New Member

    Mar 2, 2006
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  11. Ryan

    Ryan Banned

    Mar 3, 2006
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    I think Penny will stay at first unless he gets hurt (which has great odds ). besides that, hes a pretty good qb, better than ramsey i think.
  12. cowboyup

    cowboyup New Member

    Mar 10, 2006
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    I think if you really study that video you will notice that almost every throw you saw demonstrated his arm strengh. Notice how many of the throws were put in very tight spaces.
  13. WayneChrebet

    WayneChrebet New Member

    Feb 7, 2006
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    I like Pennington more, but think Ramsey will be a good player for Chad to compete with.

    USAFJETSFAN New Member

    Jan 13, 2006
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    If Ramsey is QB we had better beef up that line. He took a beating in

    Washington 75 sacks in 34 games ..he had absolutely no pass protection and

    non-existent running game til 04 (Portis)...Not to mention His recievers were

    Coles and Gardner not exactly elite..I am glad we got this guy and for

    cheap..I would love to see my man Chad come back and make doubters out

    of all of us. If not I think Ramsey could be a decent QB in the NFL..
  15. 28rogerblaze51

    28rogerblaze51 New Member

    Mar 27, 2005
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    I agree with evilclownface, those are my thoughts exactly and been saying that for a while now. Good shit clown face. :beer:

    All you haters, dont know how it is too be gibbs neither do i, but having such a resume and then coming into a league to try to develop another QB is too much for the old man who has been out of football for a while. He really didnt want the media or fans to start saying he was done.

    He started brunell because he was a veteran and has been on the playoffs, and if he did mess up gibbs can always blame it on brunell.

    He never gave ramsey a shot.
  16. NYJalltheway

    NYJalltheway Well-Known Member

    Aug 12, 2004
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    while looking at your sig, i must laugh and tell you

    download "down with the sickness" by richard cheese:grin:
  17. NYJalltheway

    NYJalltheway Well-Known Member

    Aug 12, 2004
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    while you make good points, you do realize that we're not in much better shape than that anyways right?
  18. discostu570

    discostu570 Active Member

    Mar 5, 2003
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    Which is why he drafted Jason Campbell in the first round a year ago.

    Wait, what?
  19. 28rogerblaze51

    28rogerblaze51 New Member

    Mar 27, 2005
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    ^they did draft campbell but why he signed brunell and gave him a big contract?

    Ummm.... Who?

    Gibbs is probably thinking of leaving the redskins after brunell is done, or maybe even before, gibbs retired for a reason.

    Campbell will take the reigns after gibbs is gone, and brunell really is not a QB you want to emulate. But i guess gibbs gut feelings dont work anymore.

    Thats why he signed brunell. Because he can just blame it on him. And leave the organization on a good note.
    #19 28rogerblaze51, Mar 23, 2006
    Last edited: Mar 23, 2006
  20. Twombles

    Twombles Active Member

    Nov 6, 2005
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    Ramsey is accurate and Pennington cant throw deep. I think that theyll kinda share passes until one of the will become starter and the other will get traded in future. Pennington (im sorry to say it) is not ever going to play like the young carson palmer he was a couple of years ago. I think that Ramsey will take it on until we draft or built up a franchise qb.

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