Pathetic - Something Has to Change!

Discussion in 'New York Jets' started by DeathByJets, Sep 30, 2007.

  1. DeathByJets

    DeathByJets Well-Known Member

    Sep 25, 2005
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    I have not been "rah rah" on Chad...more just sitting back and giving him a chance. There is virtually no chance though that Mangini benches Pennington. I didn't hear the post-game press conference, but I guarantee there was plenty of the following:

    - I like some of the things Chad did out there.
    - I thought our team did a good job fighting until the end.
    - This is a process, and we just need to evaluate the tape and see where we can make adjustments.

    One of Mangini's strengths is that he is analytical and keeps an even keel. However, I think it can also be a weakness. He needs to light these guys up this week. He also needs to walk the walk, when it comes to playing the guys with the best chance to win.

    The smart money though is that we will see the same lineup out there next week against the Giants.

    I could not be more down on these guys than I am right now.
  2. Jollygreenjet

    Jollygreenjet Moderator

    Aug 28, 2002
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    I'm ready to see what our future QB can bring to the table. My grandmother in her wheelchair could jump a route and intercept a Penny pass and take it to the house. Time to look at the future, this team is going nowhere this year. The D looks like they are more concerned with stripping the ball on every play, meanwhile the opposing offensive player muscles for 3-5 yards extra on those plays. We have a non existing pass rush. Many weak ares.
  3. mr nyjet

    mr nyjet Well-Known Member

    Aug 29, 2002
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    if only you were right......:lol:

    we are still going to see a 3-4 and noodle arm....after the bye week, when we're way out of it, maybe the genius will finally wake up and make changes..:mad:

    wonder if the vikes would send back bolly for noodle arm......:breakdance:
  4. Cman69

    Cman69 The Dark Admin, 2018 BEST Darksider Poster

    Aug 28, 2002
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    Mangini, being risk adverse, will trot this same set of underachievers out there next week for your enjoyment but Wait, there's more....

    Not only do you get to see more Dink, Dunk and punt, but you'll get to hear blame deflection and of course, the always tepid responses from a HC that still hasn't removed his BB training bra.

    The more I see of this HC, the less I like...
  5. Willie WhiteShoes

    Willie WhiteShoes New Member

    Oct 4, 2005
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    They must teach arm tackling in camp they do it so much. I am starting to really hate this team - almost to the point where I am happy they lose just to see them suffer as much as I have - sort'a sadomasochist like.
  6. MSUJet85


    Sep 22, 2004
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    On defense I have been saying this for weeks now that we lack talent, as for Penny, pillow throws and stagnant offense annoys me
  7. ollie

    ollie Right Wing NutJob

    Nov 2, 2003
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    I'm not ready to go over yet but I'm close...

    I didn't realize the power of the dark side... one more week of this and I won't be able to control my anger... the dark side will take over
  8. Cakes

    Cakes Mr. Knowledge 2010

    May 20, 2003
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    The lack of proper form tackling is a problem throughout the league. Tackling has gotten particularly bad the past dozen or so years. This is in large part due to the babying of players in training camp and practice.

    The Jets do seem to be one of the biggest offenders, though.
  9. Mr. green T

    Mr. green T New Member

    Sep 9, 2007
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    Mangini! Grow a f**kin' set of testicles! If i want Herm, i'll watch Kansas City.
  10. GreenHornet

    GreenHornet New Member

    Oct 3, 2005
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    Well, I was poing to post my own thread, but this will suffice. If we keep going the way we are going or the lack there of, we are in for a falloff year. 7 wins; at at the max 8 wins, with 6 wins or lower not completely out of play.

    The defens is pathetic; we have no push rush at all. DRob is getting pushed all over the middle and teams are able to run against us because they know they can.

    Kerry Rhodes' rookie year was infinitely better than Revis's has been thus far.
    The only difference is that Revis has cost us and is costing us a hell of a lot more.

    Justin McCareins; another falloff year. He had an uptick alast year, but this guy must be unloaded at all costs when the season is over; if not sooner. He just does not fight for the ball. He lacks motivation. His pass catching abilities have taken a down turn once again.

    D'Brick has not had a good season thus far at all. He did better his rookie year.

    Chad - well OMG, I never thought I would ever say this, but I agree; we will never, I mean, never, win a Super Bowl with him as our QB. As said by others; if you can;t stretch the field than opposing defenses will own you more often than not. Chad made some great throws today, but he also made quite a few absolutely shitty throws with nothing on them. And now, what is coming more in play is, he is making some really bad decisions. The last intercetion he threw was pathetic. You do not even make that throw unless you know for certain that it is there. Even though Nugent may have missed and it was probably testing his range, youo have to at least give the guy a chance to make the kick - do or die.

    Our offense completely sucked today; infact, the whole team, with the exception of a few players, sucked today.

    It is getting hard to watch. We should have easily beaten the Bills today if we are a playoff caliber team. So, even though the season is not over by any means, I do not think we are worthy of the playoffs this year.

    This year, in sharp contrast to last year, I do not see the team improving week to week. We are in a quagmire.

    I think we should bench Chad along with a few other players, too.

    As a totally off the charts addicted fan, I am very unhappy. A sat through countless bullshit posts in the off-deason looking forward to this season with promise only to see it in flames already. We have already lost 3 games; 4 more and we are home for the holidays. That means we go 9-3 from here - no f'in way.

    This is our falloff year.
  11. MSUJet85


    Sep 22, 2004
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    When the QB has hours to throw, no DB is going to look good. I will say that right now Revis is already our best CB
  12. sec314

    sec314 Well-Known Member

    Apr 7, 2006
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    Great post DBJ. I could not have describe the "State of jets" any better. I turned to the dark side in the pre-season after I saw that Chad's arm was not better then last year. Intagibles do not replace a weak arm. Defenses have no respect for our QB and its killing us. God, do you guys remember those rockets Clemens was throwing in the 4th qtr. Did you see that today when we were dwon by 10.... no, it was dink and dunk. Forget how our defense played we gave up 17 points on the road which should be good enough to win a game. Our QB needed to carry us today and failed once again.
  13. VickBlows

    VickBlows Active Member

    Oct 17, 2004
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    Manballboy - sucks
    Chad - Sucks
    Defense - Sucks
    Gameplan - Sucks
    Schedule - Sucks
    Playing at vaGiants Stadium - Sucks
    3 - 4 - Sucks
    Flag girls - Wouldn't mind if they sucked

    Where should we start?
  14. DeathByJets

    DeathByJets Well-Known Member

    Sep 25, 2005
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    Hey guys,

    Glad the original post struck a chord. Although in re-reading it, I must have been so angry, I didn't proof-read it. It is littered with typos....I even listed our final record as 6-9 (somehow I lost a game:eek:hmy:). My apologies for the sloppy writing.

    As I read through the responses here and the other threads I am reminded of the final days of Herm. It is hard to think of a time when Jet Nation is down as it is right now. I feel like we are on the Titanic. At first, just a few people recognized the seriousness of the situation. Now, panic has gripped the ship and people are starting to realize we aren't going to be rescued.

    Damn, this sucks.

  15. hendersg

    hendersg New Member

    Sep 29, 2003
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    I think you summed it up pretty good. We are looking at a 6-10, maybe worse season. The wrong defensive scheme, with the wrong players and wrong Defensive Coordinator. Pennington's a nice guy, with a nice comeback story, but I'm starting to get sick of hearing that great game mgmt bullshit. He's limited and we have no veritcal passing game to stretch a defense and we NEVER will until we start Clemens.
  16. duketogo

    duketogo New Member

    Nov 14, 2004
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    I agree with the original post. You know something is wrong when you pay for NFL Sunday ticket, and spend more time watching other games rather than jets games.
  17. mr nyjet

    mr nyjet Well-Known Member

    Aug 29, 2002
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    :shit: the perfect description of the offense , which HAS to be limited because of noodle arm.:sad:
  18. Lake

    Lake New Member

    Dec 26, 2004
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    I was there today, and I've never been as disappointed in Chad as I was today. I am a proud sunshiner, and have felt like Chad's gotten a bad rap around here. After seeing him live, I'm ready for the change.

    The guys I sat near kept asking why the Jets don't stretch the field, why everything's a screen or a dink in the middle of the field, why they never throw a 15-yard sideline out.

    I had stayed quiet the whole game; I wasn't about to get beer dumped all over me by a bunch of fat, knuckle-dragging douchewhistles just because I like the other team. Finally, I gave them the answer I never wanted to give; "Because Chad can't make the throw".

    I'm sick of soft. I'm sick of the soft passes and the soft secondary coverage. The Jets play like a bunch of lambs. At this point, I'd be hapy if they played like Lions, let alone lions.
  19. Gloom N Doom

    Gloom N Doom Member

    Sep 23, 2007
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    Anyone projecting 6-10 at this point is still being generous. After today's showing, 3-13 looks more likely.

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