i can not get Sopcast...i'm thinking if somebody that gets the sopcast and is going to watch through VLC , they have to copy and paste the url into vlc .....maybe they can paste thate url here...ican copy it into my vlc on mac...i need help from you window guys:grin: maybe it will work
rofl....thats where i'm looking 2 get some info on this....its a preseason game maybe they'll get it right for the season...cuz like i said before i've watch many games using this method....dont know whats goin on 2nite....SUCKS BIG TIME!!!
the nfl newtwork is showing the game tonight at midnight, i dunno if som1 already posted it but im ganna go out, get drunk then watch the jets beat some ass
thanks for the link....i thought the nfl had a monopoly on streaming games...will this last all season?:jets: it's even playing commercials
yeah, me too, there?s just too much stuff around. usually everyone ignores colorfull bannerd like that:wink:
easy get a sling box and connect it to your parents direct tv and you will be able to watch all your hometown stations via the internet on you pc
got it to work in TVants....but not sopcast. u gotta download TVants player tvants://list.tvants.com/tvants/?k=de6c74549142d222d52af49df4491b9f
yea im trying the tvants too...but im getting a blank screen now (might be because its halftime, and the buffer is only getting to 53%
it?s working good for me, also worked during halftime try closing TVants, then copy+paste the link to your browser