ok - they mention in the article on the Jets site that it's current and former Jets players so it's possible it is Blaylock. He has the same receding hairline and funny shaped head.
That article on Lupus on the website uses pictures from last year's walk, not this year's walk. Looks like it's Coleman, but it's definitely not Blaylock (gone from team).
I think you are talking about different people. WhiteShoeWillie was talking about the guy on the far right, which does look like Blaylock, but i think its Cotch Jtrain, Gus, AnyGivenSunday are talking about the guy over Mangini's shoulder and while we're at it, who is the butterball on the left? Schlegel?
I am almost 100% sure that is Drew Coleman. And DWalsh, everybody was talking about the same person. The guy on the very right, who you said was blaylock, is definitely Cotchery. And yes that "butterball" on the left is Schlegel.
OK , for the extra point , who does the #1 haircut belong to over Manginis' right shoulder? (I do know the answear)
Look at this picture and then imagine woody turning to his right and saying. "Go home Shlegel. You suck!"