i dont mind the giants. only thing i hated was get ur own stadium otherwise i root for a jets giants superbowl
:up: :manning: I wonder how many people on here actually have to deal with Giants fans on a daily basis. They have zero respect for the Jets and their fans while considering this new disaster in the swamps to be there home first since they had the idea in the first place. There is also a class level argument that I find myself constantly engaging in with Giants fans tending to think of themselves as being better educated with higher income then Jets fans, with a couple of "exceptions" here and there. Dolphins fans are bad, but the only way I wouldn't be cheering against the Giants is if they were playing the Patriots...
Because of the hate over both teams , you have to ask which you hate the least , history tells us that the Phins are that team. NYG fans don't come into it , its our conference rivals. Question for you then. You would root for the Phins even though it could mean them pipping us to a PO place? (yeah I know...:lol: ) No brainer
easy question- jets-phins rivalry is legendary- its even got its own article in wikipedia (but i suppose what doesnt these days)
The dolpins are no threat to us and I have to live around and deal with Giant fans who still no realize how overrated their talent is. Giant fans are almost as arrogant as Met fans.
The answer is simple...root for a tie! That way, both teams lose, and you don't have to actually root for anyone! It's the best possible outcome! :breakdance:
I can only assume this means something along the lines of Miami beating us out for the playoffs. With the current state of that team I just don't see them as a threat this year. The Patriots on the other hand look to be reloading and are a legitimate concern therefore I would *gulp* have to hope for a Giants win. It might be a no-brainer if you aren't surrounded by pompous Giant fans. I get the feeling you are the kind of fan who only watches games with fans of the same team as you. It's bliss to just kick back and cheer on the Jets and ignore any negativity from other fans. Sadly for some of us we can't live in shells and have to deal with fans from other teams....
I plan to wear my Green and annoy the hell out of both sets of fans. As A Uk based fan you will know the Jets don't get much love over here. Phins screw them. Giants don't want to know.
Yes yes u r correct . But mexico is close but still not the good ole US of A! So it will be the first regular season game over the pond in Europe !!!Or outside North America!