great job Drew & NYJets38... both of you did great work on those videos It really made me appreciate this last season we had, and get really excited for this upcoming season. Even though a highlight film can make anyone look great, it helped me realize that Pennington isn't that bad, and that he can make a lot of throws.
NYJets38, you made that "Dynasty" Yankee Highlight video too!? Oh man, that video gives me chills every time I watch it. Nice work on them both.
This was great, thanks for doing this, it's great to see support on this level. Pessimistic majority we shall be no more.
What a kickass video. That play action against the Titans was such a sweet thing to see so early in the season from Chad. And its so nice to see how much Coles and Cotch did for this offense, and how Coles played his ass off every game no matter what. It seems like this season was played by like 3 guys...Coles, Cotchery, and Rhodes really carried this team.