You gotta love the TUNA. Like many said already, he brought respectability back to the JETS. That 98 season the jets were being brodcast on televisions across the country giving them great exposure to everyone who was/is a football fan. That was because Parcells has national media appeal and we were winning. Prior to 98, the JETS were not getting much attention out side of the North East markets. Dissapointing the way he left though and the whole BelliF*%# incident.
he did lead us to a great record, and he did bring curtis martin over here.... by the way, when are we gonna see an "opinion poll of jets from yester-years: jerald sowell"?????????
I'm going thumbs up for turning the franchise around and almost making the SB, although he did hose us on the way out of town. Imagine how different history would be if he could have managed the Bellichek succession better. On second thought, try not to think about it.
Its got to be positive. After the Kotite Mess, Parcells was really the only coach who could come in right away and give the Jets immediate respect and a chance. I still hate him for how he left and the way he left the team butlike others said, we wouldnt be where we now without him. Didnt he also get back our current uni's?
Positive. We got from 1-15 to the AFC title game in two years and he set the team up to be a winning one for years afterwards. He restored credibility to the Jets when it semed impossible. Eric Mangini isn't our coach today if not for Bill Parcells.
I agree 100% with all of your points. If not for an untimely fumble by Keith Byers, a single blown assignment by Victor Green, and pretty much the longest on-side kick in history, the Jets not could have but would have won a Super Bowl. I bet you the poll would be a shut-out in Parcells favor right now...... Respectability and more importantly the stabilization of the New York Jets are Parcells greatest attributes
Although I think Bill is losing his edge over the past couple seasons, I think he is one of the best HC's the NFL has ever had. Did anyone get to read the article he wrote for the Harvard Business Review? It was solid. A positive vote for me.
Parcells is the best turnaround coach in NFL history. He took 4 consecutive teams from the doghouse to the playoffs. That's gotta be an NFL record. I was really worried that Miami would hire him after Saban ran away and hid under a pile of coats.
You read my mind SJ. Before I read your post, I went to look up records. In the ten years since BP was named Jets coach they were: 87-73 In the ten years prior to BP's arrival, the Jets were: 54-104 How anyone can have an unfavorable opinion of him is beyond me. DbJ
Favorable. It's not even worth the debate. Took the biggest laughing stock in the NFL by far, and were it not for a case of fumblitis, would have won a championship in only his second year. He'll always be deserving of a favorable opinion here.
it's a mixed bag, he left us w/o finishing the job, he cost us BB, he gave us Groh, he left us in cap hell and was a terrible GM BUT he was the guy who turned us around. yes we had talent but it underachieved badly and he got us to w/in a half of the SB. For that I have a favorable opinion.
How did he cost us BB?? He wanted BB to be the man to take over for him, he left us with the best possible replacement. Belly was the one who screwed us in that situation.
Favorable. Think about where we were before Parcells came in, and how the team has been since. He got this franchise moving in the right direction, and while there may not be many left from his regime, he planted seeds that have helped this team be fairly consistent over the past 10 years.
parcells knew BB had a deal in place w/ Kraft. he made it seem like he was going to stay then resigned a day after the season ended and per his contract BB was elevated to HC. He was trying tos tick it to Kraft and BB also didn't want BP hovering over him as his GM. If BP stepped down and walked away BB would still be our coach.
Alright that's a legit explanation. But to be fair if Parcells' heart wasn't in it, it probably would have cost the team heavily as well. I was comfortable with Groh as head coach too. The big mistake was hiring Edwards who turned the roster upside down afterwards. If we hire another Parcells guy after Groh's departure this team is even better down the stretch and were all thanking BP even more for turning this organization around.
The big mistake was hiring Edwards? He IMPROVED the team from what Groh had eone w/ it. We were as lucky as could be that we won 9 games in 2000, we had 4 wins w/ 3 miracel late comebakcs(down 19-7 w/ 2 mins vs. NE, down 17-6 under 2 mins at TB, down 30-7 in the 4th qtr vs Mia) and a 4th win where we needed a hail mary at the end of the 1st half and a KOR TD against Buf. Herm was not the GM and the roster was virtually the same in 2001 as it was in 2000, it started to change in '02 b/c BP left us in cap hell and we had to let guys go but w/ all the changes we still won the div in '02 then after changes following '03 we made the playoffs again. 3 PO appearances w/ 3 different teams- that's pretty good.