Yup - he was there too. In the early years the owners hired anyone who could win games; they later decided that people didn't want to pay to see black guys play. It took a few decades to change that.
I did learn recently that the song Tainted Love "by" Soft Cell was a cover tune by someone named Gloria Jones.
Today I learned that Linwood Boomer, who played blind Adam on 'Little House on the Prarie' created 'Malcolm in the Middle'.
Today I learned about the Aztec Death Whistle I was also immediately surprised to learn that there isn't already a metal band named Aztec Death Whistle.
Today Learned that Gina Lollobrigida was a prolific photographer, photojournalist, and sculptor. She also ran for Italian Parliament at the age of 95.
TIL that Keith David from John Carpenter's The Thing and They Live was a recurring character on Mr Rogers Neighborhood. I guess I was too young to remember it but I never made the connection. He played a carpenter.
I love Keith David. I already knew this, but I guess I'll put it under today I learned (below). Mr. Rogers says, "It's a beautiful day in the neighborhood" in the opener. Zzzzzt! Wrong! He says, "It's a beautiful day in THIS neighborhood." I bet a bunch of people are contesting this right about now, haha.