Jake Paul is like the millennial version of Andy Kaufman wrestling women and talking shit about women's rights. It's just shock value.
I don't understand how him and his tool brother got rich for being buttholes, but there it is. I don't understand any of it really. I just learned what huk tuah or whatever means. I wish I didn't. I love this country but I hate this country.
The Aaron Rodgers documentary that's coming out. I'm sure I will laugh every step of the way. The timing is impeccable.
Looks like the state of Sinaloa is working on the source material for the next few seasons of Narcos. https://www.yahoo.com/news/life-disappeared-mexican-city-reeling-012047941.html
I decided to give 'Squid Game' a whirl last night. I'm very observant, but this is so blatant it's hilarious. The main kid is explaining the rules in the playground, he gets his white sleeveless shirt practically torn off his body by another kid. The other kid even rips off a piece. The main kid jumps to next space in the sand, yells, "Victory!" His shirt isn't ripped. At all. Two minutes in and I went, "I think I already hate it." That's as far as I got, haha. Edit: There's a second season now, but I might not get past the 2:00 minute warning of potential suck.
Furiosa was a mixed bag for me. They featured Furiosa but somehow never really developed the character that much, outside of the back story. You don't even see Anya Taylor Joy until the second half of the movie. Hemsworth was sometimes really good and disappeared into his role occasionally, but he was so over the top that it got annoying for me. I think the real success was in the cinematography and direction. They were trying to bridge the chasm of differences between the old Mad Max movies and Fury Road, and they did a great job of it. They took the cooler elements from Fury Road and minimized the camp, while also talking a bunch of filming techniques and sound cues and visual cues to really throw back to the original Max Max movies... sometimes really simple stuff like the way they zoom into the instrument panel of a truck to the quirky frame speed they would use in the old movies. Worth a watch.
I'm most of the way through Ripley. I didn't watch the Matt Damon movie or read the book, but it's a really well made series about a genius mastermind who is prone to the dumbest idiot mistakes possible.
'Emilia Perez', hard pass, unless I get hard evidence that it's 'The Producers' with the sound turned off. Did anyone see this supposed pile of cow manure? I am NOT watching it unless someone chimes in that it's so bad it's great. I read that people in Mexico walked out of theatres, hahaha.
I can guarantee everyone that 'Glen or Glenda' kicks this movie in the ass. Jesus God, I love that movie.
It will probably turn into a cult classic, but this movie got absolutely destroyed by almost every critic there is. Sometimes I don't put much stock in that, but trans people hate it, gay people hate it, people of Mexican descent hate it, Mexicans hate it, with the exception of Guillermo del Toro, who called it "beautiful". Maybe he's concussed. The reason I'm laughing about it is because it was vaunted by Hollywood based on agenda, not merit. If it was meant to be a parody, terrific, but I'm gonna say no, it isn't, even sight unseen. For some odd reason people are "offended" for all the right reasons 'Priscilla, Queen of the Desert' was great. Again, 'Glen or Glenda', unintentionally fabulous. This? Big fat no. So supposedly this drug lord who killed a bunch of people in a cartel transitions and then helps victims of people he murdered and then everyone breaks out in song after he has bottom surgery. LMAO. Life is a cabaret, old chum! Not.
I can't believe thats real. Is this sarcastic? 13 oscar nominations by the way, tied for second most all time