Well, it's been another terrible season but, in more cheery news, I'm off work from Friday until the New Year. My wife has given me a copy of your book for my birthday this morning and I very much look forward to reading it.
A belated happy birthday to you! I really hope you enjoy the book and what a thoughtful gift from your wife! I will finish work at 5pm on Friday and be in the pub ten minutes later. And that's me done until after Christmas. I had planned to have this week off as well but I got a huge commission dropped in my lap a few days ago so I'm flat out instead. Stupid work.
Congratulations on your big commission. I plan to read the book next week when I am off work. However, I have read the foreword, and any book that starts with; "David now lives near Chester, in the northwest of England, and remains (against all common sense) a dedicated Jets fan" Means that one can tell immediately it is pitched correctly and will be well written. I have various bottles of bourbon to accompany a couple of days off to read it and am so looking forward to it. Sincere congratulations (especially as a fellow Brit) for having the knowledge, bravery and capability to write the book and publish it. You should be very proud. We have not met, but I am delighted for you. I sincerely hope it makes you decent money and establishes your reputation as an author. What a great way to end the year.
Thank you, I hope you get some pleasure from the book. It’s a shame it isn’t the stirring story of a thrilling Super Bowl run, but what can you do? We’re Jets fans. That kind of thing is for fans of other teams
I mentioned this book briefly to my wife like a month ago (and told her who Kenny Obrien was) … and lo and behold I unwrapped it today! I thought she forgot. I am excited to read your book, Merry Christmas to all Jets fans
I'm halfway right now, I started it yesterday. I'll wait until I'm done before I give a full review, but so far I am very impressed by what a smooth read it is.
I did indeed get the book Just read the bits before the start and got to "if you're reading Woody Johnson" and I thought fuck has he really gone there with SELL THE TEAM but alas it wasn't to be
Gave it to my pops last night... went back over today and he was on the couch reading away..."this is a cool book"
I hope you sold a few over Xmas, I'm loving it so far. Just about done with his college career and then we move on to the Jets stuff.
It's great to hear that people are enjoying the book. A UK podcast has given me another plug as well, which can only help! Hippodrome popdcast
You know, if the whole Brickgate thing had blown up before I published, I might have said that. I'm too nice for my own good.
With the M. I don't think I have met any. Without it, definitely more than half a dozen, starting with my dad!
Really enjoyed the book. It filled in a lot of gaps that 10 year old me had. Although most of my memories were about right, which was nice.