Self-Reflection Time

Discussion in 'New York Jets' started by The_Darksider, Dec 27, 2023.

  1. No Fly Zone

    No Fly Zone Well-Known Member

    Jul 25, 2011
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    I got suckered in because in my first year or so watching sports the Jets won the Super Bowl, the Mets won the World Series and the Knicks won the NBA championship so I was screwed for life by that brief blip in history.

    Even though they only won 1 Superbowl they kept me as a fan in the 70's for some stupid reason. In the 80's they had 2 legit SB teams, they got screwed by Miami watering down the field in '82 (today the NFL would NEVER let that game be played on those field conditions), they got a stupid penalty against the Browns in '86 otherwise I think they beat Denver and go to the SB. Parcells had this team in the AFC Championship game and likely would have gone back the next year if not for Vinny getting hurt. They fielded competitive teams in the 2,000's so they were watchable and went to another 2 AFC Championship games. The last 13 years or so have been awful, every bit as bad as the 70's. I feel like I got satisfaction from competitive teams for all but those 2 decades. I'm not happy with any part of the team from ownership to Front office to coaching to offense. I turned off the fan switch years ago and thankfully the NFL Red Zone lets me watch competitive games all day. I simply can't watch bad teams all game any longer, it doesn't interest me. When they get better I will watch.. for now... Red Zone
  2. ouchy

    ouchy Well-Known Member

    Oct 11, 2007
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    I don't really let the Jets hurt me anymore because I never buy in enough. A big playoff loss would still hurt, but other than that its more frustration. I'm in the show me category now, and until then I don't take us real serious.

    One thing that helps a lot is this forum. Being an out of state fan its good to share in our ineptness with others who get it. I even miss the posters who get mad and leave, even the ones that insult me, because I don't take that to heart either. At the end of the season what I see is a bunch of fellow Jet fans like myself, all in the same place, just going through it in different ways. I go to a lot of team boards and when this place is hopping its probably the best and most insightful community in football. So Noam, NC, Kurt, Brad, and so many others, come on back and argue some more. Many of us still love you, even when there's drama, and in heart were still the same battered Jets family.

    My bigger problem with the team lately is were just so boring. And its been that way for several years now. Watching even average teams seems so much more interesting than us. Were not fun, were not exciting, were not lovable, were just a blob that keeps making appearances. And our owner, FO, and coaching feel like a cast of bad actors performing in the kind of play you leave at intermission. Now its compounded by the announcement that nothing is changing and we can expect the next few years to be more boring fraud. Then after that another, probably incompetent, rebuild. Right now it does leave a sense of hopelessness around our future. And that's our current funk.

    But I love you guys and enjoy reading the stuff you post every morning. Right now the best thing about the Jets are the fans.
  3. Jets OG fan

    Jets OG fan Well-Known Member

    Jun 4, 2022
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    I get it. Rooting for this team can be rough. When Rodgers went down 4 snaps into the season, I almost turned the TV off right then and there. I was contemplating taking the year off or maybe even giving up completely. I just couldn't though.

    No matter how bad it gets, the Jets organization has us glued to it for better or for worse. I don't think it's because we like punishment. Punishment / disappointment just happens much more often.

    The real reason is that deep down inside we all still hold on to that slight glimmer of hope, despite how improbable. We swear that WHEN we win the super bowl, it will all be worth it! But will we?
    #23 Jets OG fan, Dec 28, 2023
    Last edited: Dec 28, 2023
    The_Darksider likes this.
  4. Cman68

    Cman68 The Dark Admin, 2018 BEST Darksider Poster

    Aug 28, 2002
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    My dad took me to the Polo Grounds to see the Titans back in 1960. Took me to Shea to watch the Jets. Always was taught to have a soft spot for underdogs. I haven't always been a Darksider, but the losing seasons took their toll. I went into "show me" mode several seasons ago and all they've shown me was ineptitude and all they told me was rah rah bullshit. They successfully sold me the future until I realized the future ain't coming until the present changes. From that point on, I've had nothing but contempt for Woody Johnson who is ultimately responsible for this shit show. I root for the Jets because like most lottery players, you figure to hit someday. The odds are better to hit Power Ball than the Jets ever becoming a consistent winner as long as the Rich Twit owns the teams and makes the strategic decisions which are 90% wrong.

    That being said, I have zero confidence in Kal El being anything close to the QB he once was. I have zero confidence that Saleh will ever become more than a glorified cheerleading DC. He sucks as a Players' HC and it shows on the field.

    Joe Douglas may have worked with Ozzie Newsome and in the Philly FO but apparently learned NOTHING about roster construction, draft planning, you know, the things GM's are supposed to know how to do. JD is not, nor will he ever be the second coming of Ron Wolf or Lynch or any competent NFL GM. What he is good at, is playing Woody Johnson for a fool by spending Woody's money with no RoI to speak of.

    Woody Johnson can take that stupid fucking necklace and slide it sideways up his crinkly old ass on the 50yd line in MetLifeLess Mausoleum. Fuck him, fuck his brother Christopher and fuck all his hires.

    Lastly, Kal EL.. aka: Aaron Rodgers had better be playing like a fuckin Legend when he gets on the field again. All I've heard is how great Kal El was in the past. He better bring that magic with him in '24 or knowing Jet Fan, he'll be treated far worse than Zach ever was. The Bar is High for Kal EL. Verrrry High. He better not come up short either.
    #24 Cman68, Dec 28, 2023
    Last edited: Dec 28, 2023
    NY Jets68, papapump, SOJAZ and 7 others like this.
  5. GREG

    GREG Well-Known Member

    Jan 9, 2007
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    If there was ever a team that needs to prove on the field to their fans, it's the Jets. They probably will have a good offseason with the draft and FA. The NY media will hype them up again especially with Rodgers healthy. You know how this will go with all of the hype and talk of playoffs and a potential Super Bowl run. I don't care. Show me by winning games starting next September. Win enough of them to either win the division or make it as a WC. Until then I don't want to hear about all of the offseason hype. It means nothing.
    ouchy and jets_fan like this.
  6. Hemi

    Hemi Well-Known Member

    Feb 26, 2007
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    Change the channel. Problem solved.
    SOJAZ likes this.
  7. jets_fan

    jets_fan Well-Known Member

    Oct 9, 2016
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    I think this season I finally took the first step towards distancing myself from this team during the Dolphins blowout a couple of weeks ago. I shut off the game and went to watch a different one. Had never done that before, no matter how bad the team was losing, I always stuck it out. Just couldn't watch anymore.
    And they're going to sell it hard on the Rodgers comeback angle this offseason, how the Jets are signing everyone under the sun to come in and help make a Super Bowl push, and then everyone will be in a fever pitch as Rodgers is introduced to the crowd before out first game, only for us to have to relive this season over yet again.

    This same season is going to happen again next year, just like this year is a quasi-repeat of last year. The real fun will be in trying to figure out what the instigating moment will be for the 2024 collapse.
    SOJAZ, BacktoQueens, papapump and 2 others like this.
  8. mezzavo

    mezzavo Well-Known Member

    Aug 28, 2002
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    I swear to you... If I so much as even hear the WHIFF of any of these dumb ass media people open their yammering skull caves with the words Super Bowl and Jets in any sentence other than players will be in the stands attending...I will figuratively slap the eyes out of their heads and write the nastiest letters to the editor ever constructed. 31 QB's would have to be injured and HALF of their team defenses be on I.R. for the New York Football Jets to even make the playoffs let alone a fuckin' Super Bowl run. So sick of the NY Media hype train. Can't those fuckers actually report on facts or something?

    I don't want to hear ONE single thing about this clown show of a team going anywhere NEAR the Super Bowl. It ain't happening and EVERYONE that isn't the "forever Cheerleader" or "colossally inept GM" knows it. I know it, every poster on this board knows it and 99.9% of the national media knows it. Let's ALL hope that the NY Media figures it out real fast.
    SOJAZ, ouchy, nycarl and 1 other person like this.
  9. LAJet

    LAJet Well-Known Member

    Aug 11, 2003
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    This thread is a great way to end the year for me.

    Perfect question for what turned out to be, IMO, the earliest ever “nail in the coffin” ⚰️ season that started with the highest hopes and expectations in the last ten years. Less than a couple of minutes into the first game, after a massive crescendo on Monday night, in front of the biggest and most supportive crowd you could hope for, the season died with the most gut wrenching, in your face, say good bye you completely hopeless and delusional fans. Your freaking season is over.

    Here is my rear view mirror 2023 perspective:
    1- Both the draft and free agency completely missed the boat to support an “all in win now with AR at the helm”
    2- The offensive talent of this team was massively overestimated by JD and the CS, AR or not.
    3- No plan B at all. Making Zach back up, knowing he was at least a year away to be even considered a starter was sheer incompetence by the leadership
    4- Nothing at all was adjusted offensively when AR went down. Our OC fell off the radar when AR went down. His game plan was low risk, but completely ineffective for a mobile QB that can’t quickly read defenses, behind a miserable OL.
    5- Our defensive minded CS get out coached by good Head Coaches game in and game out, even with better talent.
    6- There is something consistently broken with this organization and starts at the top. All doubt is now gone
    7- Never have I seen this fan base more disgusted with the entire ownership approach to becoming a winner instead of a money making laughing stock
    8- Hope is slowly fading away from all, even the most loyal sun shiners. I’m rapidly moving at the top of that list
    SOJAZ, ouchy, papapump and 1 other person like this.
  10. jetophile

    jetophile Bruce Coslet's Daughter

    Oct 29, 2004
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    Stockholm Syndrome.
    SOJAZ likes this.
  11. onefanjet

    onefanjet Well-Known Member

    May 22, 2005
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    I liken it to my salvation in that as God showers me with grace (undeserved merit, and favor) though I am faulty, flawed and utterly prone to stumbling; so I stand by these New York Jets in all their futility.... #gospel #word #truth ;)
    SOJAZ, ouchy and LAJet like this.
  12. Ralebird

    Ralebird Well-Known Member

    Sep 25, 2012
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    Yawn. Yeah, so what else is new? Yawn.
  13. BacktoQueens

    BacktoQueens Well-Known Member

    Mar 29, 2006
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    The last FO we had that even had a clue how to compete was Tannenbaum.
    His failing at QB is what undid him, but he had a lot right.

    Ultimately this is on cluelessness from ownership, not having a football board overseeing GM, strategic decisions, and an identiity to create consistency.
    No identity at all since Rex/Tanny.
    ouchy and LAJet like this.
  14. JoeWalton

    JoeWalton Well-Known Member

    Jan 9, 2005
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    It's alarming how much the quality of the NFL product has been in decline for decades now. Cannot think of one game this season where both the Jets and their opponent have both played solid fundamental football. Usually either one team or neither team plays well.

    This is to be expected when the spontaneity is removed from the game due to micromanaging for the purpose of squeezing every dollar you can out of the consumer and the betting public. A sure fire way of knowing the results are scripted is when the quality declines. When something is disingenuous and contrived, it takes on the look of an inferior product.
    SOJAZ and mezzavo like this.
  15. maynardsmyhero-uk

    maynardsmyhero-uk Well-Known Member

    Sep 9, 2007
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    This season has benefits first in 30 years where I have zoned out and not stayed up til 4am watching games etc. I feel we are further away than ever with a 40 Yr old returning from an Achilles tear , little cap space for FA and a coaching staff who are dead men walking .

    Having other family commitments such as grandkids mean I have distractions but we simply are an abysmal team to watch and have been for 6 years plus ( I'm being kind to 2012-17)
    ouchy and papapump like this.
  16. JetsUK

    JetsUK Well-Known Member

    Nov 23, 2003
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    I stayed up for the first half but mainly because it was hard to tear your eyes away from the carnage on the field as it was just so pitiful it was funny waiting for the next clown show moment
    ouchy, NY Jets68, papapump and 2 others like this.
  17. stinkyB

    stinkyB 2009 Best Avatar Award Winner

    Aug 28, 2002
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    Vampires don't have a reflection..... and the JETS have been sucking away our souls..
    SOJAZ likes this.
  18. CTJet22

    CTJet22 Active Member

    Nov 20, 2023
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    I don’t know what’s going to go on with my wife, kid, or job. I do know starting September thru the first week of January the Jets will be there for me every Sunday. That kind of consistency is appealing. The dopamine rush from a good game is also addicting the few times it happens.

    This year has been especially awful. Every week it somehow gets worse.
    SOJAZ and ouchy like this.
  19. Jets81

    Jets81 Well-Known Member

    Oct 20, 2003
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    Of all my favorite teams I’ve only seen the Rangers win a championship, then OJ fucking Simpson had to go and steal some of their thunder.

    Still, the Cup Finals were really Rangers vs. Devils for me that year. Best series I’ve ever seen in any sport.
    The_Darksider likes this.
  20. GreenFan15J

    GreenFan15J Well-Known Member

    Jun 20, 2015
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    Watching the Browns game last night made me happy to see Old Joe kick ass…even if it was on our sorry Jets team.

    I’m happy the game was played on a Thursday too so I won’t have to waste time this holiday weekend watching another shitty Jets game.
    SOJAZ likes this.

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