You want to go the SB? Here's how we do it

Discussion in 'Draft' started by Martin is the man, Jan 15, 2007.

  1. Martin is the man

    Feb 5, 2005
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    RB, FB, WR (back up), TE. Guard (both left and right), RT, RE, OLB (rushing OLB), CB, and a guy to kick off

    OF course all of these needs dont need to be filled but this is an easy to draft/sign almost all needs

    Free agency:

    CB: Asante Samuel (Pats) 5 year 43 million dollar deal
    Champ Bailey has a 7 year 63 million dollar a year deal which is worth 9 million dollars a year, Samuels deal will equal 8.6 million dollars a year. Samuel is a tough guy, who Mangini knows he has great cover skills and ball skills, he will help this team greatly. Another possibility could be Nate Clements but I feel Samuel is a better cover corner, less of a tackler but with the great tacklers on the jets a great tackler isnt a major need, plus he is older and probably more expensive

    G: Eric Steinbach (Bangles) 5 year 25 million dollar deal
    Steve Hutchinson signed a 7 year 49 million dollar deal last year worth seven million dollars a year Steinbachs deal is worth 5 million dollars a year but Steinbach is not the player Hutchinson is but he is a great player. Moore has been bad lately he was great when McKenzie was at RT but has been average at best since a lot of blown running plays are his fault. One of the major things that helps an o-line is experience with each other, with the youth of the line getting players who are young that can play together for years to come would be great. He could play LG and more Kendall over to RG where he would retire in a few years.
    Other Possibilities: David Diehl ( Giants- much less of a player than Steinbach but will come cheaper), Vince Manuwai (Jacksonville- same thing but better and more expensive than Diehl), and Kris Dielman (Chargers- best of back up options but it will be hard getting him from the chargers)

    RT: Tony Pashos (Ravens) 4 year 11 million dollar deal
    This deal is worth 2.75 million dollars a year. I have seen him play and was impressed. HE only allowed 2 sacks all season, and he has great size 66 320 and is young will be 27 next year. He allows the line to gain experience with each other. Look at what ravens fans have said about him. Signing he for even a bit more would be worth it. The Ravens have Adam Terry a second round pick just 2 years ago waiting to start so they might be will to let him go.
    Other Possibilities: Anthony Clement (we already have him but hes just average blew a lot of blocks and only has a few years left)

    OLB: Tully Banta-Cain (Pats) 3 year 6 million dollar deal
    This deal is worth 2 million dollars a year. Hobson has been great, against the run, against the pass we could get a lot more. Tully was a major reason the Jets lost their playoff game. He is a developing player and could be a top OLB in the 3-4. Hobson and Tully will split time with Hobson in on rushing situations and Tully in on passing situations. This helps us as a team and helps us but taking a player form the pats.
    Not other possibilities- if we dont get him we dont get an OLB

    Moore and Barrett and a 2008 6th rounder to the Rams for their 3rd round pick (77 overall)
    Both guys have trade value but are expensive so the Jets combine both now backups and a late pick next year and send them to the Rams whos guards are both 37 and 38 they need some youth at guard and their pass defense has been terrible with only 6 picks from corner backs

    Justin McCareins and a 2008 5th rounder to the Raiders for their 4th round pick (97 overall)
    When the coach hates you, you need to go. This is the situation with McCareins. The raiders are likely to get rind of Porter and Moss and have so many needs that they will need to address them in the draft, they may trade for a QB and draft Calvin Johnson 1st overall but they still need another WR.

    Cuts/ let walk:
    Askew, Hodgins, Moore, Riddle, Ryan, Spencer Clement all walk

    Barlow, Blaylock Ramsey all cut


    Dave ball as a back up 2 years 1.25 millions dollars
    Cotchery was already resigned for ?
    Hank Poteat is good on short routes 2 years 1.75 million dollars
    Wade Smith 1 year .5 million dollars
    Bryan Thomas was already resigned fro 5 years 25 millions dollars

    1st round pick (25th overall) Adam Carriker DE 66 295
    Great 3-4 DE, amazing against the run., . With the plethora of great DEs in this draft he should be available at this pick but if he is gone the Jets could look at Mike Bush RB, Brian Leonard FB, or Ray McDonald DE

    2nd round pick (from Washington) Mike Bush RB 63 247
    Great power running back and a change of pace to Washington and be an every down running back. HE should be a 1st rounder but was injured early this season he drops a bit. With the exception of Oakland, Cleveland and maybe the Ravens no teams between the Jets 1st pick and 2nd need a RB and those teams have larger needs than RB, so he should be there. Other picks Brian Leonard FB

    2nd round pick Brian Leonard FB 62 235
    Our full backs provide no blocking help no receiving help and no rushing help Leonard brings all this to the table. With Washington in the backfield teams expect at run to the outside but they must respect the run up the middle with Leonard help Washington to the outside and also giving Chad a bump off target. He should be off the board early but in the second round teams have more needs than a FB, the team that scares me of drafting him are the eagles but they draft after us. ,
    other picks: Kyle Young OL

    3rd round pick (From St. Louis) Kyle Young OL 65 330
    Should be a 1st round pick but was unable to play his senior year due to academic problems couldnt play but he is a great player and has great football intelligence and is a team leader and has great intangibles, should be available at this point. He will back up Kendall until he retires in about 2 years than take over at right guard. ,
    Other picks Josh Beekman (drops for being only 61) G, Ben Grubbs G, Tim Duckworth G

    3rd round pick Joe Newton TE 67 256
    Baker isnt cutting it, also the Jets need a big red zone target because the receivers are pretty small by NFL standard so he gives us size. He is a better receiver than blocker but he can improve. ,
    other picks: Matt Spaeth TE (also 67 but a better blocker but less of a receiver), Rhema McKnight WR

    4th round pick (from Oakland) Rhema McKnight WR 62 212
    He is a great receiver but lacks tools make him elite. He will take over for McCareins and give Pennington an option over the middle. ,
    other picks: David Clowey

    5th round pick Dan Sepulveda Punter 63 230
    We need someone to kick off and Dan has punted the ball up to 78 yards so he has a real powerful leg. The field position will help a lot and he be a holder on field goals because Ghram is real bad at it.

    7th round pick OT
    This team has no other needs at this point to we pick up a guy who will back up Pashos because Jones is not a back up RT

    Depth Chart:
    QB: Pennington, Clemens, Smith
    RB: Bush*, Washington, Hounston
    FB: Leonard *
    WR1: Coles, Smith, Wright
    WR2: Cotchery, McKnight *, Smith
    TE: Backer, Newton *, Dearth
    LT: Ferguson, Jones
    LG: Steinbach *, Wade Smith
    C: Mangold, Young*
    RG: Kendall, Young*
    RT: Pashos *, 7th round OT *
    LE: Ellis, Hamilton
    NT: Robertson Mosley, Pouha
    RE: Carriker *, Ball
    ROLB: Thomas, Chatman
    MLB: Vilma, Kassall
    MLB: Barton, Schlegal
    LOLB: Hobson/Banta-Cain *(splinting time depending on situation)
    CB: Samuel *, Miller, Drew Coleman
    CB: Dyson, Poteat, Drew Coleman
    FS: Rhodes, Washington
    SS: Coleman, Smith
    Punter: Graham
    Kicker: Nugent
    Kick Returner : Miller
    Punt Returner: Washington
    Kick offs: Sepulveda
    Holder: Sepulveda
    Long Snapper: Dearth
  2. jetman8094

    jetman8094 New Member

    Feb 24, 2004
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    if those are our second round picks I would be very happy.
  3. -MC-

    -MC- Active Member

    Nov 24, 2005
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    agree with all of it besides that punter. we can deal with nugents kickoffs, sometimes theyre up in the air so long the returner cant return. and graham missed one snap! hes not real bad at it. we could get line depth with that pick.
  4. Martin is the man

    Feb 5, 2005
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    I agree with you but at this point, in the draft and free agency the team doesn't need many positions and picking him up will only make the team better. D line we have Ball, Hamiltion, Mosely, and Pouha as back ups, and o-line we have jones, Young, Smith and the guy in the 7th. I made this pick because i felt there was no other need but he would help the team greatly and the team has a 55 man roster even with him
  5. vilmas our future51

    vilmas our future51 New Member

    Apr 9, 2006
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    I like where your heads at with bush in the second. I'll take him or Irons in the second only if bush lost some weight b/c then he would be an excellent runningback
    And i love the DE in the first b/c we do need to stop the run tremendously
  6. JetFanInPA

    JetFanInPA Well-Known Member

    Sep 25, 2003
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    It's not bad... I would prefer someone other than Michael Bush though if we went for a RB in the draft.

    Those trades seem a little NBA-like to me, but it could happen. If that was our offseason, I wouldn't be upset though.
  7. Pride

    Pride New Member

    Feb 8, 2006
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    I ask why would you invest a 2nd rounder on a fullback who isnt even a true fullback? Everyone on this site is too in love w/ brian leonard. Other then that I like your thought process. McKinight was nice touch
  8. Bomber

    Bomber New Member

    Aug 30, 2005
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    I agree: the Brian Leonard love fest is going over the top for a player we probably won't pick.
  9. MSUJet85


    Sep 22, 2004
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    I think using a 5th round pick on someone just to do kickoffs and holding is much worse, that pick is horrible and hideous, and as I said in another thread when you get a RB already, the usefulness for a Leonard is much much less, I'd rather just use a 2nd round pick on someone useful and get Graham to do kickoffs if he can, and use the late pick on a FB
  10. Martin is the man

    Feb 5, 2005
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    Did you read the post? I have us drafting Mike Bush and Leonard! And do me a favor with our 5th round pick who would you rather in my off season all starting and back up roles are full by this point and we also have a back up DE in our 7th round draft pick from last year. Leonard can block (I've watched him) unlike our FB he can be a good dump off and keep the d on their heels when Washington is in the game because they must respect Leonard's power up the middle and Washington's speed to the outside. He is more useful and if Leonard is gone in the late second, like he deserves to go, we can just shift my draft up one spot so Young goes in the 2nd, Newton in the early 3rd and McKnight in the 3rd, than draft a pass rusher in the 4th. Feild position is a real important and worth the pick.
  11. MSUJet85


    Sep 22, 2004
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    Yes I read your post, we can get a good blocking FB with a much later pick than 2nd, did you read my post? why get a FB this early, if you were using him as the primary RB that is a different situation, but his use is really limited to just being a FB when you drafted Bush, and as for you saying field position is important, it isn't important enough to waste a 5th round pick on a punter to just kickoff, and it isn't important enough to waste a roster spot for that person, but if you insist on wasting a spot than flip flop the 5th and 7th round selections or select a project player because then at least there is value being taken into consideration
  12. ANJI

    ANJI New Member

    Apr 14, 2006
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    I would agree. THe want for Leonard goes out the window if Bush is picked.

    Only thing I really don't know is if you can trade any of those players for 3rd and 4th round picks. Only player I think could be gone and carrys starters value is Barton and he would probably only net a forth. Don't know about Mccarins, Moore and Barret getting 3/4's, even with future 5th/6th round picks, which have almost zero value.
  13. Martin is the man

    Feb 5, 2005
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    I can argree with what your saying with Leonard's value drops if we get bush but i still feel he could be a huge player for us, i'm not sure how the other full backs are in this draft but i'll take a look for my next draft and consider another option. And if i feel a good blocking FB can be found in the 4th we can shift my draft up like i said before and get yound in the 2nd ect.
    The reason I'm so high on drafting a guy to kick off is i feel the lack of need at other postions, every position has a starter who is 30 or younger or a back up who is young, personally while looking at my depth chart i can't find a place where i feel a need and in that case i feel it is more of a waste of a pick if we draft a project player like or 5th (or 6th) round pick last year the TE who has been a waste. At least the kick off guy has potential.
    sorry if i sounded like a dick before didn't mean it.
  14. Martin is the man

    Feb 5, 2005
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    I feel they could be traded because of the need for these teams, the Rams need a guard because one if not both guards retire this year or next and they must waste a pick on their replacement with a 1st ,2nd ,or 3rd moore can start right away and in that case he carries value. Barret is an extra who could start for them and be productive right away. The rams would drafted a guard in the 3rd anyway or even the second so the way i look at it they draft an older guard (under 26 i think) and get a starting CB at the same time while picking up a pick next year, this way they can use their 1st and 2nd picks on WR's and line backers larger needs for them.
    McCareins for a 4th is another pick due to need of the team. The raiders will probably trade moss for a QB and another pick and release Porter. They will draft Calvin Johnson with their 1st pick with their second pick they will draft a guard tackle or center in the 3rd they will probably draft a RB or maybe even Leonard if he falls, and they are still left with a need. They will onely get a back up or a project player with a 4th round pick in this case the get a starter for now with the trade and a mid rounder next year. It works out when you think of it
  15. BCWhite

    BCWhite New Member

    Jan 1, 2007
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    Well thought out, great points. If this comes even close to happening, I would be more than happy.
  16. Twombles

    Twombles Active Member

    Nov 6, 2005
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    Why would you use a 5th round pick on another punter? Why cant Graham do the kickoffs?
  17. A.C.E.S

    A.C.E.S New Member

    Jan 6, 2007
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    I love everything besides the Brian Leonard pick. I think we could get something better, maybe a WR. I love the FA signings and the trades. I really would not be upset.
  18. Long & Winding Rhode

    Nov 28, 2006
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    We won't use a pick on another kicker/punter. We will either stick w/ Nugent on KOs or use Graham.

    Also, we won't be able to make the trades that you have us making. They just don't happen in the NFL.

    But I do like the way you have the offseason going. I just don't think that we will be as big players in FA as you have us being. I think that we will build through the draft and maybe make 1 or 2 big FAs with more depth signings.

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